Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 45: Your Clothes Are Stained (Please Vote For Flowers)

"Quick, see how my daughter is doing!"

Su Yang shouted to the leader, a middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

"Okay Mr. Su! Quick, send Miss Nuanbao in!"

"Call all internal medicine experts over here!"

"Mr. Su, don't worry, Miss Nuanbao will be fine!"

The doctor comforted her while following the hospital bed cart pushing Nuanbao and quickly walked towards the ward.

At the same time, Yang Mi also concealed herself and got out of the car to catch up.

There were so many people in the hospital that she couldn't be recognized.

This is also a reasonable thing and understandable.

Soon, Nuanbao was sent to the VIP special care ward.

This ward is closed all year round and is not open to the public.

Only Su Yang or people arranged by Su Yang can be admitted to this ward.

Although it is closed, people come over every day to clean, disinfect and ventilate it.

Therefore, the sanitary conditions in the ward are still very good.

After entering the ward, the doctor began to examine Nuan Bao.

Yang Mi and Su Yang stood aside and waited.

"Mr. Su, the fever must be caused by a viral cold. We need to draw blood for testing!"

The doctor got up and came to Su Yang and said.

"Okay, let's do the test!"

Su Yang nodded.

Without his nod of agreement, the hospital would definitely not dare to touch Nuanbao casually.

Of course, it would be the same if it were an ordinary person.

Whether it is a blood test or a signature for surgery, the consent of the person and his family must be obtained.

This can be regarded as exemption.

"Okay Mr. Su!"

The doctor nodded and immediately arranged for a professional nurse to draw blood.

Nuan Bao was still asleep, but he was clearly feeling the blood draw.

A small face was wrinkled tightly together, looking uncomfortable.

This made Yang Mi very sad. She covered her face and turned her head away, not daring to look.

This was the first time she saw Nuan Bao being sick and uncomfortable. Even a mother would not be able to bear it.

Fortunately, the blood drawing was not a blood donation, so it was completed quickly.

Then, the nurse took the blood sample for examination.

At the same time, hospital director Zhang Mangong also hurried over.

"Mr. Su, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

Zhang Mangong apologized repeatedly.

He came here from outside.

I was originally attending a research meeting in another hospital, but suddenly I received news that Mr. Su's daughter was sick.

Zhang Mangong didn't dare to delay, so he immediately left the research meeting and rushed here.

This is Mr. Su's daughter, and he doesn't dare to delay.

Even if Miss Nuanbao only has a slight cold, he must pay attention to it.

"It's okay, it's just a cold!"

"Go and see!"

Su Yang said it was okay, but she was still worried in her heart.

He pursed his lips at Nuan Bao, who was sitting on the bed.

"Okay Mr. Su!"

Zhang Manggong nodded, then walked to the bed:

"Hello madam, let me see Miss Nuanbao!"

Zhang Man also specializes in internal medicine, and he is also very good at treating children with fevers and colds.

"Okay, thank you Dean, I will leave my daughter to you!"

Yang Mi nodded and stood up immediately.

"Are you, Ms. Yang Mi? Are you Miss Nuanbao's mother?"

Seeing Yang Mi, Zhang Mangong was suddenly surprised.

She didn't expect that Nuan Bao's mother was actually Yang Mi.

Zhang Man Gong knew about Nuan Bao.

The last time Su Yang brought Nuanbao for a parent-child visit, it was arranged by Zhang Mangong.

However, Zhang Mangong didn't expect that Nuan Bao's mother was actually Yang Mi.

"This woman is really lucky!"

For a moment, Zhang Mangong couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After giving birth to a daughter to Mr. Su, Yang Mi was able to secure the immense wealth in her life.

Even if she lets herself go in the entertainment industry next, she doesn't have to worry about getting into any trouble.

However, Zhang Mangong could only think about this in his heart.

At this time, it is more important to check the status of the warm baby first.

Zhang Manggong briefly checked Nuan Bao's condition and suspected that Nuan Bao had a viral cold.

Although the cooling patch is attached, Nuanbao's body temperature is still rising, and it is now almost 39 degrees.

If the child's body temperature is below thirty-nine degrees, then it is not a big problem and only physical cooling is needed.

But if it exceeds 39 degrees, you must be sent to the hospital for treatment.

"Mr. Su, Miss Nuanbao probably has a viral cold. The blood samples are already being tested and a report should be available soon."

If you make a normal report, it will definitely not come out without half a day.

But this hospital is Su Yang's own wish, so there is no need to bother.

The report will be available in ten minutes at most.


Su Yang frowned and responded.

"Dean Zhang, why does my daughter keep sleeping? Why doesn't she wake up?"

Yang Mi asked anxiously.

Nuanbao has been sleeping since this morning.

Logically speaking, even if you have a fever, you should wake up.

"Ms. Yang, don't worry, this is normal!"

"The cells in Miss Nuanbao's body are fighting the virus. As her body temperature rises, she naturally loses strength."

"Sleeping at this time is also to reduce physical expenditure."

Zhang Mangong explained in simple words.

If you need to use professional terminology, he can definitely explain it clearly.

But not everyone can understand the professional terminology.

As long as the family knows this is normal, it's okay.


Yang Mi nodded, turned her head and glanced at Nuan Bao, her eyes turning red.

She suddenly felt so helpless.

What are you trying to make money for? My daughter will still get sick in the end.

Seeing the little guy in pain, she felt her heart hurt.

"It's okay, Nuanbao just has a cold and fever, he will be fine!"

When Su Yang saw Yang Mi's appearance, her heart softened and she couldn't help but reached out and patted her on the shoulder.

Originally, with Su Yang's character, he would never make such an action.

But maybe it's because of her apology to Yang Mi, or maybe because Yang Mi is Nuan Bao's mother.

In the end, he was uncharacteristically comforting.


As soon as Yang Mi was comforted by Su Yang, she couldn't help turning her head and threw herself into Su Yang's arms.

She is indeed a strong woman, but she is also a woman.

She had managed it by herself for the past two years, but now she suddenly felt that she couldn't bear it any longer, and she burst into tears.

Zhang Mangong and the two nurses were very sensible. They turned around and quietly left the ward, leaving space for the family of three.

Yang Mi cried for three minutes and then stopped sobbing.

After all, her heart was very strong and she recovered quickly.

"Okay, stop crying, Nuanbao will be fine!"

Su Yang once again spoke to comfort him.


Yang Mi nodded obediently, and then she saw a piece of wetness on Su Yang's chest, and she screamed "Ouch".

"Su Yang, I soiled your clothes!"


Yang Mi said with an embarrassed face.

(Asking for flower evaluation votes)

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