Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 82 Yang Mi’S Conditions

As soon as the police came in, they issued a summons.

Seeing this summons, Zhao Momo immediately slumped back on his chair.

He knew that he was finished.

Even if this incident doesn't land him in jail, his career will definitely be ruined and he may have to pay a lot of money.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, in the face of the police's ironclad evidence, Zhao Momo could only admit his mistake and confessed his instigator Jiaxing.

At the same time, a recording of him and Zhao Ruoyao was also provided.

Although Zhao Ruoyao paid in cash, Zhao Guoguo was also wary.

The entire transaction process is recorded.

This is also to protect yourself when this day comes.

As paparazzi, they will definitely have many ways to protect themselves.

Producing this evidence can be regarded as indirectly meritorious service.

With the evidence, the police immediately began to summon Zhao Ruoyao.

After Zhao Ruoyao arrived at the case, she wanted to quibble at first, but she immediately gave up when faced with the recording provided by Zhao Momo.

She knew that she could no longer deny it.

Fortunately, spreading rumors is not a big problem.

She now has two choices.

The first one is to take the initiative to apologize to Yang Mi and try to get Yang Mi’s understanding.

In this case, nothing will happen.

Of course, if Yang Mi does not forgive, then Zhao Ruoyao will face severe punishment by law.

After all, the impact this time was huge, and the plot can be said to be very serious.

In this case, Zhao Ruoyao will probably be imprisoned for a year or two.

Especially when there is Su Yang standing behind him.

With Su Yang here, Chen Jia couldn't save Zhao Ruoyao even if she wanted to until the matter was resolved.

So, she could only ask Yang Mi for forgiveness.

"Mr. Chen, it's easy to get my forgiveness, but how should you compensate for the loss of my reputation?"

Yang Mi was not surprised to receive a call from Chen Jia.

She had just learned about Zhao Ruoyao's summons from Su Yang.

As long as the evidence is proven and Yang Mi, the victim, refuses to let go, Zhao Ruoyao will most likely spend several years in prison.

Therefore, Yang Mi is now confident.

Even when facing his former partners, he is neither humble nor overbearing.

She wanted to see what Chen Wei had to say.

"Mr. Yang, we can be considered partners of the past 13 years. There is no need to be so tense, right?"

"As long as you can release Ruoyao, we will apologize to you in person and promise that we will not have any conflicts with you in the future!"

Chen Jia said seriously.

"Haha! That's it?"

Yang Mi sneered.

Is this considered an apology?

Just because of that, you want him to forgive Zhao Ruoyao?

What about the damage to her reputation?

Yang Mi is now a little suspicious. She was mistaken for the heroine in the taxi incident, and she is related to this Zhao Ruoyao.

Although Yang Mi was still in Jiaxing at that time, her agent was no longer Zhao Ruoyao.

It is not unusual for Zhao Ruoyao to use some tricks to deal with Yang Mi.

"Mimi, after all, we were once..."

Chen Jia directly played the emotional card, and his name for Yang Mi also changed.

I want her to remember the friendship between the three people back then.

"Stop it! Mr. Chen, ever since I signed the three-year gambling agreement with you, we have no feelings at all.

Yang Mi sneered.

300 million in three years was definitely a very difficult thing for Yang Mi at that time.

It’s not that it can’t be completed, it can only be accomplished by working hard.

Do you think she is really willing to film casually and make so many bad movies?

Isn’t it just to complete the gambling agreement?

If it weren't for this ridiculous gambling agreement, she wouldn't be known as the Queen of Bad Dramas.

Fortunately, all this is over.

The gambling agreement is not short of tens of millions, and it is only a matter of time before it is completed.

Moreover, the appearance of Sansheng Sanshi directly boosted Yang Mi's reputation.

Now she has the confidence to confront Chen Jia directly.

"Okay! Mr. Yang, what do you want?"

Chen Jia gritted his teeth and asked.

Now that Zhao Ruoyao is in someone else's hands, she can only endure it for a while.

"It's very simple. Jiaxing's official account apologizes, announces the cause of the incident, and admits that you are the one who spread rumors about me!"

"Secondly, there is still about 40 million left in the three-year gambling agreement. End the agreement early and declare me the winner!"

"Finally, as the winner, I should have the right to take away 300 million in cash, right? After all, this is my share in Jiaxing!"

When Yang Mi withdrew, she wanted to withdraw her shares.

Her shares in Jiaxing are worth 300 million. Now that she has won, she must take them away.

"Impossible! Yang Mi, the company doesn't have that much cash, and I can't give it to you!"

"As for a public apology, I think there's no need to make such a big fuss, right? Isn't it the same thing if we apologize to you privately and admit our mistakes?"

Chen Jia rejected it directly.

Three hundred million in cash is not a small amount of money for them.

