Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 66 Trying To Get Along

After Yang Mi returned to Shanghai, she had nothing else to do for a short time.

On Su Yang's side, after renovating the playground, he is planning to renovate the west side of the manor.

The west side of the estate is currently a wooded area.

Of course, the woods are in the manor, and there are many different kinds of trees planted in them.

Huanghuali tree, agarwood tree, rosewood tree, etc.

Every tree here has grown for hundreds of years.

They are all transplanted from all over the country.

Some trees are not originally suitable for Shanghai's climate, but as money is spent, there are naturally ways to maintain them.

These trees are naturally expensive.

Just talking about huanghuali books, a century-old huanghuali tree costs more than one million, or even more expensive. Even if it sells for tens of millions, there will still be bids.

In this forest, there are only a few dozen huanghuali trees.

In addition to huanghuali trees, there are other trees, and the prices are very scary.

The woods to the west cover a very large area and can be seen endlessly.

Su Yang's plan is to carve off a part of this place and transform it into a small cute pet paradise.

You can keep some small animals inside.

Such as alpacas, fragrant pigs, ponies, etc.

Children naturally need to be in contact with nature and small animals in nature.

Children in the city want to see small animals, and at most they have cats and dogs at home.

As for other animals, you can only go to the zoo.

But to a place like the zoo, visiting once a month is considered frequent.

Ordinary families do not have the time or energy to take their children to the zoo every now and then.

Su Yang is naturally the same.

Therefore, he plans to build a cute pet paradise in the west and raise some docile animals.

Normally, Nuanbao can play with these small animals.

As long as animals are raised from an early age, they can live in harmony with children.

However, even if only a small part of the forest is transformed, the estimated loss is "59" calculated in hundreds of millions.

Of course, this is nothing to Su Yang.

As long as his daughter can grow up healthy and excellent, it doesn't matter to him.

Su Yang and Yang Mi are now a little embarrassed because of that night.

Especially Yang Mi, she took the initiative that night.

Therefore, she was simply embarrassed to face Su Yang.

Although he and Su Yang still share the same bed, he gets up every morning before Su Yang has gotten up.

Every night, I wait until Su Yang is about to fall asleep in bed before going to bed.

So much so that Nuan Bao hasn't seen her mother for a week.

Although his mother lies beside him every night, Nuan Bao is nowhere to be seen.

Of course, Yang Ning thought Su Yang was sleeping.

In fact, Su Yang was already awake or not sleeping.

It's just that he himself doesn't know how to face Yang Mi.

If only I had dropped a transfer check in the past.

Or if the other party has any requirements, satisfy them directly.

After all, the girls who approach him have their own purposes. As long as their purposes are met, Su Yang will not have any psychological burden.

But Yang Mi is different.

This is truly a feeling without any purpose.

Therefore, during this period, Su Yang was in a dilemma, and Yang Mi was also in a dilemma.

If Nuan Bao didn't live here, Yang Mi would really not want to face Su Yang.

Even Nuan Bao realized something was wrong and sighed all day long:

"Dad, Nuan Bao hasn't seen her mother for several days. What has she done?"

"Nuan Bao, mom went to make money. Every night, mom comes home and sleeps with Nuan Bao in her arms. Don't you feel it, Nuan Bao?"

Su Yang explained with a smile.

In fact, he knew it every night when Yang Mi came back.

Maybe Yang Mi also knew that Su Yang was awake, but neither party salvaged the other.


Hearing this, Nuan Bao obviously felt much better, but his little head was still tilted and a little confused:

"Then why didn't mom wake me up? Nuan Bao hasn't seen her mother for a long time. Although mom was very busy in the past, she never didn't see Nuan Bao for so long?"

"Dad, did you have a fight with mom?"

Children's hearts are really sensitive, and they immediately noticed that there was something different about the relationship between Su Yang and Yang Mi.

Although Su Yang and Yang Mi didn't talk much before, they were polite to each other and didn't act like strangers.

But now it is completely different. It is very appropriate to describe it as different dreams in the same bed.

"Little guy, what are you thinking about in your little mind?"

Su Yang helplessly touched Nuan Bao's little head and then said:

"Mom and dad didn't quarrel, it's just that mom has been really busy recently!

"When mom comes back today, if Nuan Bao has fallen asleep, can I ask mom to wake you up?"

Seeing the little guy's clear eyes, Su Yang also felt very pity.

The little guy could have grown up without any worries, but now he has to worry about his parents.

Thinking of this, a decision silently appeared in Su Yang's mind.

"Well, don't do it. When mom is done with her work, she will definitely have time to spend with the sick patient!"

