Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 19: Don’T Do This (Please Vote For Flowers)

"Yeah! Good job!"

Su Yang nodded, and then said to the driver Wu Hao:

"Xiao Wu, Yang Shui International!"

"Okay Mr. Su!"

At the same time, at the gate of Yangshui International.

"Old Chen, what happened today? Why are the company's top executives standing at the door? Even the chairman came out. Is this a big leader coming?"

A group of people stood at the gate of Yangshui International.

Without exception, these people are all middle and senior managers of Yangshui International.

Standing at the front was a young woman in her twenties or eighties.

This young woman is Kris Jia, whose Chinese name is Jia Yihan, the chairman of Yang Shui International and known as the godmother of the fashion industry.

"You don't know yet? It is said that the big boss behind our company is coming. After getting the news, Director Jia personally waited here!"

someone explained.

"Big boss? Good guy, it turns out there really is a big boss behind our company? I always thought that was just a rumor in society!"

"What lies? It's absolutely true, but no one has ever seen the big boss!"

"Now, we can also meet the big boss! What do you think of my hair style today? I can't make a fool of myself in front of the big boss for a while, and try to leave a good impression."

"Haha, aren't you afraid that the big boss is a sixty-nine-year-old aunt?"

"Hello, old aunt! I like to celebrate the 70th birthday of a 69-year-old aunt. Maybe she can give me a Maserati!"

"Giving you a Maserati? What old aunt? That's called a young lady!"



On the other side, Yang Mi also arrived near Yangshui International in a nanny car.

"Hey, Sister Mi, look there are so many people outside Yangshui International. Aren't they going to work today?"

Wang Zhiting pointed at the gate of Yang Shui International and asked curiously.

"Could they be welcoming us, right? Oh my God, the one at the front seems to be their chairman, Chris Jia!"

Wang Zhiting's eyes were good, and she recognized Jia Yihan standing at the front at a glance.

"Welcome us? Probably not!"

Yang Mi frowned and shook her head.

She is an artist, and even a top artist would not let a big shot like Chris Jia go out to greet her.

You know, it's cloudy today and the temperature is only 1 to 7 degrees.

Although Shanghai belongs to the south, the temperature is very cold on days without sun.

Especially when there was a small breeze, it became even colder.

In such cold weather, the chairman of a company with a market value of hundreds of billions stands at the door waiting for a celebrity?

It's obviously impossible.

In this case, the other party is most likely waiting for some important leader.

"Sister Mi, what should we do? Should we go there directly?"

driver Lao Chen asked.

"Zhiting, please call the person in charge of connecting with us! Find out what the situation is now."

Yang Mi thought for a moment and decided to contact the person in charge of the other party first.

"Okay Sister Mi!"

Wang Zhiting nodded and immediately took out her cell phone to make a call.

"What? Okay, okay, let's go straight to the basement, right?"

"Is there someone to take you to the conference room? Okay, okay!"

"Okay, okay, let's do this for now. Goodbye!"

Wang Zhiting quickly finished the call.

"Sister Mi, the other party told us to go to the underground parking lot and then take the elevator directly to the conference room upstairs."

"Someone will contact us!"

Wang Zhiting said to Yang Mi.

"Well, okay, let's go to the basement!"

Yang Mi nodded and said nothing more.

Given her status, it would indeed be better to go to the basement.

After all, no one knows if there are paparazzi around here.

It would be embarrassing if the paparazzi caught her taking the initiative to go to Yang Shui International, but still no endorsement deal was reached in the end.

Therefore, it is better to keep a low profile.

"Okay Sister Mi!"

Lao Chen nodded, found the intersection of Yangshui International's underground parking lot, and drove in directly.

After arriving at the basement and parking the car, Yang Mi and Wang Zhiting went upstairs together.

At the same time, Su Yang also came to the vicinity of Yangshui International.

"Mr. Su, it seems that Mr. Jia has someone waiting outside to greet you!"

Wu Hao saw from a distance that the entrance of Yangshui International was full of people, led by Jia Yihan.

As Su Yang's driver, Wu Hao is naturally also a confidant.

It can be said that the driver, like the secretary, must be the most trusted person.

After all, there are too many people who have had trouble because of driver betrayal.

Wu Hao can be Su Yang's driver, which proves that he is one of Su Yang's most trusted people.

Therefore, Wu Hao knew most of the people under Su Yang.


"Xiao Wu, let's go to the underground parking lot!"

"Then tell Jia Yihan not to do this, I don't like it!"

Su Yang said coldly.

He was used to keeping a low profile, so naturally he didn't like such grand occasions.

"Okay Mr. Su!"

Wu Hao nodded, not surprised by this.

After following Mr. Su for so many years, he already knew Mr. Su's character traits.

Then, Wu Hao called Jia Yihan on the car phone while driving.

"Hey, Lao Wu!"

A sweet voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

"Dr. Jia, we'll be there soon! Go directly to the underground parking lot!"

"Mr. Su doesn't like grand ostentation. Please let everyone under you go back to their respective posts!"

"Mr. Su will go directly to your office to find you in a moment!"

Wu Hao relayed Su Yang's meaning to Jia Yihan.

"Okay, I'll do it now!"

After Jia Yihan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Then, Wu Hao saw people outside Yang Shui International starting to disperse.

"Okay, let's go to the underground parking lot!"

Su Yang said lightly.

"Okay Mr. Su!"

Wu Hao nodded, stepped on the accelerator lightly, and arrived at the parking lot.

After parking the car, Su Yang took the warm baby off the baby seat, then went to the elevator and got into the chairman's special elevator.

Only two people can ride this elevator.

One is Jia Yihan.

The other one is, of course, Su Yang.

"Dad, I want to press the elevator, I want to press the elevator!"

As soon as he walked into the elevator, Nuan Bao suddenly became excited.

Although Nuanbao looks very well-behaved and obedient, in fact she is still just a child.

Like other children, he also likes to be naughty and noisy. He also likes to press the elevator button when he gets on the elevator.

When children press the elevator button, one is refreshing, and the other actually satisfies their sense of accomplishment.

Of course Su Yang would not refuse.

"Baby, we are going to the 33rd floor! Do you know which button is for the 33rd floor?"

Su Yang put the warm treasure on the ground and asked with a smile.

"Thirty-third floor?"

Nuan Bao stared at his lips with his index finger, raised his head, looked at the buttons on the elevator, and fell into thinking.

Su Yang did not interrupt and gave the child plenty of time to think.

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