Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 76 An Insidious Strategy

"Is this the legendary fighting spirit that turns into a horse? Even those damn short video bloggers can do better special effects than this for only fifty cents, right?"

"This is not a 50-cent special effect, this is clearly a 5-cent special effect!"

"I feel like my IQ has been crushed. This TV series just treats me like an idiot!"

"The promotion is pretty good. What is the most awesome fairy tale drama in history? I watch the most awesome shit in history!"

"I came here for our brother Xiaolu, but this drama really has no highlights except Xiaolu."

"I can't stand just one episode, and there are more than 50 episodes to come? If someone can watch it without stopping, I would call him the strongest!"

"Watching Ancient Sword without missing an episode? Is this a new assassination method?"

"Jiaxing, what grudge do we have against you? Why do you want to torture us like this?"

"We feel that our brother Sheep is going to die, and this drama will probably become the biggest shame in his life.

"This Wang Xiaofeng is the most handsome man in five thousand years, right? Are you sure you are not blind?"

"Damn it, you look like your body has been hollowed out! I don't know how many unspoken rules you have to accept to get to the top!"

"Having just come from Sansheng III, I feel that this drama is the ceiling after Fairy Sword. It has once again opened the door to fairy tale dramas. Who would have thought that Gu Jian would directly close the door?

It's still welded. "

"Speaking of which, how about Three Lives and Three Worlds? Thunder?"

"Really? I dare to say responsibly that whether it is plot, special effects or acting, it is definitely the best this year!"

"That's right, if Sansheng Sanshi doesn't get the award this year, I'll just smash the Golden Crow Award."

"It's so good. As long as it doesn't end badly, this drama is really amazing. The acting skills of all the cast members are outstanding."

"That being said, I'm going to watch this show too!"

"Me too!"

Just as Yang Mi expected, with the ancient sword as a backdrop, Sansheng Sansei really became popular.

By the time the second episode of "Nine Zero Three" was released, the ratings of Tongue Sword directly showed a cliff-like drop.

Even if Chen Jia and Zhao Ruoyao choose to premiere on Fruit Channel, it will not stop their popularity from declining.

The ratings of the first episode of Gu Jian reached its peak at 1.8.

But the second episode dropped directly to 0.7, and the ratings are still falling.

At the current rate, I'm afraid it will eventually fall to around 0.3.

At this time, not only Jiaxing was anxious, but also the leaders of Fruit TV Station were anxious.

They were paid to show this TV series.

One episode costs hundreds of thousands.

If this fails, they will not even think about their year-end bonus this year.

Therefore, they called Chen Jia immediately.

"Leader, I don't know what's going on?"

"I guess it has something to do with the impact of Three Lives and Three Worlds."

"Yes, yes, that's definitely the case. When the plot picks up later, the ratings will definitely not keep falling."

"That's right, our show has top-notch actors like Xiaolu and Zhang Shenyang, so the ratings won't be too bad!"

"Yes, yes, these fans will definitely pay for their idols."

"So leader, don't worry!"

"Okay, goodbye, leader!"

"Huh, I finally got over it!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Jia breathed a sigh of relief.

The person who just called her was the second in command of the TV station and the leader in charge of their project.

Even though he is the second-in-command, he has great power.

One sentence can make the fruit station permanently suspend cooperation with them.

Suspending cooperation is not just as simple as not letting their TV series be released.

Once they are banned, it will be impossible for their own artists to appear on the fruit station in the future.

The fruit table is still very powerful, especially for artists.

If you have never appeared in a variety show on the Fruit Channel, then the artist's life is equivalent to being unsatisfactory.

In addition, although these TV stations compete with each other, they also share the same hatred.

Being blocked by Fruit Channel means that it will also be blocked by other TV stations.

No one will offend other leaders for a small gain.

Therefore, even if this drama really fails, Chen Jia still has to explain it to the second-in-command in a respectful and polite manner.

"Sister Chen, what should we do now? Gu Jian's ratings are getting lower and lower. I'm afraid there are no passers-by paying the bill except for fans."

Zhao Ruoyao smiled bitterly.

I originally thought that with a few top-notch supporters, even if the TV series failed, it wouldn't be particularly disastrous.

But now it seems that things are far from as simple as she thought.

The top stream is really powerful and brings a lot of stream areas.

But when it comes to a drama like this, even a top-notch one can't handle it.

"What do you think of Sansheng Sanshi? Is it really as well-made as said on the Internet, or is it a gimmick supported by top figures like Yang Mi and Fatty?"

Chen Jia did not answer, but asked about Zhao Ruoyao.

She has never watched Three Lives Three Worlds, so she doesn't know what this show is like.

But the reviews online are very good.

