"What are you afraid of? Yang Mi is just a mistress. Are you worried that the big boss will go to war over a mistress?"

"That's right, maybe the wife of the main palace is still dealing with this matter."

"But no matter what, it's definitely true that Yang Mi is being kept, and there's no way she can escape."

The Navy quickly set up the pace.

It seems that Yang Mi's being kept has been confirmed.

At the same time, the popularity of this entry also increased rapidly, instantly reaching the top of the hot search list, and in just half an hour, it went from refined to popular.

Yang Mi’s fans reacted quickly.

However, it happened too early, and many fans hadn't gotten up yet.

By the time they got up and wanted to speak up for Yang Mi, it was already too late.

The entry exploded.

Therefore, if they want to give Yang Mi something more, they will be overwhelmed by these trolls and melon-eating people.

Yang Mi in Dongzhou Haoting was also woken up by the ringing of the phone.

I picked it up and saw that it was Wang Zhiting calling.

"Hey, Zhiting, what's wrong? You called me so early in the morning? Did something happen?"

Yang Mi opened her eyes in confusion and took a look. It was only half past seven.

This time is considered the time for office workers to get up, but Yang Mi usually doesn't get up until half past eight or even nine o'clock.

She will work a little later if she works overtime, but she will also go to work later, so she can ensure herself enough sleep time.

Artists are also human beings, and if they stay up late for a long time without enough sleep, something will happen.

However, Nuan Bao and Su He had already gotten up early.

Nuanbao basically goes to bed early and wakes up early.

I went to bed around eight o'clock in the evening and got up at six o'clock the next morning.

Sleep time is ten hours every night.

This sleep time is already very good, after all, Nuanbao has to sleep for more than an hour every afternoon.

For a three-year-old child, it is indeed enough.

"Sister Mi, something bad is going to happen. Someone is slandering you on the Internet, saying that you have been kept as a mistress, and you have an illegitimate child!"

Wang Zhiting's anxious voice sounded.

She was sleeping originally, but was woken up by a call from her subordinate.

This matter was definitely a big deal for Yang Mi, so her subordinates naturally notified Wang Zhiting immediately.

She is an agent, so naturally she has to be the first to know about this kind of thing and deal with it immediately for Yang Mi.

In fact, Wang Zhiting has already dealt with it.

It’s just that public opinion has completely gotten out of control.

Even if she wanted to spend money to remove the hot search, she couldn't do it in a short time.

Moreover, the other party obviously also spent money to buy the hot search.

In this case, if she wants to remove the hot search, she will have to pay a higher price.

Simply put, it means paying more money.

However, when it comes to using money, you need to ask Yang Lu for instructions.

"What? Who is spreading rumors? And who exposed it?"

When Yang Mi heard this, she sat up from the bed.

She knew that something really big had happened.

It doesn't matter if you are blackmailed, even if you are really rumored to be a mistress and being kept, it doesn't matter.

After all, as long as you send a lawyer's letter to clarify this thing, and go forward to report it to the police, the public opinion on the Internet will soon subside.

It's just that it will have a bad influence on him.

For example, in the taxi driver incident back then, rumors were made about her.

Not only was her reputation damaged, but the reputation of the victim girl was also hit again by spreading rumors about Yang Mi.

Even now, many people still believe that the victim is Yang Mi.

In reality?

Yang Mi was simply spread rumors.

However, even if most people are rational, there will still be a small number of stupid people.

This small group of people will never believe what others say, or those who clarify rumors.

As long as someone spreads rumors, they will believe it.

These people lack the most basic ability to judge right from wrong and are very hateful.

Therefore, even if this matter is really clarified today, there will still be people who think that Yang Mi is being kept and that she is a mistress.

However, it doesn't matter.

What Yang Mi is most worried about is the rumor of an illegitimate child.

The term illegitimate is certainly inaccurate.

Nuan Bao is not anyone's illegitimate child, but a child with upright parents.

But the problem is that Yang Mi has been hiding this matter very well. Except for a few people, very few people know about it.

On the one hand, Yang Mi was doing it for her own career and could not explain to netizens that she was pregnant out of wedlock.

On the other hand, it is also for the sake of keeping the baby warm.

This has been stated before.

It is really not a good thing for children to appear in public too early.

Therefore, Yang Mi could only conceal these things.

But now Nuan Bao may be exposed, which makes Yang Mi very angry and worried.

This matter is also very difficult to deal with.

Once the police are called, she will really be unable to hide her pregnancy and childbirth.

"We still don't know if the news came from outside."

"The first person to forward the message was also a signal. After sending the photo, he closed his account."

"However, the photo has been posted all over the Internet and there is no way to cut it off."

As a top celebrity, Yang Mi would be screenshotted instantly if there was any news related to her.

That account was obviously created by a paparazzi company.

After they sent the copy and photos, they deleted the copy and canceled the account within ten minutes.

