Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 63 Three Months To Complete

Taller than mom?

Hearing this, Nuan Bao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I must be taller than my mother, and I must be taller than my father!"

Taller than dad?

Good guy!

Upon hearing this, Yuan Yiqiu immediately called him a good guy.

Su Yang's height is over 1.8 meters.

Taller than Su Yang, wouldn’t that mean he has to be 1.9 meters tall?

Girls who are 1.9 meters tall can only be seen in the national basketball team.

However, neither Su Yang nor Jia Yihan took it seriously.

As a kid, it was just a joke.

Nuan Bao's parents are both tall, so the genes passed on to Nuan Bao will naturally be the same.

But it would be better if it can grow to 1.7 meters.

Moreover, Su Yang really doesn't like her daughter to grow too tall.

For girls, it's best not to be taller than 1.75 meters.

Although he looks very tall at over 1.75 meters, it will be more troublesome for my husband in the future.

About 1.65 to 1.7 meters is the best.

Not particularly tall, but not short either.

She has all the long legs she should have.

After measuring his height and weight, Jia Yihan left again.

And told Su Yang that he would send a batch of new warm clothes in a week.

Of course Nuan Bao is very happy. He can have new clothes to wear every day. How can the little guy not be happy?

Therefore, she has a growing fondness for Jia Yihan.

This aunt is so nice and often brings her new clothes.

On the other side, Yang Tian's commercial shooting has also ended.

Because it was the first time we collaborated, the film we shot was just a promotional video, not a lot of content.

However, there will still be a lot of advertisements in the future.

Yang Mi needs to cooperate with Yang Shui International to shoot six advertisements a year.

This is not too much.

After all, Yang Shui International's brand is there, and it has given a sky-high price of 10 million a year.

Yang Mi had no reason to refuse.

It was actually quite tiring to shoot in one day. When Yang Mi came home, she collapsed on the sofa and couldn't get up.

In the past, she would have helped carry the warm baby for a while.

No matter how good the nanny is, she can't replace the love given by her mother.

But now that she has Su Yang, Yang Ning is much more relaxed.

The affection given by my father is also family affection.

However, Yang Mi also said hello to Nuan Bao before going to rest.

She must go to bed early today.

Tomorrow morning I have to rush to the film and television studio to shoot, so I must rest.

That's what top artists are like, running here and there every day, it's really hard.

Soon, three days passed.

On this day, the official account of Yang Shui International, the official account of Yang Mi and Yang Mi Studio simultaneously released an advertisement on Weibo.

The content of the advertisement is that Yang Mi endorses Yang Shui International.

As soon as the advertisement was released, within half an hour, it became the number one hot search on Weibo, and even became a hot topic.

In the video, Yang Mi was wearing a ladylike dress for a while, and a sporty style for another. There were more than a dozen different styles, and she appeared in everyone's sight.

But that's not the most important thing.

It is not the focus of netizens' attention.

The point is, Yang Shui International actually uses a spokesperson.

Yang Shui is the name of the company and also the name of the luxury clothing brand.

As a top-notch luxury clothing, it is not inferior in any way to Grandma Xiang and LV.

Moreover, it only took about twenty years for Yangshui to grow from its establishment to the behemoth it is today.

Looking at the brands of Grandma Xiang, which one did not reach its current scale after hundreds of years?

Although the longer the brand is established, the more cultural and historical heritage it has.

But Yang Shui International came from behind, and no one said anything like having no foundation.

In the final analysis, Yang Shui International's design style is really excellent.

Especially the clothing.

Yang Shui International's clothing design is definitely more creative than old brands such as Grandma Xiang and LV.

Therefore, the reputation of this luxury product is not inferior to other luxury goods.

However, for so many years, Yang Shui International has not used any celebrity endorsement.

This is also a pity for many top celebrities and models who have retired.

For them, being able to endorse top luxury goods is definitely a recognition of their identity and strength.

Most of them have also endorsed some top luxury product.

However, no one has ever set foot in Yangshui International.

And now, the first spokesperson of Yang Shui International is actually Yang Mi.

Such enthusiasm naturally shocked the nephew country.

No, it should be said that it shocked the whole world.

For the first time, the name Yang Mi appeared in the ears of celebrities in the global entertainment industry.

Even Hollywood on the other side of the planet has heard of this name.

Many companies even held meetings overnight and wanted to cooperate with Yang Mi.

After all, being able to endorse Yang Shui International already means that Yang Wei will explode.

Maybe he will enter Hollywood in the future.

If we could communicate with Yang Mi in advance, we would be able to seize the opportunity.

You know, there are not a few people from Daxia who have become famous in Hollywood.

For example, Brother Long, Brother Jie, Gong Huang, Liu Tianxian, etc.