Chen Jia wants to know whether these rumors are faked by trolls or are they true?

If it was done by the navy, then there is no need to be afraid.

Yang Mi can hire navy troops, but Jiaxing can’t?

"Sister Chen, the production of Sansheng Sanshi is indeed better than our ancient sword!"

"It seems that except for Zhao Chating, who was hired with a high salary, all other staff and actors together only spent 20 million.

"But their investment is 200 million."

"In other words, Yang Mi spent 150 million to create this TV series."

"It is said that the special effects alone cost more than 100 million."

More than 100 million special effects are absolutely unimaginable.

Zhao Ruoyao also watched an episode just now.

Needless to say, the special effects of Three Lives Three Worlds are definitely worthy of the 100 million.

Even if it's not as good as Hollywood, it's not far behind.

"Damn it, is Yang Mi planning to take the boutique route?"

Chen Jia's brows suddenly wrinkled.

TV series, movies and novels are actually the same.

If you want to be famous forever, you must go for high-quality products.

For example, Zhen Huan is the best among the best. Even after so many years, it is still on the hot search from time to time.

It even matches the current hot searches.

This is the best.

As for Gu Jian, it is just a fast food TV series.

This kind of TV series makes money from the popularity of celebrities and fans.

When the popularity is over and fans no longer follow it, the show will be considered completely cool.

However, it doesn't matter.

Fast food TV series exist to make quick money.

As long as the funds can be withdrawn quickly and everyone can make money, that's fine.

As for the fans, they don't care.

Fans are here to watch idols anyway, and the plot doesn't matter to them at all.

Most TV shows nowadays think this way.

As long as you make money, what about the quality of your work?

Fuck the quality!

But now Yang Mi has started to make high-quality products.

It was as if a stream of clear water had emerged from the turbidity, instantly making everyone confused.

"Definitely, I have to admit that Sansheng III is indeed well-made."

"Is it just that Yang Mi is crazy? Is she so sure that the artists under her will be willing to pay such a small salary?"

Zhao Ruoyao frowned.

As far as she knew, Yang Mi clearly valued the rights of her artists the most.

When she was in Jiaxing, Yang Mi fought for more traffic and remuneration for her artists more than once.

It is precisely because of this that after Yang Mi left, these artists would follow her.

This boss did a really good job.

"I don't know much about that either!"

Chen Jia shook his head.

She also felt very confused about this matter.

In fact, this is a problem with their structure.

In Three Lives Three Worlds, all the artists in Jiaxing are not paid very well, and many even receive zero pay.

This is because Yang Mi wants to use more money to make this drama better.

When you make money, wouldn't it be nice to pay dividends to these artists?

Apart from that, as long as the work is good, do you still worry about the participating artists not being popular?

The exposure of good works is very high, which is much more useful than endless participation in various variety shows and advertisements.

For an artist, his work is everything.

Good works and good characters can be remembered by people, even for a lifetime.

For example, Zhen Huan, those supporting characters, aren’t they also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people?

Liu Zhu's actress, even if she plays a serious drama, everyone will immediately recognize her as Liu Zhu.

This is the impact of a good work.

"Sister Chen, what should we do now? Are we going to let Yang Mi continue to be so arrogant?"

"The gambling agreement is about to be lost!"

Zhao Ruoyao frowned and said.

If the gambling agreement is lost, Yang Mi can leave Jiaxing calmly.

At that time, she will truly be a free person.

"Haha, since Yang Mi is pressing so hard, we have no choice but to take action!"

Chen Jia sneered and then said:

"I heard from the grapevine that Yang Mi seems to have been in and out of Dongzhou Palace frequently recently. Please ask someone to find out what's going on!"

Dongzhou Palace?

Zhao Ruoyao was stunned for a moment, this name sounded familiar.

Which community is it? Has Yang Mi bought a new house?

Doesn't she have her own house in Tomson?

Yang Mi does have a large flat floor in Tomson.

It's no secret.

It's just that places like Tomson are crowded, so she stopped living there after having a child.

Before moving to Dongyuan, she lived in another high-end community.

The security of that high-end community is also very good, and it is not an internet celebrity building like Tomson.

There are not so many messy outsiders.

It's quite safe to live there.

As for the Tomson one, it is still idle.

Zhao Ruoyao knew that Yang Mi had a house in Tangchen.

Yang Mi had already bought this house when she was still in Jiaxing.

Yang Mi's strength is still very strong, there is no doubt about this.

Spending hundreds of millions to buy Tomson is not a big deal.

Tomson is the most central house.

For houses here, you basically don’t have to worry about depreciation.

Even if real estate prices across the country have dropped, they can still remain strong here.

"Sister Chen, where is Dongzhou Palace? Does it sound familiar? I just can't remember where it is..."

