Since “Tokyo Abyss” is a domestic film of Xiaori, Dongbao’s promotion of Xiaori is unimpeded.

And the all-Xiaori actors also make the audience feel less xenophobic.

So it won a very high attendance rate on the first day of its release.

It squeezed “Mulan”, which had been released for a few days, out of the living space.

After all, Japanese people are not interested in the ancient stories of Dongda filmed by Disney.

However, Dongbao’s “Tokyo Abyss” is a domestic story performed by local people, and you can hear the purest Japanese accent.

With the blessing of the stars, the production quality and special effects of this movie directly beat the real-life movies of Xiaori.

Japanese audiences watched this movie with the feeling of domestic audiences when they first saw The Wandering Earth.

The feeling of being moved in their hearts arises spontaneously.

And the plot in the movie is also very touching, which made many audiences shed tears in the theater.

Due to the high quality of the movie, related actors and practitioners have come forward to promote the movie.

The Internet was flooded with news about this movie.

A huge wave of moviegoers has formed in Xiao Ri Zi.

On the first day, it directly earned 359 million yen in box office, which gave Toho a big surprise.

It promoted it without reservation.

Originally, Toho just wanted to make a profit and make an international name for itself, but suddenly had a new goal.

To become the domestic live-action movie box office champion and the Xiao Ri Zi overseas movie box office champion.

For this reason, the publicity efforts were immediately increased.

But this movie was not as popular in America as the previous “Reclaiming Dulles”.

The performance can only be regarded as mediocre.

Americans are not very interested in Xiao Ri Zi vs. Octopus.

The box office in the first weekend was only 28.7753 million US dollars.

But this is also a good result among a group of Xiao Ri Zi movies.

Back to China.

Tokyo Abyss had a box office of 68.5458 million on the first day, and on the second day, as word of mouth fermented, the box office successfully exceeded 100 million.

Many organizations now predict that this movie will become the box office champion of Xiao Ri Zi in China.

The Douzi score is 7.8 points.

Most of the negative reviews say that it is unrealistic. Xiao Ri Zi in reality will never be as heroic and united as shown in the movie.

It feels like this is a domestic story, not a story of Xiao Ri Zi.

To this voice, the audience’s answer is: “This is the IP of Fanxing, shouldn’t it tell a domestic story?”

To show the world the story of Dongda, it is not necessary to tell the story of Dongda people.

And there is a ready-made example in front of us.

Is Disney’s Mulan telling our story?

Showing the world our cultural spirit?

As soon as these two questions came out, these people had no voice.

Whether it is word of mouth or box office, Mulan can’t compare with Tokyo Abyss, so the discussion about these two on the Internet is basically not hot.

Due to the small fire of Tokyo Abyss, the number of urging for “The Wandering Earth 3” on the Internet has increased instantly.

Cao An’s Weibo was @ed again.

But there is no way, Cao An has no energy to deal with the matter of Ball 3 for the time being.

After filming “Iron Man”, Cao An will start preparing for “Ready Player One”.

Domestic researchers have indeed given Cao An a lot of surprises.

The research speed of each link is progressing very quickly, and the advent of Oasis should be much earlier than he expected.

So time must be seized.

During this period, Guo Fan’s preliminary preparations for “Spider-Man” have also been completed, and the actor auditions have begun.

As soon as this news was announced, it immediately attracted the attention of domestic actors.

Although it is not Cao An’s movie, it is also Fanxing’s movie.

For so many years, Fanxing Movies has never overturned.

It may be mediocre, but it will definitely not be a bad movie.

There is no suitable candidate for the male lead in the company, so look for it outside.

Guo Fan has two candidates, Liu Haoran, who has cooperated in Chinatown Detective, and Wu Lei, who has not cooperated for the time being.

After thinking for a while, Cao An said, “The worldviews of Tang Detective and the superhero series may be merged in the future, so it is better not to choose the same actor for the protagonist.”

After hearing what Cao An said, Guo Fan thought that Tang Detective’s worldview could be combined with the worldviews of Spider-Man and Iron Man.

“Okay, then I will choose Wu Lei as the protagonist of this movie.”

A few days later, the casting of Spider-Man was completed.

Bai Lu from the company won the leading role, Zhang Fengyi won the villain role of Green Goblin, and Chen Xiao played the protagonist’s friend, the second generation Green Goblin.

Then Fanxing announced this new project.

[Movie name: Spider-Man]

[Screenwriter: Guo Fan]

[Director: Guo Fan]

[Produced byFang: Fanxing Films]

[Main actors: Wu Lei, Bai Lu, Zhang Fengyi, Chen Xiao…]

[Introduction: It mainly tells the story of a college student named Zhu Yue, who was bitten by a genetically modified spider and gained superpowers.

An accident changed his perception of ability and responsibility, and made him devote himself to the fight against evil. ]

When this news was announced, it immediately aroused heated discussions among the audience.

It was not because of the lineup and production of this movie.

But the name of this movie, “Spider-Man”, and another movie “Iron Man” announced by Fanxing earlier.

The two are too unified in name.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is a series.

This conjecture was quickly confirmed by Guo Fan.

He replied to a netizen’s speculation under this dynamic.

“This movie and Director Cao’s Iron Man are different stories in the same world view.”

This reply caused a thousand waves.

It directly triggered the discussion of Fanxing fans.

“Two completely different movies are actually from the same series.”

“Oh my god, this is the first time I’ve seen a series being filmed at the same time.”

“Although I haven’t seen the two movies yet, I’m already looking forward to the scene when the protagonists of the two movies meet.”

“One Spider-Man and one Iron Man, is Fanxing going to make a League of Heroes?”

“I think Fanxing will definitely make more than just these two movies. Maybe there will be Mantis, Stone Man, etc. in the future.”

“I also think there will be more than two. I wonder if these two movies can be linked with Armor Hero, after all, Emperor Hero is also a hero.”

“Fuck, this is a good idea!”


I don’t know who led the way, but netizens are discussing less and less about Spider-Man and Iron Man.

Instead, they are discussing how the various characters under Fanxing can be linked.

For example, let Ultraman go to Pacific Rim to help humans fight monsters.

The people in The Wandering Earth ran halfway and met the Three-Body Fleet and exchanged homes.

Both sides looked at each other.

Professor Zhu and Si Teng are from the same hometown and come from the same planet.

Jingtian is the master of Hua Qiangu, etc.

Anyway, netizens have all kinds of imaginations, and they link all the characters under Fanxing together.

This topic has caused a huge discussion.

Netizens have shown their talents, and concepts such as parallel universes and multiple histories have been raised.

Cao An watched the various imaginations of netizens in front of the screen, and immediately recorded the interesting ideas when he saw them.

One netizen proposed the idea of ​​unifying monsters, which Cao An found very interesting.

That is, the monsters in Ultraman, Armor Hero, Pacific Rim and other movies all come from a monster world.

These people finally united to launch a counterattack against this monster world.

Cao An felt that there were still opportunities in the future.

For example, Thanos is the creator of this group of monsters, and he is the tool to destroy half of the life in the universe.

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