They are famous internationally.

Of course, most of the top companies have done nothing.

Such as Warner, Disney and so on.

They have too many artists under their belt.

Although Yang Mi is already showing signs of becoming famous internationally, she still doesn't make them excited.

However, the international impact is still relatively small, and it is mainly domestic.

Especially in Jiaxing, after seeing that Yang Mi endorsed Yang Shui International, Chen Jia smashed up his office.

Because she knew that this time it was really over.

The rise of Yang Mi is already an established fact.

She could leave Jiaxing intact.

She must have won the three-year gambling agreement.

"Su Yang, thank you. I know that if I can represent Yang Shui International, you must have said hello to Mr. Jia, right?"

At night, Yang Mi lay on the bed with Nuan Bao in her arms, quietly watching Su Yang beside her in the dark night.

"It's just a small matter, don't worry about it."

Su Yang's tone was very calm.

To him, this is indeed a trivial matter.

"Su Yang, this is just a small thing for you, but it means a lot to me.

Yang Mi shook her head and continued:

"Without you, I definitely wouldn't have been able to get the endorsement, and I wouldn't have been able to win the gambling agreement so easily.

After getting these 30 million, there are only tens of millions left in the gambling agreement.

Yang Mi still has several endorsement contracts and will be able to get the endorsement fees soon.

At that time, the gambling agreement can naturally be completed.

In addition, it is the improvement of fame and status.

Especially status.

After endorsing Yang Shui International, Yang Mi is considered an international celebrity.

If she participates in the International Red Carpet Festival again, even if the organizer won't clear the venue for her, she won't be chased away.

A few years ago, Yang Mi attended the red carpet festival for the first time and was kicked out by the organizer.

At that time, Yang Mi had just become popular in China because of "Palace", becoming a top-notch actress, and was invited to participate in the International Red Carpet Festival.

Originally, she was dressed beautifully and went to the red carpet festival happily.

Who would have thought that the organizer didn't pay attention to her at all.

Not only did no one from the major media take photos of her, she even stood on the red carpet for less than thirty seconds before being asked to leave by security.

That time, brown sugar was absolutely a shame and humiliation for Yang Mi.

Over the years, she has been thinking about enhancing her international influence.

But how can international influence be so easily enhanced?

She is just an artist. Even if she becomes a boss now, she still does not have the ability to integrate with international standards.

Unless she is willing to sacrifice herself and take the initiative to join those big bosses and those international superstars.

However, everyone knows that sacrificing oneself is equivalent to packing oneself up and sending it to these people's beds.

thereby reaping huge rewards.

If it had been someone else, I'm afraid he would have already agreed.

In fact, most people in the entertainment industry would probably not refuse such an opportunity if given the opportunity.

But Yang Mi refused.

She would rather not appear on the international stage for the rest of her life than betray her own principles.

Precisely because Yang Mi adheres to the principle, no one helps her to enter the international stage.

However, misfortunes are where blessings depend.

Who would have thought that his daughter's biological father would give her the opportunity to go global.

"You really want to enter the international film and television industry?"

Su Yang closed her eyes and asked calmly.

"Of course, which of our domestic artists doesn't want to enter the international film and television industry, especially Hollywood, which is the most developed place in the world for the film and television industry."

Yang Mi nodded seriously.

Becoming a Hollywood superstar should be the dream of every Daxia artist.

"Haha, I think there will be a chance."

Su Yang smiled lightly.

For him, it is very simple to send Yang Mi to Hollywood.

However, Yang Mi did not understand the meaning of Su Yang's words. She only thought that Su Yang was comforting her, so she didn't think much about it.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed.

Three Lives, Three Worlds, was successfully completed after shooting the last scene.

"Oh my God! It's finally over! I'm so exhausted!"

Fatty stretched hard.

After these three months of high-intensity shooting, she may be really exhausted.

It would be okay if you just shoot casually, but the problem is that Yang Mi and the director have very high quality requirements and have strict requirements for every artist.

Yang Mi even requires all artists to use original sounds, which means they need to collect the sounds on the spot.

Live sound collection is a great test of the actor's acting skills and lines.

After all, you not only have to memorize the lines firmly, but you also have to integrate the lines with the character during filming and speak them perfectly.

It's definitely very difficult.

Especially for today's actors, recording on-site is a hellish level of difficulty.

You know, although today's actors still have to memorize their lines during filming, most of them recite their lines more casually because of post-dubbing.

As long as the expression and demeanor are in place, it's okay.

There is nothing we can do about this. The general trend is that not many TV dramas will use live sound recording.

Even the popular Zhen Huan used a lot of dubbing.

However, it is actually possible to record the sound on the spot, and every actor is very professional.