Zhao Ruoyao asked doubtfully.

"Dongzhou Palace is the most expensive villa area in the city center, where there is a military base to the east!"

Chen Jia explained.

"What? The house there? Yang Mi can't afford it, right?"

Zhao Ruoyao suddenly showed a surprised expression.

She finally remembered what kind of place this was.

Dongzhou Palace, the most expensive villa in Shanghai

Villa area.

Even the smallest villa there costs over a billion.

The largest building king even costs three to four billion, maybe even more.

Moreover, it is said that there is a manor deep in the villa area.

How could Yang Mi, an artist, afford a villa here?

Unless she is a top Hollywood star, someone like Iron Man Downey Jr.

However, even Iron Man Downey may not be willing to spend more than one billion to buy a villa.

His salary is US$100 million, but he does not earn US$100 million continuously every year.

If you want to buy the cheapest villa, you have to spend 200 million US dollars in cash.

Downey may not be able to take it out.

Therefore, the villas here are beyond the imagination of ordinary artists.

In this case, why does Yang Mi frequent this place?

"That's the problem! Yang Mi definitely can't afford it, so why can she frequent this place?"

"Don't you think it's suspicious?"

Chen Jia picked up the tea cup on the table and took a sip, with a touch of confidence on his face.

"Sister Chen, do you mean that Yang Dian might be taken care of by a top rich man?"

"No way? How can she be kept as a proud person?"

Zhao Ruoyao couldn't believe it.

If she said that other actors were being taken care of, she might really believe it.

But what Yang Mi said was really incredible.

Although she was unwilling to admit it, Zhao Ruoyao still knew Yang Ning's character.

Even in the most difficult times, this woman will never sell her body.

Not to mention it’s not too difficult now.

"Haha, there are many things that are impossible and possible, and none of us can guarantee them.

Chen Jia sneered and then said:

"Think about it for yourself, if Yang Mi didn't have someone behind her, why would the Lianyi brothers invest 200 million in her? This is clearly training a rival!"

"For another example, Yang Shui International has never used a spokesperson. Why did it suddenly use a spokesperson? And it's also a brand spokesperson."

"There are so many people in the entertainment industry, including Liu Tianxian, Fan Shuishui, etc., none of them are worse than Yang Mi, but in the end only Yang Mi stands out! Not to mention there are so many superstars in the world.

No matter how you look at it, it’s not Yang Mi’s turn, right?”

"So, there is only one possibility. The capital father behind Yang Mi took action, allowing her to get a lot of resources.

Needless to say, Chen Jia is really smart and worthy of being the boss of Jiaxing.

Being able to keep a company standing in the entertainment industry is obviously very powerful.

Her analysis is very close to the truth.

The only thing wrong may be that Yang Mi is being kept.

After all, she also subconsciously felt that as an artist, it was impossible for Yang Mi to be spotted by the top rich and marry into a wealthy family.

This probability is really too low at 4.0.

Therefore, there is only one possibility, that is, Yang is being kept.

"Sister Chen, do we have evidence?"

Zhao Ruoyao asked with a smile.

"Evidence? What other evidence is needed for this kind of thing?"

"As long as we let the paparazzi take photos of Yang Mi's frequent visits to Dongzhou Palace and put them online, isn't the reason just made up by us?"

"Being kept as a mistress, even having children, you can just make it up as you like."

"What we have to do is ruin Yang Mi's reputation."

"It would be great if Sansei III can be stopped because of this."

If Yang Mi is really rumored to be a mistress or being kept, once it is announced, it will definitely cause trouble for her.

Even TV series will be suspended for a period of time.

Sometimes, many topics are very sensitive.

Especially in this era of highly developed Internet, unscrupulous artists are not allowed to appear on the screen.

"Hahaha, Sister Chen, you are right! Let's do this!"

"I want to see if Yang Mi can explain why she frequently goes in and out of Dongzhou Palace!"

Zhao Ruoyao laughed proudly, as if she had completely mastered Yang Mi.

"Well, check carefully first. If you can't find it, then let the paparazzi directly upload photos of her frequently entering and leaving the Dongzhou Palace to the Internet.

"When the time comes, Yang Mi will be on the hot search list in the Navy area."

Chen Jia smiled.

They already have evidence that Yang Mi frequently enters and exits Dongzhou Palace.

It’s just a few photos, as long as you upload them to a random rhythm, netizens will follow suit.

Most netizens are blind and have rich imaginations.

By then, maybe they don't need to do anything, and people will start to blackcore.

After all, Yang Mi has always been prone to darkening.

"Okay, Sister Chen, I'll do it now and try to get the results tomorrow!"

Zhao Ruoyao said with a smile. .

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