This “space elevator” is divided into three sections.

The first section is from the ground to 155 meters.

The skeleton of this section is made of reinforced concrete and is assisted by many metal structures.

It is also a tourist area.

The second section is from 155 meters to 255 meters.

It is mainly built with new materials and metal structures and is powered.

Tourists are prohibited from going to this area, which is mainly for various display facilities.

For example, the laser show last night was demonstrated in the exhibition hall at 255 meters.

The third section is all frame structure, mainly supporting 24 vertical “cables”.

If the “cables” on the top are counted, this section is 120 meters high.

That is to say, from the ground to the tip of the cable, the building is a total of 375 meters high.

Although it is much lower than the 528 meters of the tallest building in the imperial capital.

But because its building covers a large area, it looks very sturdy.

So the shocking effect it brings to people is not bad.

The entire building has been completed and is now undergoing a safety inspection.

This amusement facility will be officially opened during the Spring Festival to coincide with the release of “The Wandering Earth 2”.

Cao An had just finished reading the interim report when Liu Yifei knocked on the door and walked in.

“Xixi, why don’t you go play with them today? Will you come to work overtime with me?”

Cao An put down the report and asked.

“Who said I didn’t play? I went to the space elevator with Sister Yuanyuan and the others today.”

Liu Yifei replied.

“How was it?”

“It was beautiful, but it was a little fast when it came down. I’m still a little dizzy now.”

She pulled a chair and prepared to sit down and chat with Cao An, but Cao An patted his thigh.

After a second of hesitation, Liu Yifei still sat on Cao An’s lap obediently.

Holding her slender and tight waist, Cao An’s depression about working overtime during holidays disappeared.

She opened her email on Cao An’s computer again.

Showed Disney’s reply to Cao An.

Said: “The other side does not want to cooperate with Fanxing.”

After reading it for a few minutes, Cao An knew why Disney sent an email to Liu Yifei’s private email.

In this reply, Disney first politely rejected the request to cooperate with Fanxing.

Then began to trick Liu Yifei into joining their movie.

Listed many benefits, and said how Liu Yifei was so suitable for the role of Mulan.

By then, she will definitely be able to become a world-class actress with this movie.

Finally, they said that as long as she agreed to participate in the movie, they were willing to help her negotiate with Fanxing and let Fanxing allow her to participate in “Mulan”.

To put it bluntly, Disney knew that Fanxing was unlikely to agree to let Liu Yifei play in “Mulan” which was completely controlled by them.

So they wanted to persuade the actor first, and then negotiate with Fanxing with the conditions agreed by Liu Yifei.

But they may have misjudged the relationship between Liu Yifei and Fanxing.

Seeing that there was no hope for cooperation, Cao An said directly: “Reject it.”


Liu Yifei directly replied to Disney to refuse to perform.

“Will Xixi blame me?”

“No.” Liu Yifei shook her head and said:

“I was really excited when I first heard the news, but after talking to you that day, I checked the recent Disney movies and felt that you were right.”

“Recently, Disney has made a lot of movies, such as “The Little Mermaid” which is still in theaters.”

“I think this movie has a high chance of overturning without Fanxing’s supervision, and it’s not worth it.”

“Xixi is so nice.”

Cao An moved his hands up and down respectively, “I will reward my good Xixi well.”

“Ah, don’t, this is the office.”

“It’s okay, it’s not the first time.”

Xiaoxing closed the door for his boss again.

January 3, the New Year’s Day holiday ended.

Yang Yu, the general manager of Rongcheng Fanxing Animation Studio, came to the headquarters of Didu Fanxing to report on his work.

He also brought the final product of the animated film “Kung Fu Panda”.

The first part of “Kung Fu Panda” has been completed.

Cao An is half a director for this project, and he did the art and storyboard.

But he didn’t keep an eye on it all the time, and arranged Yang Yu as the person in charge and executive director.

But the progress has been followed, and Yang Yu reports to Cao An every week.

After reporting on the work, several senior executives of the company watched the animated film with Yang Yu.

After the company’s internal review of the film, there are no problems.

The release date will be determined.

Cao An turned to Yang Yu and asked:

“Why don’t you go online quickly and compete with another bear during the Spring Festival?”…

Cao An took some time to visit Mr. Zhao.

While eating at Mr. Zhao’s house, he told Cao An something.

A certain Shah in the Middle East wanted to buy the operating system of the Hunter Mech.

But since he couldn’t get it online, he told the domestic party about it during a recent arms sale negotiation.

When the negotiator heard Shah’s request, he was stunned.

What is the Hunter Mech operating system?

Does our military have such a thing?

I quickly contacted the domestic party, and after several exchanges, I realized that this was actually a game operating system.

There is no way, the customer is God.

So the military found Mr. Zhao and asked him to Cao An contacted him.

Ask Fanxing if there are any extra sets, and give a few sets to Mr. Sha.

So the next day, several mysterious trucks came to Fanxing.

In fact, Fanxing still has more than 100 units of Hunter Mecha Operating System in stock.

These are prepared for Fanxing Amusement Park in Magic City.

The production line is already running, and it doesn’t matter if there are a few more sets. The reason why we don’t open sales is to consider the market.

Selling too much will affect Fanxing Amusement Park and reduce the grade of this machine.

If there are too many of something, it will not be so valuable.

A few days later, Cao An received a call with a desert accent.

“Oh, my friend, thank you for your gift, my family and I like it very much. ”

The person on the other end of the phone first thanked Cao An, and then invited Cao An to visit Sha’s home.

The two chatted politely for a while.

Before hanging up the phone, the other party said that this was his private number, and he could contact him at any time if he had any requests or cooperation in the future.

So Cao An had a wealthy friend with a white headscarf in a somewhat inexplicable way.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Cao An saw that the wealthy was indeed wealthy.

So rich!

He received a call from Uncle Qian, a military officer he met before, saying that the other party gave him five million US dollars.

The bill was settled together with the javelin and bricks, and Cao An was asked whether he wanted US dollars or domestic money.

Cao An decisively gave up the US dollars, as there were still a lot of US dollars in his SS and RR company accounts.

There was no shortage of them at all.

And recently, the US prison was a bit chaotic.

The students were making a fuss inside, and the donkeys and elephants were fighting fiercely and arguing.

Outside, the slipper army fired several cannons at the big baby on the sea of ​​the US prison. The war, but he just came out and said a few words without fighting.

Please, Lao Mei, you are the self-proclaimed little bully of Blue Star, the big gangster in the village.

Where is the gangster who was fooled by others but did nothing and pretended to be a good student.

So Cao An was afraid that it would collapse at any time.

He is now reducing the proportion of US dollars in his hands.

Soon, the Fanxing account received more than 36 million.

Uncle Qian said that he took the international friendship channel and directly exempted the tax on this transaction. .

With this calculation, the average price of the five Hunter Mech operating systems that Cao An sold to Mr. Sha reached 7.2 million.

And Fanxing didn’t have to pay for the shipping.

Cao An decided to do more business with Mr. Sha in the future. This guy is so open!

January 10, one month before the Spring Festival.

“Once Upon a Time in North America” ​​and “Detective Chinatown 2” are still making money in the cinema.

Fanxing announced the release of two more movies.

“The Wandering Earth 2” and “Kung Fu Panda” are scheduled to be released on the first day of the first lunar month!

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