The appearance of the stars instantly made everyone’s eyes light up.

Whether it was the scene or the live broadcast room, everyone was attracted by this scene.

The costumes of all the members of Yusha not only unified the style, but also showed the characteristics of each person.

It formed a sharp contrast with the costumes of the crew.

Although Yusha makes various styles of clothing, the overall style is still more Chinese.

So in this entertainment circle where the overall clothing is more Western, the appearance of the stars is particularly dazzling.

And Cao An and Liu Yifei who walked in front are even more stars among the stars.

Cao An’s set of sub-gray clothes with light yellow stripes on it.

Gives people a relaxed and somewhat solemn feeling.

Liu Yifei on the side is a long dress in Danqing, matched with the same blue high heels, her hair is tied behind her head with a silver hairpin, and embellished with a string of fine gold pendants.

With her delicate face, she is like a fairy descending from the sky.

Originally, the fairy was not worthy of the mortal world, but Cao An next to her blended in well with her.

The two of them cooperated with each other, set off each other, and stood together like a pair made in heaven.

This scene stunned many people, and there were bursts of exclamations at the scene.

In the live broadcast room, dense barrages floated by.

“So handsome, my Cao!”

“My husband is so handsome today!”

“Ahhh! Why is it not me who holds his hand.”

“Yifei is so fairy today!”

“If other people stand next to my Yifei, I will definitely feel unworthy, but if it is Boss Cao, I will fully support it.”

“It’s so perfect, you two should get the marriage certificate quickly, I absolutely have no objection.”

“I think Director Cao and Yifei are the entertainment industry CP that I least object to.”

People who are familiar with Fanxing have long been accustomed to the matter of matching Cao An with a girlfriend.

Because Cao An himself is handsome, talented, rich, has a good temperament and a good personality.

As a result, any pretty female star standing next to him will make people feel that they are a good match.

Especially the female artists of the Fanxing star group are the hardest hit.

But neither the individual nor the official has come out to say this, and Cao An has never mentioned the issue of love.

Gradually, fans have gotten used to it and think it is good.

They can also CP at will.

Today, Cao Liu, tomorrow it can become Cao Yang, Cao Gao, Cao Di, etc.

Anyway, there are so many suitable ones, and fans can match them freely.

Now the Cao Liu party has the highest voice on the Internet, who told these two people to play a couple in a movie!

The most materials can be obtained.

In order not to delay the appearance of the people behind, Cao An and the Fanxing people simply answered a few questions and left.

Cao An came to the inner field, and the people who came in first stood up and greeted Cao An.

Now Cao An is a top figure in the entertainment industry.

And he has a good reputation in the circle, so people from all walks of life in the entertainment industry are willing to contact him.

Especially the actor group.

If you can be in Cao An’s movies, your career will be greatly boosted.

Most of Cao An’s movies are still male protagonists, so as long as you can play the protagonist of his movies, your status will definitely be improved.

Although Cao An has been an actor once, this is not the norm after all.

Fanxing has not announced the second movie starring Cao An, so there is no competition between him and the male actor.

As for the actresses, they are even more eager.

Some people will ask, aren’t these actresses afraid of Cao An’s hidden rules?

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
They will definitely say: “What? There is such a good thing!”

In the eyes of most women in the entertainment industry, being able to be hidden by Cao An is definitely a win.

I don’t know if it’s because the gold content of this award itself is not that high, and many awards are not suspenseful.

The atmosphere of the whole venue was very relaxed, and everyone was chatting happily.

Soon the award ceremony began, and various awards were presented one after another.

Among them, Fanxing was naturally the one who reaped the most.

Cao An won the Best Actor and Best Picture for “The Three-Body Problem 2: The Dark Forest”.

The Best Director award was not given to him, perhaps because the organizing committee felt that it was a bit inappropriate to give all the awards to one film.

In fact, there is an award that Cao An should have won, and that is the Best Newcomer award.

But since the establishment of this film festival, the Best Lead Actor and the Best Newcomer have never been awarded to the same person at the same time.

So in the end, the organizing committee replaced the Best Newcomer with someone else.

Cao An had no objection to this. In the atmosphere of sharing the cake in China, it was good enough for him to win two awards.

And because there were no outstanding female films released last year, and this award itself was more popular.

Liu Yifei won the best award with her own super high popularity and the excellence of “The Three-Body Problem 2”.Best Actress.

When the host read out her name, Liu Yifei jumped up excitedly.

After all, the outside world treats her as a vase, and her acting skills are not important, as long as she is good enough.

So she has always hoped that she can have a Best Actress, no matter what level.

This time, she was able to win the Best Actress Award at the Hundred Flowers Awards, which completely exceeded her expectations.

Liu Yifei excitedly hugged Cao An beside her, and then excitedly went on stage to raise the trophy she had been dreaming of.

“Thanks to the jury, colleagues, and audience friends who have always supported me.

Of course, I want to especially thank my boss, my director, and my partner Mr. Cao An.

Without him, I would definitely not be where I am now. I am extremely fortunate that I chose to join Fanxing and met such a talented person as Director Cao.

Standing here, my feelings cannot be expressed in words.

Finally, this trophy will not be my end. I will work hard to spur myself, strive to learn from excellent predecessors, and improve my abilities.

Bring more wonderful works to everyone.

Thank you again, thank you everyone.”

After Liu Yifei finished her speech, she also threw a wink in the direction of Cao An. I don’t know if this scene was captured by the camera.

Sitting down next to Cao An, Liu Yifei was still in an excited state.

While everyone was attracted by the next award, she secretly kissed Cao An on the face quickly.

Then she whispered in his ear:

“Thank you, dear.”

Cao An touched his cheek, looked around and found that no one noticed him, then said to Liu Yifei:

“Only this time.”

This time, Fanxing’s trip to the Hundred Flowers Film Festival was a complete success. There were a total of eight awards, Cao An won two, and Liu Yifei won one.

They were all important awards, which accounted for a large proportion.

In the past, a movie won at most two awards, and this time it was a record to win three awards.

After the awards ceremony, the major awards did not cause much discussion.

They were basically the same as the audience guessed.

Instead, the Fanxing team led by Cao An became a hot search.

For no other reason, they were too handsome and too beautiful.

After all, people are visual animals, and they naturally pursue things that can bring aesthetic enjoyment.

As a result, the sales of Yusha in Fanxing Mall increased to a certain extent that day.

After returning to the imperial capital, Cao An had just rested for a day when he received a message from Fang Haoli.

“Boss, Taylor’s concert has been negotiated.”

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