“Hello, Mom.”

“Well, I can’t come back this year. I’ll take time to come back to accompany you later.”

“I know. Your son is in a bad situation now. He’s afraid he won’t be able to find a wife.”

“Thank you all uncles for your support.”

“Okay, I’ll take care of myself.”

“Well, bye.”

After hanging up the phone with his mother, Cao An started writing his script again.

Anyway, there’s nothing to do now, so I’ll write the script first.

As the Spring Festival approaches, red lanterns are hung everywhere, and it’s very lively.

As schools and many units have already had holidays, the flow of people in major shopping malls has risen sharply.

After BYD’s recent explosive production capacity, almost every famous business circle in China has a Transformer model standing in it.

It attracted many people to take photos.

Especially the boys among the children, they couldn’t walk when they saw the tall and handsome Transformers.

They cried and made a fuss for a Transformer toy.

So these days, the merchants selling Transformer toys in major shopping malls have made a lot of money.

In the minds of these people, Cao An is already a modern God of Wealth.

There are many people who share the same idea as them.

I don’t know who first used the term God of Wealth to describe Cao An on the Internet.

Slowly, the entire Internet began to use it, and no one has questioned it.

So Cao An has another title, “Cao God of Wealth”.

Fortunately, Cao An has not disgraced this title. Since he debuted and started filming movies and TV shows.

He has driven many industries, led thousands of people to become wealthy, and increased the income of millions of ordinary people.

Now he will be warmly welcomed by local officials wherever he goes.

Cao An has taken another step towards his goal of traveling around the country for free.

Different from the happy atmosphere of celebrating the New Year across the country.

In the film and television industry, there is a sense of solemnity.

The finals of the National Directors Competition are coming soon, and this time three top domestic directors will face off head-on.

Who is the number one domestic director?

The audience is arguing on the Internet.

The three directors have supporters, vying to express their views.

Not only do they brag about the people they support, but they also belittle the other two.

Some say Zhang Yimou has run out of ideas and has only done rubbish.

Some say Feng Xiaogang is a remnant of the old times and has been abandoned by young people.

Some say Cao An has gone further and further in commercial films and has forgotten the original intention of making movies.

Anyway, there are all kinds of things, and the main point is that he decided to do something before he started talking.

It was New Year’s Eve, and Cao An, Zhang Yimou and Feng Xiaogang were interviewed by the Sixth Princess together.

It was also a warm-up for the finals of the National Directors Competition.

The format of the program was very simple, just sit together, chat briefly, and share interesting stories and feelings about movies.

After a brief chat, the host Lan Yu asked the three people:

“Tomorrow, the three of you will have your movies released. Do you have anything to share with the audience? Director Cao is the youngest, so you should go first.”

Cao An took the microphone and said, “I really had a lot of feelings while filming “Dying to Survive”. Because I am relatively young, I have not come into contact with many patients with serious diseases before.”

“After our crew moved into the Healthy Cancer Hospital, I saw too many separations of life and death, which made me feel the fragility of life.”

“At the beginning, a patient we were following unfortunately passed away, and our entire crew was depressed for a few days.”

Cao An’s words made the atmosphere at the scene a little low, and he quickly changed the subject and said:

“But it also made me see the desire for life and the love for life. They gave me great encouragement to shoot movies.”

After Cao An finished speaking, it was Feng Xiaogang’s turn.

“I have the same feelings as Director Cao. In order to make “A World Without Thieves” well, I also interviewed several thieves.”

“I learned that some thieves did not really want to be thieves, but because of various misfortunes, they were overwhelmed by life and had to do it.”

“Fortunately, society is better now, and thieves are becoming less and less common. This is the result of the development of the motherland.”

After Feng Xiaogang finished speaking, the microphone was handed to Zhang Yimou.

“The previous two directors talked about their feelings about ordinary people during the filming, so I will say something else.”

Then he confidently and proudly began to introduce his original ideas for filming.

At first, it was nothing. Cao An, Feng Xiaogang and the people at the scene thought he was sharing his experience in filming “Man Jiang Hong”, but after hearing the end, Cao An couldn’t hold it back.

Zhang Yimou:

“When I first started preparing to shoot, I wanted to shoot the whole movie in one shot.

Is it bold?

The whole movie should be shot in one shot.”

Lan Yu asked excitedly: “Is it “Man Jiang Hong”?”

Zhang Yimou: “Yes, that’s the story.

When I first invited the actors, I told all of them that we would shoot in one take.

It’s hard to imagine! All the actors were very excited. ”

Zhang Yimou said, gesturing.

“After we had this idea, we have been preparing for the one-take shoot.

At that time, I told the actors that I only need 20 days, or 25 days.

About two to three weeks. ”

“They asked why?

I said it was very simple, I would shoot twice a day.

One take takes two hours, one at dawn and one at dusk.

I shot for ten days, a total of 20 times, and I chose once.

One take!

The movie was finished, I chose once, and ten days were enough.

Then we rehearsed and rehearsed for the first ten days, strictly rehearsed.

I said we only need two days to finish a movie.

All the actors sighed, it was really amazing!

It was so challenging, and we couldn’t make any mistakes. ”

Hearing this, everyone at the scene thought Zhang Yimou was going to talk about how he had completed this great challenge.

But he changed the subject.

“But later I gave up.

Do you know why?

I have studied a lot of movies shot in one take. Do you know what the biggest problem is?

Of course, this is a professional question. Simply put, the biggest problem is the rhythm. For a high-suspense, high-concept genre film, the rhythm is not up to par.

You lost the story and sacrificed the characters. Which is more important?

So I am learning. I am learning how to think as a director. The form must serve the content. ”

Everyone thought he was going to do something big, but he ended up having a loose stool instead.

Cao An was sitting next to him and couldn’t hold back his urge to laugh.

After talking about the one-shot for so long, you didn’t do it, so why were you so proud and proud in the beginning?

Maybe Lan Yu felt that Zhang Yimou’s answer was too lethal, so he quickly changed the subject.

Finally, they chatted for a while and then left.

This program will be broadcast on the Six Princesses Channel in the evening after a simple editing.

Cao An also returned to his villa No. 25.

He had just returned home and was preparing to cook a New Year’s Eve dinner for himself. He had just tied on his apron when the phone rang.

“Hello, Sister Li.”

“Ah, it’s not good to come to your house for the New Year’s Eve dinner.”

“You’re alone, and you’ve already done it. Okay, thank you so much, I’ll come over later.”

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