Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 144: You Come To Be A Star

The little boy is now scared when he thinks of the word panda.

As for Nuan Bao, a smile appeared on his face:

"It doesn't matter, dad said, if you know your mistakes and can correct them, you are still a good boy!"

Nuanbao looked very happy.

Children don't have many thoughts in their young minds.

In their view, now that they have apologized, the matter is over.

"Thank you little sister!"

Wu Hongmei also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Nuan Bao's words.

They were really afraid of being dealt with by Su Yang.

As for the child being beaten, I can only say that he survived.

Then, Su Yang did not embarrass the other party.

I was beaten and scolded, and I also had psychological shadows.

If only this little boy had a better memory, similar things would never happen again.

The farce is over.

Su Yang didn't intend to kill the other party either.

They are just a few unreasonable people, there is really no need to be too serious.

Presumably, after what happened today, they will definitely educate this little boy properly again.

If education is not good, they will be the ones who suffer in the future.

The little boy can hit people now, but no one knows what he will do in the future.

Nuanbao was frightened just now, but the little guy was the most heartless.

After a while, he began to recover and started playing happily at the panda base.

The day ended quickly.

After the tour, Su Yang took his wife and children back to live in a high-rise building in the city center.

As I said before, there are no particularly decent villas in the city center, so although Su Yang also bought a villa in Tianfu, he did not plan to live there.

Instead, he chose to live in a high-rise building.

Of course, the little one also likes to live in the upper floors.

Since moving to his father's place with his mother, he has never lived in a high-rise building.

The high-rise building in Su Yang faces the river and has floor-to-ceiling windows.

Nuanbao was lying on the window looking at the scenery outside the window, shouting, very happy.

In the evening, Yang originally wanted to make a meal for him.

But Yang Mi managed to disguise herself and still hoped to go out to eat.

Especially since this is Tianfu. Apart from the beautiful scenery and giant pandas, the best thing about Tianfu is the food.

Here, there are all kinds of delicious things.

The most famous one is of course hotpot.

Therefore, Yang Mi hopes to go out for an authentic Tianfu hot pot meal.

"Hot pot? It seems like I haven't had it for a long time!"

Su Yang recalled it, and he couldn't remember how long it had been since he had hot pot.

Something like hot pot needs to have an atmosphere.

In other words, more people are needed.

When there are more people, eat some hot pot and drink some Erguotou, your whole body will be warm, and you can brag about it, it will be very comfortable.

But if you are alone, then 877 hot pot will not be interesting.

Su Yang had never been able to get along with anyone else except having dinner with Lin Yuankai.

Therefore, he has indeed not had hot pot for many years.

As for Yang Mi, she often eats hot pot.

However, I used to eat in the private room while hiding from people.

But hot pot is nothing but fireworks, so how can you eat it in a private room?

Now that I rarely put on makeup, I naturally want to go out to eat.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be such a waste of this disguise?

"Then let's go eat hot pot? Do you have any good recommendations?"

Su Yang asked with a smile.

"Do you recommend it? Of course, go to the busiest hotpot restaurant!"

"I never dared to go to that kind of place before, but I must go there today!"

Yang Mi said with a smile.

"Okay, let me read the reviews online!"

Su Yang took out her mobile phone and felt a little angry.

It seems that he has never used this kind of thing that is used by the public.

Although these ideas may all come from him.

However, I really have never used these things again in my life.

Sometimes, it is very useful to think about these things.


Yang Mi nodded.

Soon, Su Yang found a hot pot restaurant with a good reputation.

Then, the family of three went out.

Hot pot restaurant a is not far from their home, only a five-minute walk.

Therefore, Su Yang did not drive.

Rolls-Royce is still a bit too high-profile, and it can easily attract others' attention when you are away from home.

While talking, a family of three came to the hot pot restaurant.

There were still a lot of people in Tianfu, and Su Yang didn't dare to let Nuan Bao run around, and she held him in her arms the whole time.

Carrying a child is a strenuous job.

When Su Yang first started holding Nuanbao, she was still a little overwhelmed.

But now I have practiced it.

It’s no problem to walk several kilometers while holding a warm baby in one hand.

Soon, a family of three arrived at the hot pot restaurant.

The hot pot restaurant is obviously doing very well. It can be described as a sea of ​​people. There are also many people waiting outside.

"Husband, there are so many people here, maybe we can't live here, right?"

Yang Mi frowned and looked at the surrounding environment.

It's already five o'clock, and judging by the queue here, they have to wait for at least an hour.

It will be six o'clock in an hour.

It will be at least 6:15 by the time they order and start eating.

It might be seven o'clock after dinner.

