Sinai Hospital, New York, America.

Cao An had a bandage on his chest and the wound on his face had just scabbed over.

He lay weakly on the bed, and there were more than a dozen soldiers patrolling outside the bed with real guns and live ammunition.

The wall-facer Luo Ji, played by him, had just experienced an assassination.

Jiang Wen glanced at his medical report, and then walked to Cao An, who had just woken up.

“Brother Luo, I want to ask you, how does it feel to be shot while wearing a bulletproof vest?”

But at this time, Luo Ji, played by Cao An, had no intention of chatting with him, and said anxiously:

“Da Shi, I have a request.”

“You say.”

“I want to see the killer.”

After a while, a sturdy man with a long scar on the corner of his eye, whose mouth and eyes could only move, was pushed in.

The killer said very calmly: “I didn’t expect you to meet me.”

“I’m just curious why you want to kill me.”

“I’m sorry about this. I could have freed you from this unprecedented, inhumane, perverted mission.”

“One minute before you shot me, I had already rejected the appointment of the Wallfacer to the United Nations, and you didn’t know it at all.”

“What a pity, ETO has wasted an excellent killer in vain.”

At this time, the killer smiled and said: “Doctor, you are so humorous.”

Cao An stared at him straight, “You should regret it now, because everything you do is meaningless.”

“No, no, no,” the killer shook his head quickly, “Doctor, I believe you, I believe you completely. But you are really humorous.”

Then the killer recounted Luo Ji’s life in detail.

He said in a joking tone: “Think about it with your mind, the assassination of you is not a whim.”

Suddenly Luo Ji’s eyes were panicked and terrified, and he seemed to understand why he was assassinated.

The huge contradiction between reality and thoughts made him crazy.

“I’m not a wall-facing person, damn it, I’m not a wall-facing person.”

Cao An was panicked and helpless, pounding the table fiercely, “I’m not a wall-facing person, I’m not a wall-facing person…”

“Cough, cough, cough”

Da Shi, who was standing by, stepped forward and said with concern: “Brother Luo, take it easy, take it easy.”


The killer laughed at Luo Ji’s embarrassed look at this time.

The soldiers guarding the side hurriedly took him away.


Wu Jing, who was sitting in the director’s chair at this time, shouted.

Hathaway, who was standing by, quickly handed a glass of water to Cao An: “Cao, drink some water.”

The empty cough just now made his throat a little uncomfortable, and he felt much better after drinking a sip of water.

Hathaway looked at Cao An with some admiration and said, “Cao, you are the best actor among all the directors I have ever seen.”

“Your performance just now was so real. I didn’t know you were so good before.”

“Thank you for the compliment. We’ll talk about these later. It’s your turn later. Are you ready?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t hold you back.”

After a short break, the whole crew got busy again.

Cao An’s filming schedule in New York was very tight.

Although the filming application for the United Nations was approved, it would take some time.

So he filmed the non-United Nations scenes first.

That night, at a New York hotel.

Cao An finished a day’s filming, took a shower and prepared to rest.

Xiaoling found him at this time.

“Ah! Xiaoling, what’s the matter?”

Cao An said in a voice a little higher than usual.

“Boss, a company from Canada found us today and said they want to provide diversification guidance for our games.”

Xiaoling handed Cao An a tablet, which contained a letter of advice from a company called {Sweet Baby} to Stars Game.

They said that the games produced by Stars Game were not diversified enough and there was discrimination against minorities.

They have found many places that need to be modified and hope that Stars Game will accept their suggestions.

Below is a long list of modification suggestions.

Cao An’s eyebrows almost touched each other when he saw this, and countless question marks popped up in his mind.

He asked, “Which game does SB want to modify?”

“Hunter Mech.” Xiaoling answered carefully.

Stars Game has very few games, and the slightly more famous ones are Hunter Mech and Thunder Fighter.

Among them, only Hunter Mech has overseas commercial activities.

“There is no one in our game, where does discrimination against women and minorities come from?”

Cao An could not understand this letter of advice at all.

The Hunter Mech game is full of mechs and monsters, which can be said to discriminate against women.

Cao An also looked at their revision suggestions.

One of them said that the Hunter Mechs in the game are all male.Body type, should add female body type, thin body type, fat body type.

Feeling the boss’s speechlessness, Xiaoling explained.

“Today, people in their company have been hinting to me that we should give guidance fees. They said that if we don’t accept their guidance, they will let the relevant institutions give our games low scores and let players boycott.”

“I see that you are free, boss, so I will report to you.”

Hearing Xiaoling’s answer, Cao An grasped the key guidance fee.

This time he figured it out and sighed:

“It’s really profitable. Don’t worry, just give a low score, and it won’t delay our sale of game consoles.”

After getting the answer, Xiaoling left.

The door closed, and Hathaway came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel.

“Fortunately you reminded me, I was just about to come out.”

Cao An hugged her to himself.

He peeled an orange and handed it to her, saying, “Come, let me tell you about my acting skills.”

After Xiaoling decisively rejected SB, many negative articles about Hunter Mech appeared on the American Internet.

The famous game media IGN also published a low-scoring review of Hunter Mech.

This series of performances immediately attracted the attention of many Western gamers.

But their reaction this time was a little different.

Those netizens who knew about Hunter Mech cheered crazily below, calling on others not to buy or pre-order.

They also supported SB to lower the price of Hunter Mech.

And those netizens who didn’t know the truth were confused.

What game is Hunter Mech?

Why haven’t I heard of it?

Then I went to search for videos.

Good guy, I didn’t know until I saw it, and I was shocked when I saw it.

After watching the relevant videos, they asked where they could play this game?

How to buy the game console?

The business of those Hunter Mech experience halls ushered in a wave of prosperity again.

The number of reservations was scheduled for a month later in just a few days.

During Cao An’s filming break, Si Luofei called Cao An.

“Cao, did you promote the Hunter Mech?”

“No, I’ve been busy filming recently.”

“Then why did the number of reservations for the third batch of Hunter Mechs increase by tens of thousands?”

“I don’t know about that.”

Confused, Cao An, who had some free time, took a look at the American game community.

After a while, he understood the whole story.

It was SB company that gave bad reviews and said everywhere that this game was not good.

Those who knew about this game were making a fuss below, after all, it was still too expensive for American netizens to play Hunter Mech.

You can only go to a few experience halls.

There is also Starry Paradise in China where you can queue up. If you really want to play, you can still play it.

But it is very difficult for overseas netizens, so they are making a fuss, hoping that Starry will reduce the price and increase production.

And those who don’t know, seeing so many people scolding, are curious and search.

What kind of game can attract so many people to criticize it?

A search will reveal a lot.

So the number of reservations for Warner’s third batch of Hunter mechas soared.

More than 70,000 reservations have been made for the 100 places.

After reading it, Cao An sighed:

“This SB company is not completely useless.”

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