Although Baoli Hotel is not a listed company, their market value is probably hundreds of billions.

However, their market value is mainly reflected in the hotel building.

All the buildings of Baoli Hotel are its own, and they are in excellent locations, all in the most luxurious places in each city.

A hotel building is worth at least several billion.

There are so many buildings around the world, all of which are Baoli Hotel's own properties.

The market value of these hotels alone is worth tens of billions.

Therefore, having a market value of hundreds of billions is no joke.

A company with a market value of hundreds of billions was enough to shock Tang Yan.

"Hehe, yes Yanyan, I just found out about it too.

Yang Mi laughed playfully.

In fact, when she first learned the news, Yang Mi wasn't too surprised.

There are too many shocking things, and naturally there is nothing to be shocked about such a small thing.

She knew that Su Yang's wealth was far more terrifying than what was revealed now.

"Okay! Mimi, when I get married in the future and I choose Baoli Hotel, you have to ask your Mr. Su to give me a discount!"

Tang Yan said with a smile.

"Haha, Yanyan, if you get married, I will close the hotel for a week just for you! It's free!"

Yang Mi took on the spirit of a boss lady.

As a boss lady, you still have this right.

Moreover, Yang Ning knew that Yang would not be in Ping.

My best friend wants to use a hotel for her wedding, how could she be stingy?

"Hahaha, Mimi, when you get married, I will be your bridesmaid!"

Tang Yan directly occupied the position of number one bridesmaid.

Yang Mi is already engaged, and her wedding day won't be too far away.

Therefore, even if Tang Yan does have a boyfriend, the wedding will definitely happen after Yang Mi.

In this case, it is okay for her to be a bridesmaid for Yang Ning.

"Of course! When the time comes, I will definitely form the most beautiful group of bridesmaids in history!"

As Yang Mi spoke, she fantasized about her team of bridesmaids.

Yanyan, Pangdi, Shishi, Shanshan and so on.

These girls are all top beauties in the entertainment industry.

If you can invite them to be the bridesmaids together, it will definitely shock the whole audience.

"Hey, I'll be waiting for your good news then!"

"Well, remember to arrive on time for the engagement party."


After Yang Mi called Tang Yan, she contacted her best friends, Fat Di and Shi Shi.

These people were invited to the engagement party.

An engagement banquet is not a wedding banquet, and there are not so many messy ceremonies.

As long as everyone is here, it will be lively and lively.

Therefore, Yang Mi also invited artists from the company.

Including those internet celebrities.

Plus some relatives and friends at home, there were hundreds of people.

However, there don't seem to be many relatives and friends, that is, some of Yang Mi's direct relatives.

After all, her relatives and friends are all in the imperial capital, and those with distant connections will not be invited.

"Husband, who have you invited over?"

After Yang Mi made phone calls all day, she finally had time to lie in Su Yang's arms and rest for a while.

"No one from my side will come, so I invited Yuan Kai's family and several brothers of the same age from the Lin family in the imperial capital to come.

Su Yang said with a smile.

He is an orphan in this world, without parents, brothers and sisters.

The only one who can be considered a brother is Lin Wan.

However, Lin Yuankai's family has nothing to do with the Lin family in the imperial capital, they just happen to both have the surname Lin.

"Ah? Are these the people? Do you want to call all your friends?"

Yang Mi asked subconsciously.

However, she regretted it after asking.

My husband doesn’t seem to have many friends.

My husband's temperament is quite cold and he probably won't make many friends.

"Husband, I'm sorry!"

After Yang Mi realized that she had said the wrong thing, she immediately apologized.

"You're not wrong! It's my own problem!"

Su Yang touched Yang Mi’s little head:

"I used to just focus on making money, but I didn't care about some things."

"However, your words reminded me that maybe I really should go find my biological parents.

"Maybe they didn't abandon me on purpose."

The appearance of Nuan Bao and Yang Mi really changed Su Yang a lot.

In the past, all he cared about was making money.

Because he has experienced the ups and downs of human relationships in his previous life, Su Yang knows that nothing is as important as money.

After all, without money, any friendship or family relationship may deteriorate.

At the same time, he is also a soul bean.

Time traveled to a five-year-old child.

For him, the parents of the original owner of this body have nothing to do with him.

Therefore, he rejected this family affection.

But after meeting Nuan Bao, Su Yang had a new understanding of family ties.

Su Yang knows that parents love their children.

Even if you have no choice but to abandon your child, there must be a reason.

There are not many people who would really abandon their children and show no mercy.

That's why Su Yang was born to find her biological parents.

He can look for it secretly.