However, the photos and copy were still screenshotted and forwarded all over the Internet.

Now, no matter how rich they are, it is impossible to delete all the photos on the Internet.

Some unscrupulous websites have even connected the previous taxi rumor incident with Yang Mi’s birth.

This is the biggest problem.

"What kind of photo is it? Did you capture the front of Nuan Bao?"

When she heard there were photos, Yang Mi became anxious.

If you take a photo of the warm baby, it will not be that simple if you want to take the warm baby out in the future.

"There is no such thing, you can rest assured. It's just a few photos of our commercial vehicles entering and exiting Dongzhou Palace."

"As for the others, they are all rumors fabricated by people in writing, and there is no solid evidence."

Wang Zhiting said.

"That's good, that's good. If you just go in and out of Dongzhou Palace frequently, it's not a big problem!"

Yang Mi also breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Nuan Baodan's identity was not exposed.

As long as Nuan Bao is not exposed, everything is fine.

“Sister Mi, things are very troublesome now, and I can’t even remove the hot search.

"You'd better come to the company quickly to discuss countermeasures!"

"At least a lawyer's letter can be issued before noon!"

"If the heat really continues to grow, I'm worried that the show Three Lives Three Worlds at night may not be able to continue broadcasting!"

Wang Zhiting's face was full of worry.

If Yang Mi never comes forward to explain, the relevant departments will definitely intervene.

Although it is not a crime to be kept as a mistress, it is definitely a matter of bad moral character.

There is zero tolerance for bad moral character in the entertainment industry.

How many artists have had their works and their works removed from the market because of their bad moral character?

Therefore, Jiaxing must clarify in advance.

"Well, I'll come to the company right away!"

Yang Mi nodded.


After saying that, both parties hung up the phone.

Yang Mi simply washed up and went downstairs without putting on makeup.

"Mom, are you up?"

Nuan Bao was playing a game with Su Yang. When he saw his mother coming down, he immediately came up to greet her.

"Mom, breakfast is ready. Go and have breakfast!"

Nuan Bao pointed to the breakfast on the table.

Breakfast was just served.

Nuanbao did not eat immediately after getting up, but would play for a while before eating.

I really couldn’t eat when I just woke up.

"Mom has something urgent at work, so I won't eat. You and dad have dinner together! Be good!"

Yang Mi touched Nuan Bao's little head, and then said to Su Yang:

"Su Yang, I'm going to the company first. Something happened and I need to deal with it immediately!"

"Nuanbao will be left to you to take care of!"

"Well, don't worry!"

Su Yang nodded.

Seeing Yang Mi's anxious look, she couldn't help but ask:

"What happened? Do you need my help?"

Su Yang could tell at a glance that something was wrong with Yang Mi's state, something big must have happened.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be so nervous.

Since she is his girlfriend, Su Yang thinks that if she can help, she can still help.

"I have been rumored to have been kept as a mistress and had an illegitimate child. The article on Weibo has exploded.

"You will find out soon after searching on the Internet. I don't have time to explain. I have to go to the company to deal with it quickly!"

"By the way, please ask Xiao Wu to see me off. I guess there are many reporters and paparazzi hiding outside the manor. If I drive out, I might be surrounded by them.

As an artist who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, Yang Mi knows very well that as soon as she walks out of the gate of Dongzhou Palace, she will definitely be surrounded by a group of matchmakers and gossip reporters.

These people dare not enter Dongzhou Palace. After all, they cannot afford to offend the owners of Dongzhou Palace.

It's not a big deal if we cause one or two problems. If we cause a group of owners, I'm afraid the capital dads behind them will also suffer.

But it’s okay to just sit back and wait outside the community.

Even ordinary people can recognize Yang Mi's business car now.

This car definitely cannot be driven.

"No problem, I'll ask Wu Hao to drive you a low-key car!"

Su Yang nodded and said.


Yang Mi nodded.

When she put on her shoes and came to the door, she couldn't help but twitching at the corner of her mouth when she saw a Bentley parked at the front door.

Is this called low-key?

This Bentley will cost at least five to six million when it comes to market, right?

No matter where you put this car, the word "low-key" doesn't go well with it.

However, Yang Mi didn't think about it that much.

In this community, Fuli is indeed a relatively low-key car.

There are also many luxury cars driving in every day.

Presumably no one would think of her sitting in the car, right?

"Don't worry, get in the car. I haven't driven this car since I bought it. No one knows it's my car!"

Su Yang saw Yang Mi's worry.

This car in Su Yang's garage can only be described as an ordinary car.

When I first bought this car, I was mainly looking for the new model.

However, after buying it and putting it at home, Su Yang forgot about it as time went by.

Although he has many cars, the one he rides in more often is the Rolls-Royce.

Rolls-Royce has been transformed and is very safe.

It also drives very smoothly.

So, Su Yang likes it very much.

"Well, I'll leave first!"