At that time, it was almost time for Nuan Bao to go to sleep.

If Nuan Bao makes trouble, it will be very troublesome.

Nuanbao is ready to go to bed at seven o'clock.

(bdac) Especially now that she no longer takes naps, she will go to bed earlier and earlier at night.

Adults sometimes have to squint for a while at noon, let alone children.

Therefore, it’s not okay to eat dinner too late.

"Well, don't worry, I've been prepared!"

Su Yang smiled, and then walked directly towards the waiter with Yang Mi and Nuan Bao.

"Hello sir, who are you?"

When the waiter saw Su He coming over, he immediately asked politely.

"There are three of us, and someone has made a reservation for us!"

"My name is Su Yang!"

Su Yang took the initiative to report his name.

"Su Yang? Are you Mr. Su?"

After the waiter confirmed the information with Su Yang, his expression immediately became respectful.

"That's right!"

Su Yang nodded slightly and continued:

"You should have my reservation information, right?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Su, our boss personally reserved the seat for you!"

The waiter nodded repeatedly and then said:

"You want to sit near the lake, right? It's already been reserved for you!"

This hot pot restaurant is very interesting.

It is not a traditional hot pot restaurant with a big living room.

Instead, it is a circular hot pot restaurant similar to a promenade built around the lake.

Open the window, the lake and mountains outside are sparkling [very artistic.

"Okay, thank you!"

Su Yang nodded.

Then, under the guidance of the waiter, the family of three walked into the hot pot restaurant and came to the reserved seat.

"Mr. Su, do you need a baby seat?"

The waiter glanced at Nuanbao and asked subconsciously.

It is best for a three-year-old child to sit in a baby seat.

On the one hand, this seat has a safety rope or similar device that allows the baby to sit firmly on the chair without worrying about falling.

On the other hand, it can also control the little ones so that they cannot move around at will.

Hot pot restaurants are actually a bit dangerous for children.

If you accidentally scald your child with the hot pot, it may cause massive burns.

Therefore, sitting in a baby chair is obviously much safer.

"Well, give us a grandchild's seat!"

Su Yang said lightly.

"Okay Mr. Su!"

"Then you place your order first, and I'll go to the baby seat!"

"And our boss said, please don't be polite and order whatever you want. All the expenses today will be paid by our boss!"

The waiter didn't forget to warn me before leaving.

"Well, thanks!"

"You're too kind!"

After the waiter finished speaking, he went to prepare the baby seat.

"Husband, do you know the owner of this hot pot restaurant?"

As soon as the waiter left, Yang Mi came up and asked curiously.

"Yes, we do know each other. When my career first started, I was following a younger brother!"

Su Yang said with a smile.

In fact, there are still many such little brothers around him.

These people were mainly around Su Yang to protect him.

Back then, Su Yang was just a child, even though he was gifted with business acumen.

If there is no one to protect you, it will still be very dangerous.

Especially in that era, society was not particularly stable.

A child with a huge amount of money can easily make people do evil things.

Therefore, Su Yang was surrounded by a group of sincere brothers.

These younger brothers left for various reasons after Su Yang really grew up.

Of course, Yang didn't treat them badly.

The severance package he gave these juniors was enough to last them several lifetimes.

The owner of this hot pot restaurant is one of the boys.

After he left Su Yang, he came here and opened a hot pot restaurant.

Because I once followed Su Yang all over the world, even though they didn't do any business themselves.

But under the influence of my ears and my eyes, I have more or less absorbed some business concepts.

Su Yang's business philosophy is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Even if these little brothers only absorb a little bit, it will be enough for them to benefit from it for a lifetime.

This hot pot restaurant developed rapidly with the support of the funds and management experience provided by Su Yang.

Up to now, it is basically one of the most famous hotpot restaurants in Tianfu.

Su Yang had already greeted the other party before he came.

Therefore, they specially prepared the best position for him.

Originally I wanted to arrange a private room.

But was rejected by Su Yang.

What they want is the smoke of fireworks, so how can they eat it in the private room?

As for the younger brother, after knowing that Su Yang was coming, he originally wanted to come and visit in person.

But was rejected by Su Yang.

He came to dinner because he just wanted to have a quiet meal with his family and didn't want to be too ostentatious.

At the beginning, many of those younger brothers were doing business in Tianfu.

Once a person comes, the person will come.

This is troublesome.

Su Yang had no objection to them coming to see him.

But it would be nice to come to Shanghai during the holidays.

Those who go out should not be so low-key.

Therefore, the younger brother could only ask the waiter to serve him more attentively.

"Wow, hubby, I didn't expect you to be the idol of so many people!"