If it was really due to some accident that caused him to be separated from his biological parents, then they can reunite.

For example, he was abducted by human traffickers, or lost, etc.

Being able to recognize one's ancestors and return to one's clan can be regarded as an apology for occupying the child who only lived five years old.

Of course, if he was indeed abandoned by his parents, that would be the end of it.

Su Yang would not consider someone who abandoned him as a parent.

His soul has nothing to do with them.

In this case, why bother adding too many constraints to yourself?

"Really? Husband, it would be great if we could find your parents!"

Hearing Su Yang's words, Yang Sheng suddenly laughed.

This is a good thing.

Everyone needs a perfect family.

This is true even for the richest man.

"Well, don't worry, let people find it slowly!"

"It's best if you can find it. It doesn't matter if you can't find it."

Su Yang is very calm.

After all, he doesn't really agree with these parents from the bottom of his heart.

It's just to report on the so-called predecessor.

In the next week, Su Yang became busy.

Although everything at the engagement ceremony has been taken care of, he still needs to take care of many things himself.

At the same time, Su Yang also accepted Yang Mi's suggestion and invited some close partners and heads of industries under her name to attend the engagement ceremony.

The engagement ceremony does not require gifts.

Therefore, Su Yang told everyone in advance not to bring gifts or red envelopes.

As for red envelopes and gifts, it’s not too late to wait until the wedding day to receive them.

Time passed day by day, and soon the day of engagement came.

"Wow, Mom, you are so beautiful today!"

Nuanbao, who was sitting in his baby seat and munching corn, saw his mother come out of the room dressed beautifully, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Today, Yang Mi is wearing a red dress and her hair is pulled into a bun.

He also wore a pair of high heels on his feet.

The gown wasn't the sexy strapless gown she wore to those red carpet festivals.

It is a traditional Chinese cheongsam dress.

The dress is high-end custom-made, and every embroidery on it is done stitch by stitch by the best embroidery masters.

Looks very dignified and elegant.

Today is an engagement, not a wedding. Of course Yang Mi will not dress in a sexy and charming way.

"Hehe, Nuan Bao looks very good today too!"

Yang Mi smiled and wiped the corn flakes off Nuan Bao's face, her eyes full of smiles.

Today's warm baby is very cute.

Everything she wears is also red.

Moreover, it is a red children's Hanfu plus a horse skirt.

Her hair was also styled into two buns, with two cute tassel hairpins attached to them.

It looks like a little princess walking out of an ancient painting, very cute.

"Hehe, Nuanbao is going to attend the engagement ceremony of his parents today, so of course he has to look good!"

Nuan Bao said with a smile.

"Nuanbao is so good!"

Yang Mi touched Nuan Bao's little face and smiled sweetly at Su Yang who was looking at her with a smile.

The engagement ceremony was in the evening, and Yang Mi prepared two sets of dresses.

But much the same.

Mainly to prevent stains and the like.

After lunch at noon, they set off to the hotel.

The hotel has been closed for almost two weeks.

During this period, arrangements for the engagement ceremony were being made.

In fact, the hotel has suffered a lot of losses in the past two weeks.

Especially there are a lot of bad reviews online.

After all, many people come to Shanghai to experience the services of a seven-star hotel.

There are not many seven-star hotels in Daxia, only eight in total.

Although there are two families in Shanghai.

But two seven-star hotels simply cannot satisfy the many wealthy tourists across the country.

Therefore, there are still many complaints.

However, Su Yang didn't care at all.

The notice of closure has already been sent out.

Even if someone has an opinion, there is nothing we can do.

Who told them not to read the guide in advance?

It was almost time, and Yang took Yang Mi and Nuan Bao out.

Yang’s father and Yang’s mother had already gone to the hotel in advance.

They are the only elders of the two newlyweds, so naturally they have to arrive early so that they can entertain the guests.

Although Yang's father and Yang's mother are just ordinary people, their daughter has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and they still have the most basic social skills.

There's nothing wrong with entertaining guests, either.

Moreover, Luo Qian also went to the hotel in advance to entertain the guests together.

Luo Qian went there mainly to greet Su Yang Wenli's guests.

After all, many of those who came to the engagement ceremony were Su Yang's partners.

Su Yang is now the richest man, but even if he is the richest man, he still needs partners.

The richest man is never made by himself.

His success is inseparable from partners.

However, in the beginning it was Su Yang who begged partners to cooperate.

But now, it is those partners who are begging to cooperate with Su Yang.

The change of identity is completely different.

When Su Yang and Yang Mi arrived at the hotel, many people were already there.