Nuan Bao was silent for a moment, then shook his head sensibly.

Mom has already worked so hard. As a good baby, she shouldn't disturb her at this time.

Let mom have a good rest.

"Well, my warm baby is really good."

Su Yang doted on Nuan Bao and made love.

The little guy's mind is very simple. He thinks about some things too much and forgets them quickly.

After a while she forgot about it and started playing with Su Yang.

At night, after Su Yang coaxed Nuan Bao to sleep, she looked at the tree in the study.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, Yang Mi also came back.

"Ms. Yang, you are back. Do you need to prepare a midnight snack for you?"

Seeing Yang Mi coming back, Luo Qian immediately came up to greet her.

As a housekeeper, she needs to be on call 24 hours a day.

If Su Yang is alone, then when Su Yang goes to rest, she can also rest.

But now that Yang Mi is here, she has to wait until Yang Mi comes home and lies in bed to rest before she can rest.

Of course, Lu Qian has no regrets about this.

Regardless of the fact that she has taken care of Su Yang's relationship for so many years, she has long regarded Su Yang as her biological brother.

Just as a hired housekeeper, she would not have any complaints.

The treatment Su Yang gave her was really great.

The annual salary is calculated in hundreds of millions, which is equivalent to giving it to her for free.

Looking around the world, even the king's butler cannot have such an exaggerated annual salary.

With such a high salary, how could she not do her best?

Not only must we do our best for Su Yang, but we must also do our best for Su Yang's children and women.

Luo Qian also watched Su Yang grow up, like a big sister.

Over the years, she also knew that the girls around Su Yang had never been separated.

However, Luo Qian also knew that those things were just passing clouds and would go away as soon as they were gone.

Even if you stay for a few more days, you are just a passerby.

All this time, Su Yang has never met a true love.

However, after seeing Yang Mi, Luo Qian had an intuition in her heart.

This woman may be the person that my excellent "brother" has always needed.

Even if the two people are not together yet, isn't it a matter of time?

"Sister Luo, there's no need to prepare. I've recently discovered that I've gained weight, so I won't eat midnight snacks."

Yang Mi smiled and shook her head.

Since moving to the manor. Her weight has really improved a lot.

In the past, my weight was only about ninety pounds.

But now, it is almost 9,500 pounds.

A change of five pounds may be nothing to ordinary people, and they may not even be noticeable.

But as a top star, you have to be in front of high-power cameras every day. Even slight changes will make people feel that a big change has occurred.

In particular, Yang Mi's own frame is relatively large. If she becomes slightly plump, she will become very fat.

Therefore, she still has to control her diet.

Even if it is a late night snack for weight loss, it is better not to eat it as much as possible.

"Okay Ms. Yang, I'll let Master Wei take a rest soon."

Luo said with a slight smile.


Yang Mi nodded and then said:

"Sister Luo, don't call me Ms. Yang from now on. Just call me Yang Mi, or Mimi!"

"Sir, Madam, etc., that sounds so awkward."

Yang Mi knew that Luo Qian had been following Su He for many years and was the person Su He trusted the most.

Moreover, after being in contact with him for so long, she found that Luo Qian was also very powerful.

It's not as simple as just being a butler on the surface.

For such people, Yang Shu still respected him very much.

"Ms. Yang, you're welcome!"

Luo Qian smiled and shook his head.

There are differences in status and order in hierarchy.

Although it is no longer a feudal society, the most basic courtesy is still required.

"Okay, Sister Luo, from now on you can call me Mimi in private, and you can call me whatever you want when there are people around. How about this?"

"If you don't agree, I will be angry!"

Yang Mi deliberately kept a straight face and her tone became colder.

"Okay, okay!"

Luo Qian hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

The hostess has said so, but it’s not good for her to persist.

As a steward, of course, you must respect the master's will.

After the two briefly chatted for a while, Yang Mi returned to the house.

She thought that Su Yang should have gone to bed by this time.

So, Yang Mi came upstairs, opened the door to the room and walked in quietly.

"Ah, you haven't slept yet?"

Yang Mi walked into the room and immediately saw Su Yang sitting in the study.

The lights in the study are very dim, which will basically not have any impact on the sleeping warm baby, but when you walk in from the outside, you can still see that the lights in the study are on.

"Well, waiting for you!"

Su Yang said lightly.

wait for me?"

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously asked:

"What are you waiting for me to do?"

After asking, Yang Mi immediately regretted it.

Su Yang was so busy that she couldn't sleep. What else could she do? It was most likely because of what happened last time.

Thinking of the last time she took the initiative to sleep with Su Yang, Yang Mi's pretty face turned slightly red.

