Fanxing Building, 12th floor, circular theater.

This has become the private theater for Fanxing employees, after all, it is not open to the public.

Today’s show is “Pacific Rim: A Story in North America”.

“Humans have been looking for aliens, but when aliens really appear in front of humans.”

“Humans understand the coldness and cruelty of the universe.”

A man’s voice slowly said in the dark.

Then the screen lit up.

America, San Francisco.

The Golden Gate Bridge connecting downtown San Francisco and Marin County in the north is bustling with cars, telling the prosperity here.

Suddenly a huge figure rushed out of the sea, and with just a slight touch, the bridge connecting the two places broke like thin paper.

Countless vehicles and humans fell into the turbulent sea like dumplings, with no possibility of survival.

Because a huge monster stood up from the sea.

[Monster name: Invader; Scientific name: Axehead]

[Level: Unclassified; Height 92 meters; Weight: 2,700 tons]

The waves that the monster casually raises can extinguish the hopes of all survivors.

The American military immediately dispatched all the weapons that could be dispatched. These firepowers that were enough to destroy a city could not stop the monster from moving forward.

It took six days of bombardment by aircraft and artillery to kill it.

But at this time it had already advanced 56 kilometers.

Three cities turned into ruins under its feet, and tens of thousands of humans died in its invasion.

“North America” ​​starts with a detailed presentation of the first monster attacking San Francisco at the beginning of “Pacific Rim”.

In this movie, the audience felt the insignificance and helplessness of humans facing monsters without hunter mechas.

“As the monster fell, I thought everything was over, but I didn’t expect this was just the beginning.”

At this time, the speaker appeared in the camera, American Army Captain Herc Hansen.

He participated in the entire attack on the monster, and was deeply shocked by the power of this unknown monster.

Six months later, humans almost forgot about the monster attack.

A monster named Bad Brain emerged from the sea and attacked Manila. Only then did humans realize:

The war was not over, but just beginning.

The third, fourth, fifth…

Humans realized that the existing weapons alone could not effectively deal with monsters, so the world united and the Hunter Plan was launched.

Heck and his wife Anna became a member of the Hunter Mecha Plan of America.

After various studies and experiments, the first Hunter Mecha of America was born.

[Avenger; First Generation Mecha]

[Height: 81 meters; Weight 1945 tons]

After layers of selection, the couple Heck and Anna became the first pilots of the Avenger.

A week after the mecha completed the experiment, a huge energy reaction appeared in the Pacific Ocean.

A new round of invasion began.

And this time the monster’s target is Los Angeles.

Heck and Anna drove the Avengers to the beach of Santa Monica, a city next to Los Angeles, to intercept.

The huge black Avengers and the monsters had a wonderful battle on the beach.

This spin-off movie inherited the texture of “Pacific Rim”, and the director grasped the frustration, power and heaviness of the huge machinery very well.

Once again, the audience was amazed.

The Avengers won a perfect victory in the first battle.

The monsters were successfully blocked in front of Los Angeles without causing too much damage.

And no one died in this attack.

The huge victory made the whole of America fall into a frenzy of cheers.

Humans have been suppressed for too long and finally saw the dawn of victory.

Heck and Anna instantly became heroes of America.

Humans have effective weapons to fight monsters, and the world has entered a period of excitement.

Most people think that with the Hunter Mech, humans can eliminate all these invasions and even kill them back to their hometown.

Anna is not only a Hunter Mech driver, but also a biological neuroscientist.

This time, she got a relatively intact monster corpse. Instead of resting, she turned around and joined the research on the monster.

In the past, all monsters were killed by bombing with various weapons, and many tissues were not worth studying.

But this time it was different. The Avengers only damaged its internal circulation system, and most of the body was still intact.

Especially the head.

In the process of studying the monster’s brain, she suddenly had a brief neural interaction with the monster’s brain due to an accident.

It was in that brief moment that she obtained an important piece of information.

The exact address of the channel where the Pacific Ocean seabed monster enters the earth.

So the world’s military forces gathered together to carry out an unprecedented bombing of this exit.

But no matter what weapons humans use, the entrance will be restored to its original state within a few seconds after the explosion.

Before humans can come up with a new solution, a new monster swam out of the channel and wiped out all human military forces on the seabed.

In an instant, the attack alarm was sounded in the Pacific Rim.

Anna, who was working at the temporary monster research institute in Santa Monica, immediately took a car to the Hunter Mecha Base.

But as soon as she set off, the monster rushed out from the bottom of the sea.

[Monster name: Axeman; height: 81 meters; length: 175 meters; weight: 2658 tons. ]

Originally, Anna wanted to cross Los Angeles and meet up with Hurk at the fastest speed.

But she found that this monster Axeman was particularly strange, unlike the previous monsters that only destroyed the city.

This time it was staring at her all the time, no matter where she went, it could find her and catch up.

After several experiments, she confirmed this situation.

Anna turned decisively and gave up going to the Hunter base.

Because with the speed of the Axeman, it had destroyed the entire Hunter base before she could enter the cab.

She drove while calling Heck.

After explaining her current situation, she said to her son Chuck who was with his father on the other end of the phone:

“Chuck, believe in yourself, you can do it, save the world with your father.”

Hunter mecha pilots are very special, and there is no backup driver to drive the Avenger for the time being.

Chuck and Heck have had neural interaction, and are also in reserve.

Heck is the most suitable co-pilot for Heck now.

Time is tight, and Heck and Chuck donned their driving suits and entered the Avenger cockpit without thinking too much.

Under the careful teaching and comfort of his father, Chuck calmed down and successfully controlled the Avenger with Heck.

After confirming that the operation was successful, the two immediately drove the Avenger off.

To save their wives and mothers, as well as the city behind them.

Anna deliberately took the Axeman away from the city, but the car was no match for the giant monster.

Soon they were caught up, and Anna was in a dead end.

At the critical moment, the father and son drove the Avenger to rescue Anna who was cornered by the monster.

Then the Avengers and the Axeman started a fierce battle next to Los Angeles.

With the concerted efforts of the father and son, the Axeman was successfully killed.

But the Avenger Hunter mecha suffered huge losses in this battle.

But at least half of Los Angeles was saved.

Finally, the father and son supported each other out of the cockpit, and Anna rushed up immediately after seeing it.

The family of three hugged each other.

The movie ended.

The plot of “Pacific Rim: Once Upon a Time in North America” ​​is not complicated and has no depth.

Because the selling point of this series of movies is the battle between giant mechas and monsters.

As long as the picture and sound effects are done well, there are no flaws in the plot.

The audience will be satisfied with this movie.

The actual situation proves that Cao An’s theory is correct. “Once Upon a Time in North America” ​​has been well received both at home and abroad.

“A qualified spin-off movie, it gives me the same feeling as watching the first Ring.”

“It’s so cool, I like this kind of mecha fighting monsters.”

“Who says there are no good movies in co-productions? As long as both parties don’t give up, they can still produce good works.”

“After watching The Little Mermaid, you must watch Hathaway’s beauty to refresh your eyes.”

“Let those rural boxers see what a truly independent woman is, heroic, wise, decisive, and responsible. Hathaway has successfully won me over.”

“I can’t help but want to play the Hunter mecha after watching the movie. Please start the second round of pre-sales for Fanxing.”

“That’s right, that’s right, I will definitely not charge too much this time!”

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