The special effects of Fanxing’s “Emperor Warrior” are more realistic and the performance is cooler.

This makes most of the audience who watched “Armor Warrior: Emperor Warrior” impressed by the handsome and heroic appearance of Emperor Warrior.

It won 124 million box office on the first day.

For this kind of theme, it is a very good result to break 100 million on the first day at this non-big schedule.

At the same time as the movie was released, many TV stations began to replay “Armor Warrior”.

They all achieved good ratings.

The high box office of the movie also boosted the sales of the Armor Warrior series of toys and the flow of people in Chengdu Fanxing Amusement Park.

The former is easy to understand, after all, many viewers can hardly resist buying an Emperor Warrior toy after watching Emperor Warrior.

The latter is because there is a huge Emperor Warrior statue in Chengdu Fanxing Amusement Park.

One of the recent hot spots is Emperor Warrior, which has attracted many people to check in.

It is a cool thing to post a photo of yourself and the huge Emperor Warrior in the circle of friends.

During the hot screening of “Emperor Man”, Cao An’s “Three-Body 2” crew re-filmed for five days and then took a break.

First, the actual shooting of “Three-Body 2: The Dark Forest” has been basically completed.

Most of the subsequent shooting will be carried out on physical models and green screens.

Need to wait for the model group to build.

As for the more detailed content of “Three-Body Chapter Beihai Biography”, it may not be opened until “The Dark Forest” is finished.

Second, Cao An has to temporarily take some time to promote “The Richest Man in Xihong City”.

The National Day holiday is coming, and “The Richest Man in Xihong City” is also about to be released.

Before that, the two leading actors Shen Teng and Liu Shishi have been promoting it all over the country.

This year’s National Day file is also full of big names.

In addition to Fanxing’s “The Richest Man in Xihong City”, there is also “Solid as a Rock” directed by Zhang Yimou.

These two are strong competitors for the box office champion of this National Day file.

There are also “Ex-Files 4: Married Young”, “Volunteers: The Heroic Army”, “93 International Train Robbery: Moscow Operation”, and “It Doesn’t Seem So Exciting” later.

Among them, “Ex-Files 4” is also favored by many people.

After all, a series that can shoot the fourth part definitely has its selling point, and there is a group of core audiences.

The distribution of film types in this National Day file is relatively even.

There are all kinds of types, and there will not be a situation where two films of the same type compete.

The most anticipated one is naturally Cao An’s “The Richest Man in Xihong City”.

First, the two labels [Director Cao An] and [Produced by Fanxing] have extremely high traffic.

Second, it is Cao An’s first comedy movie, which is full of gimmicks.

Can Cao An make everyone laugh?

This topic is getting hotter and hotter in major communities as the release date of the movie approaches.

Before the release, Cao An took Feng Xiaogang and Guan Hu to accept an interview on a program of the Sixth Princess.

It is not a live broadcast, but it will be broadcast after it is filmed.

So the whole shooting process was very casual, and everyone was chatting happily.

Host: “Why did Director Cao want to make a comedy this time?”

Cao An: “I have always liked comedy, and I think it is very interesting for a movie to make people laugh.”

Host: “Everyone knows that Director Cao basically writes scripts by himself, so what was the opportunity for the script of “The Richest Man in Xihong City” to be created this time?”

Cao An: “The money that ordinary people can access in their lifetime is very limited. I suddenly thought of what interesting stories would happen if an ordinary person suddenly had a large sum of money, and then the script of “The Richest Man in Xihong City” came into being.”

Host: “After hearing what Director Cao said, I want to watch it now. I want to ask the other two What was the situation that the director asked you to participate in Cao’s movie. ”

Feng Xiaogang pretended to be helpless and spread his hands and said:

“I don’t know either. I was eating hot pot and singing songs at the time. Director Cao called me and asked me to participate in his movie. Before I asked what movie it was, he hung up the phone. ”

Guan Hu also smiled and said, “I am almost the same. I have to say that Director Cao is very good at fooling people.”

Cao An hurriedly explained, “I was too busy at the time. Not only was I busy with the matter of the richest man in Xihong City, but I was also busy with the matter of “The Three-Body Problem 2″. I am confident in your acting skills. No matter what role you play, you can’t stop me.”

He also gave the two a thumbs up.

Well, what should the two say.

After the interview of the three directors was released, it quickly attracted the attention of netizens.

After all, there are not many cases where three famous directors in China gather together.

It is also interesting to listen to the three people laughing and sharing the shooting story of “The Richest Man in Xihong City”.

It seduced the greedy worms in the hearts of the audience.

SeptemberOn the 28th, the pre-sale of the National Day movies started one after another.

“The Richest Man in Xihong City” became the first in the pre-sale list with a cliff-like lead.

The second place was not Zhang Yimou’s “Solid as a Rock”, but “Ex-Files 4”.

In the expectation of everyone, October 1st finally arrived.

The major movies started fighting in the cinema.

This morning, Zhao Liying dressed up and came to Liu Shishi’s room.

Pulled her out of bed.

“Shishi, your movie has been released, why are you still curled up in bed.”

Liu Shishi said dazedly: “Oh, I slept too late last night, and today’s promotional materials have been recorded long ago. What’s wrong with me sleeping a little longer.”

Squinting her eyes, she grabbed Zhao Liying’s shoulders with both hands and leaned her head in front of her.

Suddenly she felt something was wrong.

She raised her head instantly, opened her eyes and stared at Zhao Liying.

“Oh, Xiao Zhao has become Da Zhao. Come, let your sister check it out.”

After that, she rushed towards Zhao Liying with a smirk.

The two immediately started fighting on the bed.

After a long while, the two ended the fight.

Zhao Liying still couldn’t escape Liu Shishi’s clutches.

At this time, she was lying next to Liu Shishi, looking at the ceiling, and said guiltily: “Shishi, I’m sorry.”

Liu Shishi was stunned when she heard this.

Why did this girl apologize to herself?

Before she asked, she reacted.

With a faint smile, she replied: “No, I don’t care anyway, just be happy.”

“Shishi, you are so nice.”

“Huh, now you know how good I am, wait until tonight.”

Liu Shishi shook her eyebrows at Zhao Liying and smiled evilly.

Although Zhao Liying was a little shy, she didn’t refuse.

After a fight, Liu Shishi was completely awake.

She came to the mirror and fixed her hair and asked, “Why did you come to see me so early in the morning on this holiday?”

Zhao Liying came behind Liu Shishi, helped her put her hair up and said:

“Isn’t your new movie released? I want to take the leading actor to watch it together.”

“If you say so, I want to watch it too. As the leading actor, I haven’t watched the full movie yet.”

After the two of them packed up, they went to the Star Cinema together.

Zhao Liying had already bought the tickets.

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