Yang Mi smiled slightly, then turned around and got into the car.

When the car drove out of the gate of Dongzhou Haoting, as Su Yang said, although paparazzi and reporters also noticed it, because Yang Mi was sitting in the back seat of the car, with a single-sided car film and a blackout curtain, there was no She was seen in the car.

The Bentley drove out of Dongzhou Haoting smoothly.

However, when you get to Jiaxing, there will definitely be paparazzi.

Yang Mi contacted Wang Zhiting in advance and told her the license plate number.

Wang Zhiting has also reported the license plate to the property management company, so she can just drive directly into the underground parking lot.

So, it's a lot of trouble to manage.

On the other side, Su Yang continued to eat with Nuan Bao as if nothing happened after seeing Yang Mi leave.

Nuan Bao was still young and didn't know what her mother meant by spreading rumors, so she still ate her meal carelessly.

However, Su Yang still opened Weibo on his mobile phone to check the situation.

Ten minutes later, Su Yang understood what happened.

Being kept? Being a mistress? Being an illegitimate child?


None of these three is true.

It's all lies.

Especially for illegitimate children, it shouldn't be too outrageous.

Although legally illegitimate children refer to children born out of wedlock.

But here in Su Yang, illegitimate children refer to children born by married couples who have an affair with someone else outside. They are called illegitimate children.

Su Yang is not married now, and Nuan Bao is his only daughter, so how can he be said to be an illegitimate child?

Slandering Nuan Bao as an illegitimate child is something Su Yang will never allow.

As for being kept and being a mistress? That is even more outrageous.

Although Yang Mi lived here with Su Yang, she basically never spent a penny on Su Yang.

That's just a little money for food and accommodation.

But this amount of money is really nothing to a top-notch person.

The only money is probably the 200 million invested by the brothers.

But that is investment money and a serious business cooperation. How can it be said to be support?

The most important thing is that he and Yang Mi are boyfriend and girlfriend.

Even if Yang Mi really spends a little money on him, it can't be said to be supporting him.

Therefore, after reading these entries, Su Yang was indeed a little angry.

If he has nothing to do with Yang Mi, of course he won't meddle in her own business.

But now Yang Mi is not only Nuan Bao's mother, but also his girlfriend. This is no longer a trivial matter, but a household matter.

After thinking for a moment, Su He picked up his cell phone and made the missing call.

".々Hello, Mr. Su!"

Liu Qingran's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

Liu Qingran is Su Yang's secretary. Su Yang usually lets her handle any official matters.

Her status here in Su Yang is basically the same as Ling Manshu of Hengsu Group.

It's just that Ling Man Shuming relies on Hengsu Group, not Su Yang.

In public, everyone only knows Ling Manshu, but not Su Yang.

But Liu Qingran clearly represents Su Yang.

The CEOs of all the companies under Su Yang's name are aware of this person's existence.

"Qingran, have you seen Yang Mi's hot search?"

Su Yang asked calmly.

As his secretary, Liu Qingran naturally knew about his relationship with Yang Mi.

"I saw Mr. Su!"

“Do I need to cancel the hot search?”

Liu Qingran asked.

"Well, all public platforms, including but not limited to Weibo, short videos, Tieba, etc., all entries that are not conducive to Yang Mi will be removed from the shelves!"

“All hot searches have also been removed!”

Su Yang paused and then said:

"The other thing is to find out who is behind the scenes, focusing on Jia Xing and the paparazzi Zhuo Xiaoliu!"

Su Yang guessed that Jiaxing was definitely the mastermind behind this incident.

As for whether there is Zhuo Xiaoliu or not, I am not sure.

If there really is Zhuo Xiaoliu, then he is simply looking for death.

"Okay Mr. Su, I'll do it right away."

Liu Qingran nodded.

After saying that, Liu Qingran hung up the phone.

On the other side, Yang Mi also rushed to the company in a hurry.

"Sister Mi, my sister, you are finally here!"

"I feel like our sky is falling."

"The heads of two TV stations just called me and asked me if this matter is true. If they can't clarify it in time, they will stop broadcasting for a day or several days considering the impact."

Wang Zhiting's face was full of anxiety.

This matter is really too troublesome for them.

If it is not handled well, the TV series may really have to stop airing.

Once it goes off the air, it will be an absolutely devastating blow to them.

You know, Lianyi invested 200 million in this drama.

All this money may be wasted.

They even have to compensate the TV stations and broadcast platforms for their losses.

Stopping for a day or two might not be a big problem.

If it is forced to be taken off the shelves, it will be really troublesome.

"Well, let's send a lawyer's letter first, stating that I am not being kept or used as a mistress!"

Yang Mi sighed.

Now we can only clarify these two people first. As for anything else, let’s take a look at the situation first.

Yang Mi also thought about it on the way here. Since the other party only had evidence of a commercial car, they must not know about her marriage and childbirth. .

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