Why were you so bold all of a sudden?

Too unreserved.

It's all because of the drink...

I will never drink again!

Yang Mi secretly swore in her heart.

The first time I got drunk, I spent a crazy night with Su Yang, and then I had Nuanbao.

The second time I got drunk, I broke the delicate balance that I had managed to maintain.

Yang Mi now really doesn't know how to explain to Su Yang.

"Nuan Bao hasn't seen you for how many days? Are you planning to hide all the time?

Touch me and then even the warm treasure disappears?"

There was a hint of connotation in Su Yang's tone.

However, more is still helpless.

In the end, the little guy has to step in to solve the adult's matter.

It's really embarrassing for successful adults like the two of them.

"I, I didn't

Yang Mi wanted to make a quibble with herself.

She wanted to tell Su Yang that she was really not avoiding him.

However, before he finished speaking, Su Yang spoke back.

"Yang Mi! Let's try to get along with each other, right?"


Yang Mi was stunned for a moment. She didn't hear clearly what Su Yang said.

"Su Yang, what did you say?"

Yang Mi asked blankly.

"I said, why don't we try to get along for a while?"

Su Yang repeated helplessly.

"Let's try to get along with each other? Su Yang, you can't joke, can you?"

Yang Mi was a little unsure whether Su Yang was joking.

"You think I'm joking?"

Su Yang said calmly:

"We can still lie to Nuanbao now, but when Nuanbao grows up, she will definitely be able to tell that our relationship is not normal.

"We can try it for a while. During this period, whether it is me or you, as long as the other party is absolutely not suitable, we can terminate the relationship at any time."

"We can make a contract. Once the relationship is terminated, we will never be able to stop each other."

"Of course, if we get along well, we can continue to talk to the next step."

"It's no problem to go further and even get married."

Get married?

Hearing this word, Yang Mi's eyes suddenly became blurred.

As a girl, who doesn’t yearn to get married?

However, getting married is never a simple matter.

Especially for people like her and Su Yang, who have status, status and huge wealth, it is even more difficult to get married.

Once you get married, property becomes a problem.

Unless there is an agreement before marriage, if there is no joint property after marriage, it will still belong to each person.

Of course, this agreement is definitely beneficial to Su Yang, after all, his wealth is too huge.

However, Yang Mi does not want Su Yang's money.

Although she has not finally won the three-year gambling agreement, she is already very close.

As long as she wins, she doesn't need to worry about this matter.

The money she has on hand is enough to live comfortably for a lifetime.

As some big stars say, they never need to marry into a wealthy family, because they are wealthy themselves.

This sentence is also very suitable for Yang Mi.

"This...Su Yang...I..."

Yang Mi still hesitated.

She was really confused about this matter.

Yang Mi thinks she has a good impression of Su Yang.

Duo Jin is handsome and although his expression is a little cold, he is really warm to people.

It can be said that Su Yang is a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

2.5 In addition to what happened two days ago, "It is really impossible for Yang Mi not to have a good impression.

"I'll give you half an hour to think about it. After half an hour, give me a yes or no answer."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you disagree. Just in front of Nuan Bao, I hope you can bring out your strength as an actor."

After Su Yang finished speaking, he lowered his head and continued to deal with his own affairs.

This left Yang Mi quite speechless.

Half an hour?

Can this kind of thing be figured out in half an hour?

If it was really that easy to figure out, then she wouldn't have to worry so much.

She secretly glanced up at Su Yang. Seeing that he was already immersed in it, Yang Mi could only sigh helplessly.

Then, I quickly thought about it.

Half an hour passes very quickly, especially when you enter into deep thinking, which is a matter of seconds.

"How is it? How do you think about it?"

Su Yang capped the pen in his hand, put it aside, and then turned his attention to Yang Mi.

"Su Yang, I promise to spend some time with you!"

Yang Mi took a deep breath and finally made up her mind:

"This period is tentatively scheduled for three months. Within three months, we can get along like a normal couple."

"As for three months later, if either you or I feel it's inappropriate, how about we officially separate?"

Yang Mi actually made the decision after careful consideration.

Nuan Bao gradually grew up.

The growth of a child requires not only a mother, but also a father.

Yang Mi knows very well how much negative energy a single-parent family can bring to a child.

The problem is definitely not big before the age of three, but after the age of three, when the child goes to school, the problem will become more and more obvious.

Yang Mi does not want her children to face various problems like those children from single-parent families.

Su Yang is Nuan Bao's biological father after all.

It is definitely the most suitable thing for me to try to get along with Su Yang. .

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