Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 48 This Is Not Scientific (Please Vote For Flowers)

But Yang Mi is different.

After separating from Yang Mi that time, Su Yang couldn't even remember who she spent the night with.

For two years, Yang Mi never came to her or asked her for anything, she just silently raised her child.

If Nuan Bao hadn't discovered the photo in Yang Mi's hand and obtained Su Yang's contact information, I'm afraid Su Yang still wouldn't know that she had a daughter.

Later, even if Nuan Bao came to Su Yang, Yang Mi did not make any demands on Su Yang.

Even the events in the script were provided by Su Yang on his own initiative, not by Yang Mi's request.

Moreover, it was just a script and an investment of 200 million. For Su Yang, it was far from enough to compensate Yang Mi.

"Yang Mi, if you need anything, just ask!"

"Whatever I can do, I will definitely do!"

"Just think of it as a little compensation from me!"

Su Yang said calmly.

It would be best if Yang Mi could be financially compensated.

However, Yang Mi decisively rejected Su Yang.

"No Su Yang, I don't need any compensation."

Yang Mi shook her head and continued:

"That night, none of us knew that something like that would happen. Moreover, we were in love with each other."

"I actually have a responsibility. I should tell you about the pregnancy and ask for your advice on whether to have a baby."

"But I didn't, and I gave birth to the child privately. This responsibility is actually mainly mine. Therefore, I don't need your compensation."

Yang Mi spoke from her heart.

She could have removed the child at first.

Even if it is inconvenient to have such an operation at home, she can choose to go abroad for a similar operation.

But Yang Mi didn't do that.

The child is innocent, and she doesn't want to hurt such a weak life.

Therefore, she finally chose to give birth to the child.

All this can be said to be her own initiative.

How can one blame Su Yang now?

"Anyway, if you encounter a problem that you can't solve, just come to me and I will help you solve it!"

Su Yang said lightly.


Yang Mi nodded.

Although Su Yang's tone was cold, Yang Mi still felt a slight warmth.

Maybe, this man is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Then, the two people stopped talking.

Yang Mi turned sideways and hugged Nuan Bao.

Su Yang was lying next to Nuan Bao.

Nuanbao's pillow is smaller and lies lower.

Therefore, Su Yang can smell Yang Mi's breath just by turning her head.

To avoid embarrassment, he could only lie on his back.

Yang Mi also felt her body getting hotter and hotter.

The quilt was warm and fragrant, but the smell of Su Yang's body still lingered in my nose from time to time.

There is nothing strange about Su Yang, just a manly masculinity.

It was precisely because of this masculine energy that Yang Mi was intoxicated.

It turns out that having children and a man by your side is such a safe thing, right?

Yang Mi also relaxed and gradually fell into sleep.

After spending a day with Nuan Bao today, she was also very tired.

Su Yang noticed that Yang Mi's breathing gradually became heavier, and realized that the other party was also asleep.

So, he also adjusted his state and began to fall asleep.

The next morning, Su Yang was woken up by a smooth little hand.

"Huh? Nuanbao, why did you wake up so early?"

Su Yang opened her eyes and found that it was her little cotton-padded jacket.

"Hehe, dad, please keep your voice down, mom is still sleeping!"

Nuan Bao pointed at Su Yang's gorgeous Yang Mi and said with a smile.


Su Yang was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked towards his arms.

This sight suddenly frightened Su Yang.

what's the situation? How did Yang Mi end up in his arms?

Last night, there was obviously a warm baby between the two of them, right?

Why did Yang Mi suddenly get in?

This unscientific!

In her sleep, Yang Mi's hair was spread on the pillow, and her long eyelashes would move from time to time. She was obviously having a sweet dream.

Putting his hands on his chest, he curled up in Su Yang's arms like a kitten.

Su Yang lay on top, looked down along the collar, and suddenly swallowed.

Yang Mi was wearing underwear before going to bed last night.

But sleeping in underwear would definitely be uncomfortable, so after Su Yang turned off the lights, she took off her underwear.

This is naturally cheaper. Su Yang glanced at it in vain.

However, Su Yang was still very surprised. How could the well-behaved Yang Mi get into his arms?

If I slept like this last night, where did Nuanbao sleep?

Wouldn't the little guy be pushed out of bed by the two of them?

It seems that we still need to install surveillance in the bedroom at home.

If your little one gets hurt in the bedroom, you can figure out how.

However, now is not the time to think about that.

While Yang Mi was still dreaming, he had to get up quickly.

It would be embarrassing if Yang Mi discovered it.

Thinking of this, Su Yang took a deep breath, stretched out a hand and made a silencing gesture towards Nuanbao, and then prepared to get out of the bed.

However, as soon as Su Yang moved, the family members in his arms let out a cry.

Then, Yang Mi slowly opened her eyes.

In an instant, their eyes met.


After Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, she exclaimed and sat up from the bed instantly.

At this time, Yang Mi's head was a little dizzy.

What happened last night? How could she be in Su Yang's arms?

What did she and Su Yang do?

Is it possible that the two of them are...

When she thought of this, Yang Mi felt like she was not feeling well.

You obviously didn't drink last night, why did something like this happen again?

And why doesn't she remember anything?

What should I do if I get pregnant again?

If she gets pregnant for the second time, Yang Mi will still choose to give birth to the child.

This is a responsibility for life, and it will not change if it happens several times.

However, Yang Mi was really distressed.

It would have been troublesome if something had happened yesterday.

After all, Nuan Baoke is still sleeping here.

"Ahem, don't worry, nothing happened yesterday!"

Su Yang obviously saw Yang Mi's worry, cleared her throat, and forced herself to calm down.

However, his tone was a bit hoarse, and it sounded like he was hiding something.


Yang Mi asked with some uncertainty.

"Of course it's true. Can't you feel if you're feeling unwell in your body?"

Su Yang was speechless.

The two hugged each other very closely early in the morning, but their clothes were still neat.

Moreover, if there really was something, it was impossible for Yang Mi not to feel anything at all.

If you don't feel anything, it means nothing happened.

"Oh, that's good!"

Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief, but she was also slightly disappointed in her heart.

Maybe, if something really happens, she is willing, right?

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