Especially since we have already invested around 200 million in the ancient sword.

Now that the cost has not been recovered, how can we continue to bleed?

Even if she agrees, it is impossible for shareholders to agree.

As for the public apology, isn't that just exposing them as villains in front of netizens?

How could she agree to such a shameful thing?

If he really apologizes, I'm afraid Jiaxing will no longer have a foothold in the entertainment industry.

"Haha, then there's nothing to talk about?"

Yang Mi sneered and then said:

"I agree with these two conditions and I accept the apology. If I don't agree, then let Zhao Ruoyao squat!"

"As for the whole story, I will also ask the police to come forward to clarify this matter!"

"By then, Jiaxing will still be unable to escape being criticized verbally and writtenly by netizens!"

After Yang Mi finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

She was not ready to continue talking to Zhao Ruoyao.

That makes no sense.

This woman will not shed tears until she sees the coffin.

There is no use in talking too much.

"Son of a bitch! This Yang Mi is trying to force us to death!"

Chen Jia hung up the phone and gritted his teeth bitterly.

She never thought that one day she would be so passive.

"Mr. Chen, what should we do now? Mr. Zhao is still in the interrogation room!"

Chen Jia's secretary asked with a wry smile.

"What should we do? Find a reliable lawyer and tell Ruoyao and ask her to hold on!"

"I know how to run it outside, and I will never let her go in."

"At most, it's a suspended sentence!"

Spreading rumors can be a big or small matter.

Although the rumors about Yang Mi caused a big stir this time, it did not cause a particularly big social impact.

It just takes up some entertainment resources.

Taking up entertainment resources is not a particularly big deal.

If they take the initiative to accept some cash penalties, maybe they can be treated leniently.

As long as he is not imprisoned and given a suspended sentence, it's not a big deal.

As long as they hold on, Yang Mi will definitely not be able to withstand it.

"Okay Sister Chen, I'll do it right away!"

The secretary nodded.

The lawyer had actually already prepared it.

It's just that the interrogation is not over yet, and Zhao Ruoyao can't be seen for a while.

After the interrogation is over, the lawyer can go see Zhao Ruoyao.

"Well! Don't worry, as long as I am still here, the company will not collapse!"

"Let everyone feel at ease!"

Chen Jia said calmly.

Although something happened to the company's second shareholder, the major shareholder is still there.

As long as she is still there, the company will never be in danger.

Moreover, there is still a Marubi Group behind us.

Marubi Group has a market value of tens of billions and can help them survive any crisis.

Don't think that only Yang Mi has capital behind her. Behind Chen Jia, there is also a capital giant standing behind her.

However, Chen Jia obviously thought too beautifully.

That night, the Marumi Group's stock market suffered a sniper attack.

Marumi is not listed in Daxia, but is listed overseas.

Judging from overseas currencies, Yinmei can only be said to be a small company.

The company's stock price is only twelve yuan.

For Su Yang, it is not difficult to target such a small company.

Under his people's operation, Marumi's stock price plummeted as soon as the market opened.

In just ten minutes, the stock price fell from twelve yuan to nine yuan.

Moreover, it is still falling.

There are no price limits on overseas stocks.

In other words, if there is no capital entry, Marumi may even be forced to delist tonight.

A scene in the stock market instantly attracted the attention of Marumi's top management.

They wanted to increase the company's stock price, but when they discovered several investors who were attacking them, Marumi's chairman Chi Su was stunned.

A high-level meeting was held urgently.

"What's going on? Are people like Buffy Capital, Sequoia Capital, and SoftBank Capital crazy? Why are they attacking us?"

Chi Su felt bad all over.

There are seven or eight capitals to attack them.

Moreover, they are all top-notch capital.

Let alone unite these capitals, even if only one of them comes out, it will be enough to tear them apart.

Now seven or eight people come out to snipe at the same time. Not to mention them, even some small countries cannot withstand it.

Has he stirred a hornet's nest?

How could these capitals be provoked to attack them at the same time?

If this continues, the company will go bankrupt.

"You stopped talking. What's going on? Doesn't anyone know?"

Chi Su slammed the table.

There were not only senior executives present, but also several company shareholders.

But now no one can say anything.

Because they don’t know why the company was attacked by these capital giants at the same time.

Judging from the menacing way they came, it was clear that they wanted to swallow up Weimei International whole.

But why?

Marubi International is not even a piece of meat in front of these capital bosses.

If it is a piece of fat, these big guys can still compete for it.

But it’s not even a piece of meat, so how can it attract their attention?

"Director Chi, could something happen in Daxia?"

Someone asked tentatively.

"Daxia? No way? All our games are running smoothly. Isn't it possible that it's something over there in Daxia?"

Someone below immediately refuted.

Marubi's main focus is the gaming industry.