However, these are not very important figures.

Really important people don't come so early.

This is the same as the red carpet.

However, most people were not late and came to the scene on time.

Hey, Mimi, I've arrived, which floor are you on?"

"Okay, okay, I'll come in right away!"

Five minutes after Su Yang and Yang Mi arrived, Yang Mi received a call from Tang Yan.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Yan held up the skirt of a purple dress and

He hurried in and ran in.

Needless to say, Tang Yan is really suitable for purple.

Purple looks particularly beautiful on her body.

Her appearance attracted the attention of many people present.

Purple is very charming.

This is the only thought in the minds of many people who noticed Tang Yan.



As soon as Tang Yan walked in, she saw her best friend.

Yang Mi naturally heard Tang Yan calling her and hurriedly went to greet her.

"Wow, Mimi, you are so beautiful today! I'm going to fall in love with you!"

"Sure enough, a woman nourished by love will become more and more beautiful!"

Tang Yan said with envy on her face.

She could tell that Yang Mi's dress today was a high-end one and must be expensive.

Only the silk threads used for the embroidery on the dress are all gold threads, and they are also hand-sewn.

Today's embroidery, as long as it is hand-sewn, the price is very scary.

After all, in this machine age, no matter what is related to handwork, it means one word: expensive.

"Hehe, Yanyan, you are also very beautiful today!"

"Su Yang has many outstanding chairman and general managers here. Would you like to introduce one to you?"

Yang Mi said with a smile.

This best friend of hers is no worse than her in terms of looks.

Moreover, there is also a pair of thrilling long legs.

It can be said that the figure is very good.

The only flaw is probably that it is too disrespectful to A.

However, not all boys are mammals.

Some boys still like and appreciate Tang Yan's figure very much.

290 "Okay, okay, that's why I dressed up so beautifully today!"

Tang Yan covered her mouth and chuckled.

Of course she was joking.

The reason why I dress up so beautifully is because I don't want to embarrass my best friend.

Tang Yan knew that in addition to relatives and friends, those who came to attend Yang Mi's engagement ceremony today were all prominent figures.

If she dresses in a rustic manner, she will embarrass her good friends in front of her husband's friends.

However, Tang Yan also knew that today was not a red carpet show, but an engagement ceremony for her best friend.

Therefore, the dress she wore today was also very conservative.

"Hey, Yanyan, I will introduce you to some young talents in a moment!"

Yang Mi covered her mouth and snickered.

At this moment, Tang Yan noticed a very handsome man, who could even be described as 24K pure handsome, walking towards them.

"Mimi, don't introduce a few people, just introduce me to this handsome guy behind you!"

Tang Yan pointed at the person behind Yang Mi with a smile and said.

"Huh? Husband!"

Yang Mi turned around and happened to see Su Yang walking towards the two of them with a smile on her face.

"Hello, Miss Tang Yan! Thank you for coming to our engagement ceremony!"

Su Yang smiled and stretched out her right hand towards Tang Yan.

This is not the first time the two people have met.

They had met once before in the backstage lounge of the Golden Eagle Festival.

"Hello, Mr. Su! Mimi is my best friend, and I will definitely come to her bedroom for her engagement ceremony!"

Tang Yan smiled and shook hands gently with Su Yang.

Su Yang seems to be even more handsome today than that day.

A man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle.

Although Su Yang was very handsome that day, because she was dressed very low-key, she lacked some clothing blessings.

However, Su Yang, who is wearing a high-end custom-made suit today, is simply perfect.

Even Tang Yan couldn't help but have two little stars appear in her eyes.

Handsome, really so handsome.

My best friend is so lucky to be married to such a handsome guy.

When will she meet such a handsome guy?

Not only handsome, but also rich.

Not only is he rich, he is also willing to spend money for his wife.

Not to mention anything else, Su Yang just gave Yang Mi an Internet celebrity company, and helped Yang Mi's studio merge with the Internet celebrity company and sleep together.

Just these two points are enough to envy all female stars in the entertainment industry.

You know, many female celebrities want to marry into rich families. Why?

Isn't it just to get part of the wealthy family's property?

However, even if they really marry into a wealthy family, they are just vases and fertility tools.

There are very few people who can really get a share of the wealth of a wealthy family.

Even the monthly pocket money depends on other people's opinions.

Therefore, after they marry into a wealthy family, they look more comfortable than if they were celebrities.

In fact, their lives are not as comfortable as they were when they were celebrities.

But Yang Mi is different.

Just being a listed company like Yangsu Group is enough for Yang Mi to become a wealthy family.

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