Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 42 The Boss Behind The Scenes Is Really Him (Please Vote For Flowers)

"That's right! I know Yang Mi very well! This woman will never fight an uncertain battle!"

Zhao Ruoyao nodded seriously.

She was Yang Mi's former manager, so she naturally had a certain understanding of Yang Mi.

If Yang Mi was not absolutely sure, she would never have chosen to film a TV series by herself in the last year of the gambling agreement.

After all, at this time, focusing on making money is the most important thing. As for other things, you can put them aside.

But Yang Mi did not do this, but chose to explore new fields.

Based on Zhao Ruoyao's understanding of Yang Mi, this script can definitely make the opponent turn around.

Therefore, they must take countermeasures.

"Well, then I'll go say hello! At least, it won't be that simple for her to recruit actors."

"I will also say hello to the review team!"

Chen Jia squinted her eyes.

They must seize the opportunity in the last year and do a good job with Yang Mi.

If she could use this to make her lose the gambling agreement, that would be the best.

As long as she loses the gambling agreement, Yang Mi will return to Jiaxing obediently.

At that time, it is not up to them.

"Well, we must not make it easy for her!"

"That's right!"

On the other side, after Yang Mi got the script, she also contacted Su Yang.

"Well, I will let the film and television company under my name contact you!"

"The investment is tentatively set at 200 million. If it is not enough, we can add more at any time, regardless of the cost."

Su Yang said lightly.

"Okay Su Yang, thank you very much!"

Yang Mi smiled sweetly.

Su Yang has so much trust in her that she must make this drama a success.


Su Yang responded and then said:

"If there's nothing else, I'll hang up. Nuanbao should be waking up soon."


After Su Yang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Sister Mi, how's it going? When will the money from Mr. Su arrive?"

Seeing Yang Mi hang up the phone, Wang Zhiting immediately came over with concern on her face.

"He said he has a film and television company under his name and will call me!"

Yang Mi said with a smile.

"Film and television company? Sister Mi, you mean that Mr. Su has a film and television company under his name? Which one is it?"

"We can invest 200 million yuan at once, shouldn't we not know about it?"

Wang Zhiting instantly grasped the key point of Yang Mi's words.

"Yeah, I didn't even think about it that much just now!"

Yang Mi was slightly startled.

Only then did she realize something was wrong.

If Su Yang has a film and television company under his name, why doesn't he keep the script of Three Lives Three Worlds for himself? Instead, should we give her the opportunity to take the photo?

Although Su Yang is the father of capital, after the TV series is released, he will definitely take away the majority.

But in addition to making money, TV dramas are also important to earn fame.

This is giving the opportunity to earn fame to others in vain.

At the same time, Yang Mi was also deeply shocked by the strength Su Yang possessed.

There are definitely not many film and television companies that can invest 200 million yuan at a time.

In the entire entertainment industry, only the top four or five have such strength.

In other words, the one who wants to invest in Sansheng Sanshi this time is one of the four or five companies.

Who could it be?

Just as Yang Mi and Wang Zhiting were brainstorming, Yang Mi's cell phone rang.

When she picked it up and looked at it, Yang Mi was stunned.

"Sister Mi, who is it?"

Wang Zhiting asked anxiously.

The caller at this time was most likely the film and television company Su Yang mentioned.

"Yes, Wang Tianlei from Brotherhood!"

Yang Mi said in a daze.


Hearing this name, Wang Zhiting suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Brothers, our strength is unfathomable,

There are countless artists under his name, and most of them are powerful artists.

Of course, there is also no shortage of fresh meat.

However, even if they are little fresh meat, they are all powerful little fresh meat.

If Lianyi Brothers is the second largest company in the entertainment industry, then no one dares to claim the first place.

The two bosses of Lianyi Brothers, elder brother Wang Tianjun and younger brother Wang Tianlei, are both very capable.

It is under the joint management of the two brothers that the United Brothers will be what it is today.

However, according to rumors, the Wang brothers are just workers for the Alliance Brothers, and there is an unfathomable boss behind them.

However, no one has ever confirmed this rumor.

The Wang brothers have never mentioned in public that they have a mysterious capital father behind them.

So, this is just a rumor.

In the past, Yang Mi only heard about this matter as a rumor.

The market value of Lianyi Brothers is over 20 billion.

If there is a capital dad behind such a big company, how terrifying would this capital dad be?

If there really is such a terrifying capitalist dad, it can't be unknown, right?

However, today Yang Mi discovered that she might have been wrong.

Behind the brothers, there might really be a capitalist dad.

And this capitalist father is very likely to be his own daughter's biological father.

Thinking of this, Yang Mi took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, and then pressed the answer button on the phone:

"Hey, Mr. Wang, good afternoon!"

Yang Mi smiled and greeted the other party.

As a top figure in the entertainment industry, Yang Mi naturally knew Wang Tianlei.

Wang Tianlei is the general manager of Lianyi Brothers Group and is responsible for daily communication with artists.

Usually, he also appears in various public occasions.

Therefore, not only artists, but also many ordinary people know Wang Tianlei.

As for Chairman Wang Tianjun, his reputation is much smaller than that of his younger brother.

Because he doesn't often appear in public, naturally no one knows about him.

His main role here is to sit in charge of the company.

As long as he is around, the company will be able to maintain long-term stability.

"Hello, Mimi! Long time no see!"

Wang Tianlei's laughter came from the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, long time no see!"

Yang Mi smiled lightly.

Then, the two sides started chatting.

"Mr. Wang, when you called me today, you weren't just chatting with me, right?"

Yang Mi asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes! Mimi, I am here to invest in your company's upcoming TV series at the request of Mr. Su."


Hearing Wang Tianlei's words, Yang Mi and Wang Zhiting, who was holding their breath at the side, took a breath at the same time.

As expected, Wang Tianlei is related to Su Yang.

In this way, Su Yang is really the big boss behind Brotherhood!

This is too scary!

However, considering the manor where Su Yang lives, there is nothing surprising.

That kind of manor is probably worth several billion, right?

It is not unusual for a person who can afford to live in a manor worth several billion to have a company worth tens of billions to his name.

"Mr. Wang, is the big boss behind Brotherhood really Su Yang?"

Yang Mi hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but ask.

She wanted to find out first if this was true.

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