As the big boss of a well-known company, Cao An gave up the idea of ​​driving himself.

The company assigned him a driver and bodyguard.

His name is Shen He, 45 years old, a retired special forces soldier.

He is proficient in all kinds of firearms and cold weapons, and his driving skills are very superb and stable.

There is a scar on his face, which looks very cold and fierce.

If he makes an expression, it will definitely scare children to tears.

During this period, he was responsible for all kinds of travel for Cao An.

Not to mention, he didn’t have to drive himself, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Therefore, he left his driver’s license at home.

After deciding to make Oasis, Cao An worked overtime for several days to write a simple plan and research plan.

The next day, Fang Haoli from Fanxing Film and Television, Zhang Changyu from Fanxing Games, Jiang Hua from the research group, and Fang Xia from the software development department were called together.

The four came to the meeting room and looked at Cao An curiously, because today’s meeting was not in the company’s plan.

Cao An did not explain the theme of this meeting.

When the boss called them, they came immediately.

After everyone sat down, Xiaoling distributed the printed plan to the four of them.

Cao An said on the side: “Take a look first, and ask if you have any questions.”

At first, everyone thought Cao An was going to make a movie or make movie peripherals.

But when they finished reading the general content, everyone’s face showed a shocked expression.

Fang Haoli was the first to speak:

“Boss, although I don’t know much about game technology, the Oasis you mentioned here doesn’t feel like something from our time. Can it be made?”

“What does Changyu think?” Cao An did not directly answer Fang Haoli’s question, but asked the president of Fanxing Games.

After all, he was promoted as a technician and knew more about the current top technology.

Zhang Changyu thought about it carefully and replied:

“Actually, I think if the boss really wants to do it, the game software can still be made. But according to the description in this plan, the hardware can’t run at all now.”

Jiang Hua added: “Boss, this is not only a problem of the hardware not being able to run, but also what to do with the somatosensory equipment. There is no somatosensory equipment on the market that can meet the requirements of your plan.”

After listening to everyone’s description, Cao An nodded.

“From this point of view, the most important thing for our project is to solve the hardware problem.”

These people’s views are similar to Cao An’s. It seems that if he wants to make this project, he has to make the hardware himself.

This time is different from the last Hunter Mech.

If other companies want to develop the Hunter Mech operating system, it is not impossible to do it, but it is not cost-effective.

But this time, the Oasis game and operating system are definitely the world’s leading technology.

So there are not many forces that can be used, and most of them must rely on self-research.

Since it is necessary to self-research, Cao An is going to set up a research institute that belongs exclusively to Fanxing.

He said to everyone: “Do you know any leading figures in related fields? I plan to set up a Fanxing Computer Research Center to specialize in chip research and development.”

Everyone present took a breath of cold air when they heard Cao An.

They sighed in their hearts: “Can chips be studied just by saying so?”

The country has been stuck with chips for so many years by America, and there has been no progress. Fanxing, a company engaged in the film and television industry, can achieve breakthrough results?

Jiang Hua kindly reminded Cao An: “Boss, although I am not a computer major, I still know something about chips. This kind of thing cannot be done just by wanting to do it.”

“The country has invested so much money and manpower, but it has not caught up with the technological level of Western countries.”

“And Oasis’s hardware requirements are definitely several times or even dozens of times the current top level. The investment here is a bottomless pit, and there is no hope.”

Zhang Changyu and Fang Xia are both technical backgrounds, and they have a clearer understanding of how deep the water of chips is.

They also reminded Cao An of the huge gap between his needs and reality.

But Fang Haoli and the other three have completely different attitudes.

She absolutely supports Cao An’s decision, but has one request.

“Boss, I have no objection to you investing in chip development, but the amount of money invested must be limited. As long as it does not affect the normal operation of Fanxing, I agree.”

“Sister Fang, chip research and development is not as simple as you think.” Jiang Hua reminded hurriedly.

He originally wanted Fang Haoli to persuade the boss not to jump into this bottomless abyss.

But he never thought that Fang Haoli had the same idea as the boss.

The other two also looked at Fang Haoli in surprise.

Cao An looked at the surprised expressions of the three people.

He smiled and said, “No need for this.”Don’t worry, I didn’t make this decision on impulse.”

“It won’t affect the normal operation of the company. With the current size of Fanxing, it’s no problem to spend tens of billions on research.”

Fang Haoli spoke to the three again and said, “I will keep an eye on the boss and won’t let him spend money recklessly.”

In Fang Haoli’s opinion, Cao An, the big boss, is really too frugal.

Other company bosses who can be compared with Fanxing spend money like water.

If he doesn’t waste hundreds of millions every year, he can’t highlight his status as a big boss.

It’s nothing for Cao An to spend tens of billions on research and development. It’s just a matter of him making a movie.

Even if he invested 10 billion and didn’t research anything, Fanxing can afford such a loss now.

In Fang Haoli’s opinion, as long as it is within the company’s tolerance, Cao An can do whatever he wants.

He spends money on research and development , it is better than going out to spend money on wine and women and making some useless expenses.

So she supported Cao An from the bottom of her heart.

The company boss and the second-in-command agreed, and promised not to spend money recklessly.

The three did not persuade him, but began to fill in specific feasible implementation plans around the plan proposed by Cao An.

The core of running Oasis is to make CPUs and GPUs that are far superior to the current ones. The two have similarities in the underlying technology.

It’s just that the work they are responsible for in the game is different.

Fang Xia said: “Huawei is the leading company in the chip industry in China. Why don’t we cooperate with them?”

Cao An has determined that he will not follow the current chip technology in the world. He shook his head and said:

“No, Fanxing is going to form a separate R&D team. Do you know any relevant experts and professors?”

Jiang Hua thought of someone and said: “Professor Deng Han from my alma mater is engaged in chip research. I have taken his class. The team he leads is also ranked in China.”

The other two did not know anyone, so they could only shake their heads.

Cao An said to Jiang Hua: “Then you have to go there and ask him if he is willing to accept Fanxing’s investment. ”

“There is one thing I want to say in advance. The research direction must be in accordance with Fanxing’s requirements, and all the results belong to Fanxing.”

Jiang Hua nodded and took on the task, and then asked, “How much is the boss going to invest?”

“2 billion per year, and if it’s more, he will need to produce substantial results.”

Jiang Hua was shocked when he heard this number.

He was more convinced that the boss was serious.

Somehow, he didn’t feel regretful, but rather looked forward to it.

If Fanxing really came up with a groundbreaking chip, what would it be like.

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