Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 8 What The Hell Is A Fat Lady? (Asking For Flower Evaluation Votes)

As the car approached, the iron doors slowly opened to both sides.

Lao Chen drove his car directly into the manor without any pause.

After entering the manor, we walked along the main road for another half minute and finally saw a huge building.

"Wow, is this a villa? Isn't it too luxurious?"

As soon as he got off the car, Fatty couldn't help but exclaimed.

The villa in front of me doesn't look like a villa at all, but more like a huge palace.

However, in order not to appear out of place, let’s call it a villa for now.

The villa covers a large area, about 10,000 square meters.

What is the concept of ten thousand square meters?

Equivalent to a size of 100 meters by 100 meters.

If converted into a football field, it is as big as a multi-standard football field.

Such a large villa can indeed be described as a palace.

From the outside, the villa has five floors.

But there is no doubt that such a villa must have a basement, and it must have more than one floor.

Because Fatty saw that there was an entrance and exit to the underground garage on the east and west sides of the villa.

If you can set up two basement exits, it means there is likely to be a whole floor of garages below.

In addition to the main villa, there are two auxiliary buildings on the east and west sides.

These two buildings are probably the staff dormitories, restaurants and leisure areas.

As top entertainment moneymakers, Yang Mi and Fatty naturally have seen the world.

But this was indeed the first time I had seen such a luxurious villa.

After the two got off the car, Luo Qian, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, came up to them:

"It turns out to be Ms. Yang and Ms. Fatty! Hello, ladies. I am Dongyuan's housekeeper, Luo Qian. You can call me Lao Luo or Sister Luo, whichever you want."

"Mr. Su is already waiting for you, please come in!"

Luo Qian politely made a gesture of invitation to the two of them.

Luo Qian is one of the people Su Yang trusts most.

Although she was only doing housekeeping work, the top richest people in the world wanted to give Luo Qian face.

After all, she lives with Su Yang day and night. If she offends her, she offends Su Yang.

However, Luo Qian is very good at correcting his attitude.

No matter who you face, you will remain modest and cautious.

As a butler, he never puts himself above his guests.

Because she saw a lot of people, Luo Qian was a little surprised when she saw that the people coming were Yang Mi and Pang Di, but she was not too shocked.

She has met a lot of celebrities, and has had in-depth exchanges with her master, so there is nothing unusual about her.

Yang Mi was also very calm. This kind of manor must have a butler.

After all, an excellent housekeeper is in line with the setting of the manor.

However, Fatty couldn't help but curl his lips.

She was mainly speechless about the title of housekeeper.

What the hell is a fat lady?

Although her name is Fat Di, it's just a nickname. There's no way her surname is really Fat, right?

However, Fatty did not struggle with this issue.

Who told her that she was from the northwest and had a very complicated surname?

Fat lady doesn’t sound good, but okay, that’s it.

Accompanied by Luo Qian, Yang Mi and Pang Di walked into the villa together.

After passing through the front hall of the villa, the two heard the children's laughter.

"It's Nuanbao!"

Yang Mi quickened her pace and walked towards the hall on high heels.

Soon, she saw a cute figure sitting on the ground playing with toys.

There is a children's mat on the floor and a baby playpen around it.

The floor mats and fences are very new, and it looks like they were newly purchased.

The baby playpen is so large that it almost covers the entire living room.

There are all kinds of toys inside, just like a toy city.

There is also a small maze.

Nuanbao was having so much fun here that he didn't even see his mother come in.

At the same time, Yang Mi also noticed the back of a slender man.

The figure from the back is about 1.82 meters tall. He is wearing a gray sportswear and looks very strong and tall.

However, Yang Mi did not pay too much attention to the man at this time.

Seeing her daughter having so much fun, Yang Mi finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Yang Mi called softly and walked towards Nuan Bao at the same time.


Nuanbao's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard his mother's voice.

After shouting, he quickly ran towards his mother.

At the same time, Su Yang also turned around.

So handsome!

The moment he saw Su Yang, Fatty's eyes suddenly lit up.

The Su Yang in front of her was definitely the most handsome man she had ever seen.

Even though the entertainment industry is a gathering place for handsome guys, it is very difficult to find a handsome man like Su Yang.

Even Brother Hu and Peng Yuyan were much inferior in front of Su Yang.

The most important thing is that Su Yang is handsome and full of masculinity.

Rather than the feminine and handsome handsomeness of Xiao Xianrou.

Men should act like men.

Feminine beauty is not impossible, but it should never appear on men in real life.

Fat Di is looking at Su Yang, and Su Yang is also looking at Yang Mi and Fat Di.

Su Yang didn't expect that his daughter's mother was actually Yang Mi.

He really drank too much that night, and after it was over, he couldn't remember who he had spent a wonderful night with.

When he woke up, Yang Mi had disappeared.

Su Yang is no stranger to Yang Mi and Pang Di.

Although Su Yang has been busy making money these years, he doesn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry.

But he still knew something about top figures like Yang Mi and Pang Di.

Yang Mi, in particular, has many excellent works. Su Yang has also watched several TV series starring her.

For example, Fairy Sword is Su Yang’s favorite.

Therefore, he recognized Yang Mi at a glance.

Yang Mi is even more beautiful in reality than what she sees on TV.

When they are on TV, they have to face high-resolution cameras, so both male and female celebrities will wear makeup.

This is especially true for female celebrities, who want to put a layer of putty on their faces.

Therefore, the big stars seen on TV are somewhat different from reality.

However, Yang Mi is different.

She didn't wear makeup today.

She usually doesn't wear makeup when she's not in public.

But even without makeup, Yang Mi's majestic appearance can still be seen.

Big fox eyes, sultry eyelashes, small and exquisite nose, and fiery red lips.

Even though Su Yang was used to seeing beauties, she had to admit that Yang Mi was definitely a rare beauty.

The most important thing is that Yang Mi's figure is perfect.

Yang Mi was in such a hurry today that she didn't even have time to change clothes.

Therefore, she is still wearing the professional skirt she wears in the office.

The buttons of his shirt were tightly stretched, as if they would fall apart in the next second.

The long black silk legs wrapped under the skirt she was wearing were slender and straight, without any flaws.

Yang Mi is originally 1.66 meters tall, but when she puts on high heels, she is 1.7 meters tall. Standing in front of Su Yang, who is 1.82 meters tall, she does not look short.

However, Su Yang only glanced at Yang Mi and Pang Di, then withdrew his gaze and fell on Nuan Bao again.

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