Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 10 The Sound Of Nature (Please Vote For Flowers)

Especially before I revealed my pregnancy, I filmed five or six movies in four months.

This is definitely a huge challenge for a new mother.

Later, after giving birth to Nuan Bao, Yang Mi continued to devote herself to work as soon as she was in confinement.

This can ensure that we made 200 million in those two years without falling too far behind the schedule.

As a subordinate and a good best friend, Pang Di really felt sorry for Yang Mi.

That's why she was so angry when she saw that Su Yang was not prepared to take responsibility.

After Fat Di finished speaking, the whole place suddenly became quiet.

Even Luo Qian cast an incredulous look at Fatty.

Looking at the whole world, I'm afraid there won't be anyone else who dares to teach Mr. Su such a lesson.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid he would have disappeared from the world by now.

However, Su Yang did not embarrass Fatty.

After listening to Fat Di's words, Su Yang just frowned, glanced at her lightly, and then said slowly:

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Nuan Bao is my biological daughter and only daughter, Su Yang. When did I say I don't care about her anymore?"

"Didn't you see the toys on the floor? I just bought them for her!"

"From today on, Nuan Bao will live here with me!"

Su Yang never said she didn't care about Nuanbao.

Now that Nuan Bao has come to him, he must raise her well and make Nuan Bao the happiest girl in the world.

He has made so much money, he must have a child of his own to share the results, right?

"Ah? Su Yang, what do you mean? You don't want to compete with me for the custody of Nuanbao, do you?"

"I tell you, this is absolutely impossible, I will not give the warm treasure to you!"

"Even if you are rich, I will never admit defeat."

Hearing Su Yang's words, Yang Mi became nervous.

Nuanbao is her lifeblood, and she will never hand over custody rights.

Even if this person is Nuan Bao's biological father.

"Haha, of course not, who do you think I, Su Yang, am?"

Su Yang sneered and continued:

"The child is still yours. What I mean is that in the future, as long as the child wants, he can come to my place anytime!"

"Everything depends on the child!"

If Su Yang wants to fight for the custody of the child, there is nothing Yang Mi can do to stop it.

He has a hundred ways to easily get custody of his children.

But what happens if you get custody?

Although Nuan Bao seems to have a very close relationship with Su Yang now, once Su Yang forcibly ties Nuan Bao to her side and prevents her from seeing Yang Mi, Nuan Bao will definitely be alienated from him.

Therefore, the best choice is to let your children decide who they want to live with.

"Su Yang, are you telling the truth?"

Hearing Su Yang's words, Yang Mi's eyes also lit up.

If so, that would be great.

She doesn't have to worry about her child's custody being taken away, nor does she have to worry about her child missing his father.

As long as you miss your father, you can send your child here at any time.

"of course it's true!"

"However, I do hope that my child can live here!"

Su Yang paused and then said:

"As you can see, the conditions here are definitely the best in the entire Shanghai region."

"Children can grow better if they live here."

After Su Yang finished speaking, his eyes fell on Nuan Bao.

"Nuanbao, are you willing to live with daddy?"

"Yes! I want to live with daddy!"

Nuan Bao immediately answered in a milky voice.

However, before Su Yang could laugh, Nuan Bao said loudly:

"In addition to me and my father, there is also my mother. Nuanbao wants to live with his parents!"


Fatty beside him couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Sister Mi and Su Yang were tricked by Nuanbao.

Nuanbao is so young, how can she understand why her parents don't live together like other people's parents?

What she thought in her little mind was very simple, that is, her parents should live together.

Therefore, after finding her father, she took it for granted that her parents should live together.

"Nuan Bao, don't make trouble, mom is going home tonight! If you like to stay at dad's place, you can stay at dad's place tonight!"

Yang Mi squatted down and explained patiently.

Although she is no longer a young lady, she is not a casual person after all.

How could you just live in a strange man's house?

That night, it was also due to drunkenness.

Otherwise, even if the other party is rich and handsome, Yang Mi will not hand her over casually.

If she was really such a casual person, she wouldn't have to work so hard in the entertainment industry.

As long as you find a backer, you can get all kinds of resources at your fingertips?

"I don't want it! I want my mother to live in my father's house!"

Nuan Bao's little head shook like a rattle. No matter what Yang Mi said, she strongly demanded that Yang Mi also live here in Su Yang.

"My uncle and uncle's brothers and sisters' parents all live together. Why can't Nuanbao's parents live together?"

As Nuan Bao spoke, tears rolled down his two big eyes.

As a little girl, she didn't understand at all.

Why do other people's parents live together, but her parents live separately?

Aren’t mom and dad supposed to live together?

"You can stay with me for a few days!"

At this moment, Su Yang, who was standing behind Nuan Bao, suddenly spoke:

"I have quite a few rooms here, you can just pick one to live in."

"I live on the second floor, and you can choose freely on the third, fourth and fifth floors!"

“There is an elevator in the living room, you can go directly upstairs!”

After Su Yang finished speaking, he pointed in the direction of the elevator.

The floor of his villa is still very high.

If there is no elevator, climbing upstairs will definitely be very tiring.

"Okay, Mr. Su, don't bother me!"

Although Yang Mi was a little embarrassed, she couldn't resist Nuan Bao.

Nuan Bao had just reunited with his father and was definitely not willing to follow Yang Mi home.

However, she cannot live without her mother.

In this case, she could only reluctantly live here in Su Yang for a while.

Fortunately, Su Yang's home is large and has enough room.

The privacy of the manor is also very good, and it is impossible for paparazzi to come in.

She doesn't have to worry about any scandals.

"Great, great! Mom and Dad can live together!"

When Nuan Bao saw her mother agree, she burst into laughter and couldn't help but clapped her hands and jumped.

Seeing the little guy's happy look, Su Yang also had a smile on his face.

He likes quiet and doesn't like too many people at home.

Except, of course, the servants.

This is why he spends a huge amount of money to live in the manor.

Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

No random people would bother him.

However, Nuanbao is neither a noise nor a mess.

It was the sound of nature, even if it was a heart-wrenching cry, Su Yang thought it was pleasant to hear.

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