However, in order to present better effects, dubbing will be used.

Under Yang Mi's strict requirements, Sansheng III adopted live sound recording.

This greatly increases the difficulty of shooting.

After all, once you make a mistake, you have to start over.

Especially the long lens, you can’t go wrong with a single word.

All the young actors were complaining.

But these young actors

The members are all artists from Yang Mi's studio. Even if they cry out in their hearts, they don't dare to express it with their mouths.

Moreover, after a month of shooting, everyone was used to it.

And some people discovered that after this month of filming, the acting skills have been greatly improved.

As a result, in the next two months, everyone no longer disliked the on-site silence.

On the contrary, I was particularly looking forward to it.

Everyone hopes that they will become famous because of their works and abilities, not just because of their looks.

But now the young talents in the entertainment industry have no choice. They have no ability to improve their own strength.

I can't bear the hardship, and there is no one behind me to encourage me.

Therefore, one can only rely on so-called good looks to achieve success.

It's not that it's impossible, it's just that something is missing.

Yang Mi didn't want all the artists in her studio to be like this, so she was very strict.

This is especially true for the No. 2 Hua Dan, Fatty.

Fatty can only be said to be a first-line star now, but cannot be said to be a top-notch star.

After all, Fatty currently has no particularly exciting works.

She made her debut with the role of Gao Wen.

This role can also be said to be the best role that Fatty has played so far.

Later, although she became a first-line star because of her good looks, judging from her works, she can only be described as tepid.

Therefore, Yang Mi attaches great importance to cultivating Pang Di's acting skills.

As long as Fatty's acting skills pass the test, she can also arrange excellent works for Fatty, allowing her to step into the top position.

".々Fatty, you've been doing well lately!"

Yang Mi smiled and patted Fatty on the shoulder.

This little girl is really hard-working and hard-working, and she doesn't complain when filming.

"Hehe, Sister Mi, everything should be fine next, right? After the shooting, I have to take a good rest.

Fatty said with a smile.

It has been three months, and she has been in Hengdian and Xiangshan for almost the same time.

Now that I have a holiday, it’s time to go back and see my parents.

"Well, I'll give you a week's leave, and you'll come back here in a week!"

Yang Mi said with a smile.

"Ah? Come back here? What are you doing?"

Fatty was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

"Of course it's filming!"

"There are three parts of Three Lives Three Worlds. The first part is Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms and the second part is Pillow Book. I plan to let you film the second part!"

"The protagonist of the second part is Feng Jiu. No one can play the role except you, right?"

What Yang Mi bought was all the film and television rights to Sansheng III.

And this time the filming was only the first part.

She is still very confident about this drama and it will definitely make money.

In this case, the second and third parts can also be planned.

"Sister Mi, are you serious about getting Zhao Hao? Do you really want me to play the leading role?"

As soon as he heard that he could play the leading role, Fatty's eyes suddenly lit up.

It's been a long time since she played a leading role. She basically filmed with Yang Mi and played a supporting role for her.

Although Fatty's reputation on the Internet is getting higher and higher, he still has no outstanding works.

She wanted to play the leading role, but Naihe was worried that she was not strong enough and was too embarrassed to mention it to Yang Mi.

Now she suddenly heard Yang Mi say that she could play the leading role, of course she was very happy.

"That's right! You don't want to give up, right?"

Yang Mi asked with a smile.

"Don't think about it, Sister Mi, I absolutely can't give up!"

Fatty nodded repeatedly.

Anyone who gives up such a good opportunity is a fool.

"Well, okay, the script will be sent to you in two days. You can prepare it and start shooting in a week!"

Yang Mi said with a smile.

She is not squeezing employees and does not give them time to rest.

It’s really for Fatty to better integrate into this role.

Pang Di played Feng Jiu in Ten Miles of Peach Blossom. When he went to Pillow Book, he was still Feng Jiu.

If she rests for too long, she may not be particularly good at this role.

Therefore, while Fatty is still immersed in this role, we started filming as soon as possible.

"Okay, thank you Sister Lei!"

Fatty nodded vigorously.

Sister Mi was kind to her, and she must not let her down.

After the crew wraps up filming, it’s time to finish filming.

As the big boss, Yang Mi must come to treat this meal.

It's just a meal, and it's not a big deal to Yang Ning.

She directly booked a floor in the largest hotel in Xiangshan and treated everyone to a closing banquet.

At the banquet, everyone had a drink.

This is unavoidable. To socialize, you must drink.

Naturally, Yang Mi and Pang Di also drank a little.

But Fatty's drinking capacity was not good, so he only drank a little.

But Yang Mi couldn't refuse.

Actors, directors, and various staff members came to toast her.

As a big boss, even if it is just casual, he will accidentally drink too much. .

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