Luo Ji’s sudden fall into the lake scared the surrounding security personnel, who quickly rescued him from the water.

After thinking it through, Luo Ji felt a huge danger.

He immediately asked Kant to take him away from the manor.

In the helicopter, Luo Ji said to Kant: “I need a safer place.”

“That’s no problem, Dr. Luo Ji, you finally started working. Do you have any other requirements for that place?”

“No, it must be absolutely safe.”

“There is no absolutely safe place, but we can get very close.”

“Also, I want to see astronomer Ling.”

“No problem.”

Luo Ji came to a secret place with strict security in the country and took the elevator to the underground.

On the way, he asked Ling about the stars with planets around the solar system.

He chose a star 187J3X1 that is 49.5 light years away from the sun.

And at the remote wallfacer meeting, someone broadcast the coordinates of this star to the universe through the sun.

Before the meeting was over, Luo Ji fainted due to weakness.

After the examination, it was discovered that Luo Ji had been hit by a genetic missile targeting him.

For ordinary people, it is just a common cold. Once the virus recognizes a specific gene, it will secrete a large amount of toxins in the blood.

At this time, Luo Ji’s health is very bad, and it is no longer possible to be cured with current medical conditions.

He can only hibernate and go to the future.

The world has changed dramatically.

In hibernation, Luo Ji came from 2015 to 2200.

Luo Ji, who woke up from the future, was completely cured.

And all kinds of high technology made him dazzled.

When he was discharged from the hospital, Shi Qiang came to greet him.

The two AD people met each other very cordially.

Shi Qiang woke up a few months earlier than Luo Ji, and through Shi Qiang Luo Ji learned about this new world.

The wall-facing plan has been cancelled, and Luo Ji is no longer a wall-facing person.

Human technology has also made great progress, and has developed an interstellar spacecraft that can reach 15% of the speed of light.

But basic science is still locked by the sophon, and there is no progress.

He originally wanted to enjoy the future world with Dashi, but he was assassinated by various accidents.

If Dashi hadn’t been agile, Luo Ji would have lost his life.

After investigation, it was found that a computer virus Killer5.2 was at work, which means that the tools to assassinate Luo Ji were still being prepared at the last moment of the ETO’s destruction a hundred years ago.

In order to avoid danger, Luo Ji and Dashi prepared to live on the ground, where there were fewer and more primitive intelligent machines.

On the way to the ground, they learned from the news that humans were preparing to welcome the probe water droplets from the Trisolaran world.

Two thousand interstellar battleships lined up in a square to welcome the water droplets together.

The self-confidence of humans in this era exploded, and they all believed that the Trisolarans were no match for humans, and this probe was a gift from the Trisolarans.

As a leading figure in theoretical physics, Ding Yi of the AD represented humans to capture water droplets.

The capture process was simple, but when Ding Yi observed the water droplets through a microscope, he found that the molecules of the water droplets were nailed together by strong interaction forces.

This substance is one hundred times harder than the hardest substance in the solar system.

Only then did Ding Yi realize the technological gap between humans and the Trisolarans.

He shouted, “Silly kids, run!”

At this time, the engine of the water droplet started, and the Mantis that captured it exploded instantly.

Then the water droplet flew to the nearest interstellar spaceship at an extremely fast speed, and destroyed the spaceship instantly with the most primitive impact.

Then it flew to the next spaceship.

After a series of explosions, the entire human fleet lost one-third before realizing that it was the water droplet that was attacking.

But any means of attack by humans could not have any effect on the water droplet.

Even making it change direction could not be done.

In this way, the entire human fleet of 2,000 interstellar spaceships, except for a few that escaped and pursued in advance, were completely wiped out.

The interstellar fleet that humans are proud of has no ability to resist a Trisolaran probe.

This is the gap between basic science.

The entire fleet was destroyed, and humans fell into a huge panic.

Luo Ji felt that the water droplet was here to destroy him, so he took the initiative to get off the car and let Da Shi stay away.

But the water drop flew in front of Luo Ji, looked at him, turned around and flew away.

At the same time, it emitted electromagnetic waves to the sun, blocking the possibility of humans sending information to the universe through the sun.

When Luo Ji and Dashi returned to the city, countless people knelt in front of him, begging him to save mankind.

At this time, Luo Ji reacted and the star he cursed was destroyed.

Another wall-facer, Bill Hines, who was still alive but whose plan was exposed by the wall-breaker, came to Luo Ji.

He announced that the wall-face plan would be restarted.The only wall-facer.

But facing the situation of the sun being locked, Luo Ji was powerless.

In the end, he could only accept the commission and lead the snow project.

That is, to detonate a nuclear bomb outside the solar system to form a dust cloud.

When the remaining water droplets reach the solar system again, they can leave traces, which is convenient for humans to make early warnings.

After Luo Ji asked the people to leave and resume their normal work and life, he and Dashi came to a wasteland.

Explain to him why the star he cursed would be destroyed.

He first explained two axioms to Dashi.

[Survival is the first need of civilization]

[Civilization continues to grow and expand, but the total amount of matter in the universe remains unchanged]

Dashi expressed his understanding of this. “It’s not very complicated.”

Luo Ji took a cigarette from Dashi, lit it and walked away.

In the dark night, only two red dots flickered.

“That’s how the universe feels.”

Luo Ji asked Dashi, “Now that you know I exist, please make a choice, whether to communicate with me.”

After that, he reminded, “Think about the two axioms just now.”

“Communicate with you?” Dashi asked tentatively.

“Then you have exposed your existence.”

Shi Qiang explained, “If you communicate with you with malicious intent, it’s bad luck for me. But if you are well-intentioned, we can form a stronger civilization.”

In order to make Dashi understand better, Luo Ji used the Jiaozhi War that Dashi participated in as an analogy.

He explained the [Suspicion Chain] and [Technology Explosion] to him.

Suspicion Chain: I don’t know if you are good or bad, and I don’t know if you know if I am good or bad.

Due to the large scale of the universe and the differences between civilizations, this suspicion chain is unsolvable and will continue to nest with each other, endlessly.

Technology Explosion: The earth’s life has billions of years, but modern science and technology have developed in three hundred years.

On the scale of the universe, this is not development at all, but an explosion.

After listening to Luo Ji’s explanation, Dashi realized that it was unrealistic to communicate with another civilization.

So he thought to himself:

“But I can’t remain silent either. You are stronger than me and can find me at any time. You are weaker than me and may have a technological explosion that surpasses me and can also find me.”

“To sum up, it is dangerous for me to let you find me and to let you exist. Both violate the first axiom.”

After listening to Dashi’s answer, Luo Ji praised: “Dashi, you are really a clear-headed person.”

Dashi was a little proud and said with a smile: “I can still keep up with you at the beginning.”

Luo Ji shook his head, “This is not the beginning, our inference has ended.”


Dashi asked doubtfully: “But what is the conclusion?”

“Think about it, after discovering me, communication and silence are not possible, only one choice is left.”

Dashi thought for a while, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Staring at Luo Ji in horror, the latter nodded and gave him an affirmative smile.

Dashi threw the half-smoked cigarette to the ground and said viciously:

“Fuck, it’s black, it’s really fucking black!”

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