Come out of the lounge door and pass through a slightly narrow passage.

As soon as you come out, you will suddenly feel the openness of the whole view, and you can see the whole picture of the water park at a glance.

In front of the passage is a ten-meter-long platform, and there are the same exits on both sides.

In front of these platforms is a wide lake.

There are many water play facilities on the lake.

But these are not very eye-catching. It is difficult for people who come here not to be attracted by the “fairy mountain” across the lake.

This artificial mountain is called Feiquan Mountain.

The water flows and the clouds surround it.

Waterfalls, flowing water, huge lotus flowers and lotus leaves, and transparent circular pipes surrounding the entire mountain.

Cao An knows this, after all, he drew the design. This kind of pipe is called [Air Waterway].

The pipes are all full of water. After wearing a diving helmet, you can shuttle freely in these pipes.

It’s like flying in the air.

It’s also the origin of the name of this artificial island, flying spring water.

Cao An wanted to experience it, so he asked Zhong Shide, “Where are the entrances to these aerial waterways?”


At this time, he also put on a diving helmet, walked in front and said, “Boss, can you swim?”


“Okay, I’ll show you around.”

After Zhong Shide finished speaking, he jumped directly into the lake.

Cao An did not hesitate, and jumped in directly, and Jiang Hua hurriedly followed.

When wearing a helmet on land, it felt a little heavy, but once you enter the water, this pressure disappeared instantly.

The whole person will not float to the surface because of the air in the helmet, but reach a balance.

It allows people to swim and dive freely.

It feels amazing to breathe freely in the water and move freely like a fish.

Because the constant temperature system is turned on, the water will only feel a little cool but not cold.

After several people went into the water, they did not float up, but communicated underwater.

Zhong Shide said to Cao An, “Boss, follow me closely.”

Old Zhong is a practical man. It is said that he spent a year on the construction site when he was young.

He did not have a boss belly, and he looked very strong.

He swam very fast in the water.

It was just that Cao An had better physical fitness, so it was not difficult for him to keep up with him.

But Jiang Hua behind him was not so good.

He himself was not very good at swimming, and he had not exercised much in the laboratory for a long time.

His physical strength could not keep up with the two of them.

Cao An and Zhong Shide waited at the entrance of the pipeline for several minutes before he swam over breathlessly.

To reach this entrance, you have to cross the entire lake and then dive to a position of about three meters.

There is a huge dragon head here.

Entering the dragon’s mouth, there is a conveyor belt on each side of the pipeline, which is moving slowly.

Zhong Shide handed a safety rope to Cao An and explained:

“In order to protect the safety of tourists and the smooth flow of the waterway, tourists need to put the safety rope around their waists after arriving here, and then hang the other end on the conveyor belts on both sides of the channel.”

“This can not only ensure the orderly play of tourists, but also allow tourists to pass through the entire aerial waterway without spending any physical effort.”

After all, not just anyone can swim one or two hundred meters in the water.

Following Zhong Shide’s introduction, the three put on the safety rope and hung it on the conveyor belt.

After a while, they came to the water surface with the conveyor belt.

The entire aerial waterway is transparent, so you can enjoy the scenery of the entire water park from here.

Perhaps seeing that Cao An felt the speed was too slow, Zhong Shide said: “Boss, we use employee safety ropes, which can be opened halfway.”

“The tourist safety rope is forced to be locked during the transmission, and it cannot be opened unless there is an unlocking card.”

Cao An understood why Zhong Shide set it up like this as soon as he heard it.

If the tourists’ safety ropes are not locked forcibly, this place will definitely be blocked.

At that time, many people will stay in the aerial waterway and will not come out.

After all, the feeling of swimming in the floating water is very novel.

And the staff can untie it so that the safety officer can respond to various emergencies at any time.

After listening to Zhong Shide’s words, Cao An directly untied the safety rope and conveyor belt, and then hung it on his waist.

“I’ll go to the front for a walk.”

After saying that, he swung his body and rushed out like a dolphin.

Jiang Hua looked at the boss who was going away and asked Zhong Shide: “Uncle Zhong, don’t you follow him?”

“I’m old and can’t swim anymore.”

Zhong Shide shook his head and said: “Look at the boss’s speed, it’s faster than professional athletes, how can I follow.”

After being free, Cao An quickly shuttled through this starry water park.

Because the overall design was made by him, it is veryHe knew what the things were for at a glance.

There was not just one aerial waterway, but many in total, distributed around and on Feiquan Mountain.

The entire Feiquan Mountain is a huge water park with various recreational facilities.

Water has been flowing down from the top of the mountain, through various waterfalls, and waterways to the artificial lake below.

Although there were not many people today, all functions were opened in this overall test.

Cao An spent more than an hour to visit the entire water park, and changed his diving helmet once in the middle.

The main reason is that it is too slow to move in the water. If it is on land, this distance can be visited in half an hour.

He is very satisfied with the entire water park, and this project will definitely be a big hit in the summer.

Many facilities are unique in China, no, they are unique in the world.

You can only experience it here, and there is only one in the world, so there is definitely no shortage of tourists.

Back on the lakeside platform, Cao An took off his helmet and asked Zhong Shide, who had been waiting here for a long time:

“I remember that you applied to expand an undersea tunnel last year? Why didn’t I see it this time?”

During the construction last year, Zhong Shide proposed an expansion proposal for the water park.

The content is to cooperate with Rongcheng Ocean Park to expand an undersea tunnel next to the Stars Water Park.

Using the Stars Sky Waterway Technology, the pipeline is laid in a marine ecological museum.

Allow tourists to get close to various marine creatures through the glass.

“It’s still under construction. The main frame has been repaired and the seawater has been filled, but the various marine creatures have not been filled in, so the passage is not open.”

Cao An nodded, “Oh, can it be done before July?”

“It should be no problem. I asked the people there and they said it only takes about a month to migrate the marine creatures.”

“That’s good.”

This water amusement park will be promoted together with “Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World” to play a role of mutual cooperation and mutual drainage.

Therefore, the best time to open the park is when “Nezha: The Devil Child Comes to the World” is released.

And July happens to be summer vacation, the temperature rises, and students are on vacation.

These are all favorable factors for water parks.

We must grasp it well and make a name for ourselves at once.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Cao An convened a meeting with the senior management of Rongcheng Fanxing Water Park.

He briefly explained his feelings today, commended the entire team, and affirmed their work.

Finally, Cao An proposed some points that he thought could be optimized after a tour.

For example: adding signs underwater, adding lighting in some darker places, setting up more rest areas, etc.

Overall, Cao An is very satisfied with the first Fanxing Water Park.

If this water park can achieve good business results and the consumption enthusiasm of tourists is high enough.

You can consider building a second water park.

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