But now all the games are running smoothly and there are no major bugs. How could it attract these big guys to snipe?

Moreover, even if there is a problem with the game, these big guys will still look down upon it.

"It's not a game. I wonder if it has something to do with Jiaxing? Don't we hold a lot of shares in Jiaxing?"


Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Although they are in a foreign country, they have heard to some extent what happened in the entertainment industry this morning.

"No way? What do things in the entertainment industry have to do with us? Even if they are really

If we have something to do with Jiaxing, we won't let those capital bosses attack us, right?"

Immediate objections were raised.

What he said was correct.

What does what Jiaxing does have to do with them?

They are one of the shareholders, and they are not the largest shareholder.

How could they be involved?

"It is said that Yang Mi in Daxia has a capital dad backing her..."

At this moment, someone suddenly whispered.

"Capital Dad? Who?"

When Chi Su heard this, his eyes immediately lit up.

"I don't know about this either."

The person who just spoke smiled bitterly.

He really didn't know, he just liked gossip and learned some gossip news.

"Director Chi, do you think it could be that gentleman?"

At this moment, the vice president beside Chi Su suddenly spoke.

"That gentleman? Who?"

Chi Su turned his head and asked doubtfully.

"Director Chi, why are you confused! Who else can allow these capitals to attack us at the same time besides Mr. Su?"

"Others don't know Mr. Su's name. You should know a little bit about it, right?"

Mr. Su?

Hearing this, everyone below was stunned for a moment.

They really don't know who this Mr. Su is.

However, they realized that Mr. Su's identity was definitely unusual.

It can be seen just from the sudden change in their chairman's face.

What does it mean to have a face ashen as death?

Just look at their boss.

"If it's really Mr. Su, then aren't we going to die?"

Chi Su slumped back on his chair, his eyes full of despair.

If it was really because Jiaxing offended Mr. Su and their Marumi was involved, wouldn't it really be a disaster?

You know, Mr. Su's strength is unfathomable.

This can be seen from the fact that several major capitals can join forces to attack his small company.

As long as Mr. Su is willing, there is no difference between squeezing him to death and squeezing an ant to death.

"Director Chi, if it is really Mr. Su, then I think Mr. Su has a different attitude!"

"According to our understanding, there is a high probability that Jiaxing is behind this incident."

"As long as we ask Jiaxing to come forward, apologize to Yang Mi, and meet Yang Mi's compensation needs, this crisis should be resolved quickly."

The vice president was obviously very aware of some things in the entertainment industry in Daxia and immediately proposed targeted measures.

"good idea!"

When Chi Su heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Contact Chen Jia immediately and ask her to apologize to Ms. Yang immediately!"

"Ms. Yang is probably Mr. Su's wife!"

"You also arrange a flight for me immediately. I will go to Daxia to apologize to Ms. Yang in person!"

"We also contacted the bosses of major capital companies and told them that we are willing to let Jiaxing apologize and hope they will be merciful!"

It was obviously impossible for Chi Su to contact Su Yang, and he did not have Su Yang's contact information.

But it is still possible to contact several capitals that can attack Marumi.

If Su Yang really called for these capitals, then if he told me the solution, the other party would probably suspend their offensive, right?

As long as the company doesn't delist, it's still not too late.

"Okay, let's do it now!"

Everyone took action.

On the other side, Yang Mi also returned home.

After a busy day, she was really tired.

"came back?"

Su Yang hasn't slept yet, sitting in the living room reading a book.

As for Nuan Bao, he has already gone to bed with Tang Rong.

"Hey, Su Yang, you're not asleep yet?"

Yang Mi was a little surprised to see Su Yang still sitting in the living room.

According to his usual habits, even if Su Yang is still reading or processing documents, he is always in the study room.

"Well, don't you wait until you come back?"

"Are you hungry? Eat something!"

"Just made some soup that can replenish energy and calm the mind!"

Su Yang pointed to the midnight snack that had been prepared on the dining table.


Yang Mi was not polite either. She was indeed tired and needed to replenish herself.

“It tastes great!”

Yang Mi took a sip and her eyes suddenly lit up.

It also nourishes qi and calms the mind, but it tastes better than ginseng and the like. I don’t know what it is made of.

"Well, if it tastes good, drink more!"

Su Yang said with a smile.


Yang Mi did not refuse and drank more than half of the bowl before stopping.

"Su Yang, I was so angry today. Not only was that Chen Jia unwilling to apologize, he also threatened me to let Zhao Ruoyao go!"

Thinking of what happened during the day, Yang Mi felt angry and couldn't help but complain to Su Yang.

"Haha, don't worry, if you go to bed later today, Chen Jia will probably call you personally to apologize."

Su Yang smiled confidently, as if everything was already under control.

"Ah? Why?"

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Su Yang to say such words. .

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