As the Spring Festival approaches, the whole country has entered a cheerful atmosphere.

The topic of discussion in the film and television industry has also shifted from Detective Chinatown 3 to the Spring Festival movies.

Although the box office of Detective Chinatown 3 was very strong in the early stage.

It broke 1 billion in two days, 2 billion in a week, and 3 billion in two weeks.

But the subsequent sustainability was a little worse.

After two weeks, it has dropped to the same level as “Reclaiming Dulles”, with only about 10 million box office per day.

Those who are willing to watch this movie have already seen it, and the rest are not the audience of this movie.

And as for the second and third viewings.

A light suspense comedy like “Detective Chinatown” is not enough to make many people watch it twice.

And there are Cao An’s “The Three-Body Problem 2: The Dark Forest” and Jia Lin’s “Hot and Hot” later.

Both movies have a larger audience and are more attractive.

It is better to keep your wallet and wait for these two movies.

At the same time, “The Dark Forest” and other Spring Festival movies have also started large-scale publicity before their release.

Although there are many movies in the Spring Festival, it is essentially a competition between Cao An and Jia Lin.

Other people’s movies are naturally one level lower than these two.

With the development of information technology, short videos have become the largest traffic entrance.

Cao An will naturally not be stupid enough to stick to the traditional media of the past.

Instead, he will take a two-pronged approach.

This time, Cao An’s publicity not only includes conventional publicity methods, but also a series of short videos.

This was recorded when he was filming “The Three-Body Problem 2”.

The operation team of Fanxing has opened an account [Luo Ji Logic] on major platforms.

There is a section in the movie where Luo Ji finds Zhuang Yan through the United Nations and takes her on a tour around the world.

This account also publishes videos from this time period.

A short video for each scenic spot.

Each video shows him and Zhuang Yan traveling around the world from Luo Ji’s perspective.

“Friends, the weather is great today, take Yan Yan to the Louvre.”

Cao An said to the camera of his mobile phone.

Liu Yifei jumped over from the side, approached Cao An, waved and greeted the camera.

“Hello everyone, I am Zhuang Yan.

I am very happy to visit the Louvre with Mr. Luo today. I have always wanted to come here to see it. Today, my wish finally came true. Thank you, Mr. Luo.”

Louvre, Big Ben, Red Square, Statue of Liberty, Ancient Roman Colosseum, Mount Fuji, Great Wall…

Luo Ji posted a short travel vlog for each scenic spot.

The content is also very simple, showing beautiful natural scenery and gorgeous humanities and arts.

And close interaction with Zhuang Yan.

Some of the vlogs also have guest appearances by other people in the movie.

For example, there is Taylor in America, Redias in South America, and Bill and his wife in Little Days.

There are Shi Qiang, Zhang Beihai and so on in China.

The whole set of videos is completely from Luo Ji’s perspective to take the audience to experience the Three-Body World.

Instantly narrowed the distance between the audience and the movie.

The characters in the movie are like alive, they are the people living around us.

A series of videos successfully broke the fourth wall.

Moreover, Luo Ji and Zhuang Yan’s costumes in each video are different, all of them are Yusha’s costumes.

In addition to promoting their own movies, this series of videos also has the effect of promoting Yusha.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Once the video was released, it immediately caused a great sensation.

On the Doudou platform, the number of likes for each vlog starts at one million.

Some high-profile videos can’t even reach five million.

Luo Ji’s accounts on various platforms have accumulated 10 million fans in three days.

And it is still growing rapidly.

In the video, the various intimate interactions between Luo Ji and Zhuang Yan sprinkled a lot of sugar on the audience.

“I found something. Professor Luo has opened an account.”

“I’ve hit it. Luo Ji and Zhuang Yan’s love is so sweet.”

“On the bed, mobile phone, auntie smile.”

“Director Cao, if you can shoot more, shoot more. It’s so sweet [laughing].”

“Love it. More updates.”

“I didn’t expect that one day a grown man like me would actually follow virtual people’s travel vlogs every day.”

“Brother, you are not alone. And virtual people are good. You don’t have to worry about crashes.”

“I’m afraid that Luo Ji will start a live broadcast and shout “upload the link” [funny].”

“Isn’t he selling goods? Look at the clothes on Luo Ji and Zhuang Yan. Don’t you want to buy them?”

“Director Cao, please don’t keep everyone’s appetite. I just went to the Stars Mall and saw that there is no other set except the one for climbing the Great Wall. Please upload the link.”


Through this series of videos, a super Internet celebrity Luo Ji has become famous in the Stars.It was born under the operation.

#Wallfacer Luo Ji settles in#

#Luo Ji and Zhuang Yan are so sweet#

#Luo Ji’s travel vlog#

#Ten million people urge Luo Ji#

and other related terms have been on the hot searches of major platforms.

Before the movie was released, Fanxing successfully established a place in the short video field with a dozen videos through one account.

The popularity is higher than that of various real-life Internet celebrities.

Jia Lin Studio.

Jia Lin frowned as she looked at the promotional data handed over by her assistant.

This data is different from what she expected, and it is much different.

She asked her assistant: “Has anything major happened recently? Why do I feel that the effect of our hot searches is not very obvious?”

Recently, she has been running various interviews, shooting videos, and discussing cooperation, and has not noticed the changes on the Internet.

“Fanxing has also strengthened the promotion of short videos, and they have created a special account for this.”

After the assistant finished speaking, he handed her a tablet.

The tablet was the homepage of the account [Luo Ji logic] on Doudou.

Looking at the dozen videos, all of which had millions of likes, the number of followers reached 12.31 million after only one week of creation.

She had to admire Cao An’s promotion, which was really amazing.

The video with the highest number of likes was a vlog of Luo Ji and Zhuang Yan climbing the Great Wall together.

The content was also very simple, with the two climbing the Great Wall together and having various intimate interactions during the period.

When Zhuang Yan couldn’t climb anymore, Luo Ji reached out and pulled her.

Luo Ji fed Zhuang Yan water, and Zhuang Yan wiped Luo Ji’s sweat.

Sometimes Luo Ji would tell a few jokes, making Zhuang Yan laugh.

Occasionally, he could meet fans and take photos with them.

The whole video looked simple and ordinary, just a travel video of a young couple.

But under the shooting of the stars, it was so sweet that people were full of yearning for love after watching it.

After watching one video, she unconsciously clicked on the next one.

Unconsciously, she had watched all the videos under this account.

After watching it, she felt a huge pressure in her heart.

Even she herself prefers to watch the sweet love between handsome men and beautiful women.

Her popularity of losing 100 pounds from a fat man is still a little behind these two domestic top stars.

Jia Lin pinched her eyebrows, and after a long time, she made up her mind.

“Notify the other side, plan B is ready to be implemented.”

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