"You are much better than me!"

Yang Mi covered her mouth and laughed all her life.

At the same time, looking at Su Yang's handsome face, I felt a little dazed.

"What are you thinking about?"

Looking at Yang Mi's pretty face, Su Yang smiled

Hehe asked.

"Husband, I'm thinking that if you make your debut, you will definitely become a top star!"

"How about you sign a contract with me?"

"I will definitely regard you as a top-notch person!"

Yang Mi looked at Su Yang expectantly.

If they can bring Su Yang into their circle, they will definitely have a top male star.

Needless to say, Tuan Yang's appearance is really great.

Even in the entertainment industry, there are few people who can beat him in terms of appearance.

Moreover, Su Yang's appearance is not the kind of girly handsomeness, but truly masculine handsomeness.

This is the correct aesthetic.

"Me? I'd better forget it!"

"I can neither sing, dance, nor act to promote publicity!"

Su Yang refused immediately.

Are you kidding me?

How could he, the richest man in the world, not think about becoming a star?

Isn’t it good to make money in a low-key way and live a good life?

Su Yang is not like the old horse under his subordinates. He likes to film whenever he has nothing to do, and he also drags half of the Wuhan University stars in the entertainment industry to accompany him in filming.

Su Yang has never had such a hobby.

He can support and help Yang Mi unconditionally, but he will never enter the entertainment industry himself.

"Hehe, I knew you would say that!"

"It's just a joke."

Yang Mi laughed playfully.

She was indeed joking.

Who enters the entertainment industry not for fame and money?

After all, compared to other industries, it is too easy to make money in the entertainment industry.

Especially in today’s entertainment industry.

As long as you look pleasing to the eye, you don't have to worry about making money.

Of course, if you don’t have the strength and capital to support you, you may not be able to become a top player.

However, it is definitely better than what most workers do.

For example, some important supporting roles, or stuntmen, can earn two thousand a day.

When working with the crew, it is very easy to earn 50,000 to 60,000 yuan a month.

As long as you follow the crew for three months a year, you can earn what an ordinary person would earn in a year.

If you are lucky and can follow two or three crews a year, you can make a lot of money.

If it becomes popular, you may be able to earn millions or even tens of millions a year in the future.

Even if you are just a well-known sidekick, there is no problem in making hundreds of thousands a year.

So, this is why so many people are struggling to get into the entertainment industry.

However, Yin Yang obviously does not need to rely on this method to make money.

In other words, if Su Yang really wants to make money by filming, then the more films he takes, the more he will lose.

After all, if Su Yang was in business, he would make more money in one day than a top artist would make in a year.

In this case, how could he go to film?

"Haha, maybe when I get older, I will have the opportunity to show myself!"

"When that time comes, I will come to you to sign the contract!"

Su Yang said with a smile.


Hearing this, Yang Mi immediately became serious.

In fact, he didn't care at all whether Su Yang would ask him to film a movie.

The important thing is that Su Yang told her that when he gets old, he will come to film Yang Mi.

what does that mean?

It means that even if two people are old, they are still together.

This can be regarded as a side confession.

Of course Yang Mi was happy.

There is no woman who does not like love words.

If you talk more about love, you will naturally be happier.

"of course it's true!"

Su Yang said with a smile.

"That's a deal!"

“It’s a deal!”

The baby chair was quickly returned.

Su Yang briefly wiped and disinfected the baby chair, and then let Nuanbao sit on it.

After Nuanbao was seated, Su Yang and Yang Mi ordered food together.

They ordered what both of them liked to eat.

As for those who don’t like to eat, they will definitely not order it to avoid wasting it.

"Honey, do you know how to eat pig brains? Do you want a drink?"

"Okay! Wherever you eat, you can replenish it. Husband, you can just replenish it!"

"Are you saying I'm a pig brain?"

"Hehehe, you said that yourself!"


Soon, a table of dishes was served.

Then, the two of them started to feast.

They ordered Yuanyang Hotpot.

However, both Su Yang and Yang Mi can eat spicy food.

So I requested that the non-spicy pot in the Yuanyang Hot Pot be replaced with water.

The meat or vegetables in the clear water shabu-shabu can be given to Nuanbao.

Nuanbao can now eat adult food normally.

Just need to control salt and sugar.

Su Yang and the others are very meticulous in raising children.

Today's children are basically more squeamish.

Su Yang has the conditions, so she naturally wants to raise her children better.

The little guy loves to eat meat and has a very good appetite.

She can eat a whole pot of beef by herself.

After eating, I also had a small bowl of rice.

This makes Su Yang very satisfied. .

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