A large crowd gathered in front of the first teaching building of the Imperial Film Academy.

In the middle of the crowd were four beautiful junior students, who were distributing recruitment flyers and answering various questions from the crowd.

“Is this really the recruitment booth for directors of the National Youth Competition?”

“Is it the Ultraman Tiga crew?”

“How many roles can one person apply for?”

“How much is the pay?”


Countless questions overwhelmed the four people. Although they were in a mess, no one chose to leave, but enjoyed it.

Seeing that former classmates and even seniors asked them questions in a gentle and friendly manner, and almost fought for a role, a sense of pride rose in their hearts.

Because they are already members of this crew.

Under the soft and hard grinding of Yuan Shanshan and the other two, Cao An also recruited them.

Yuan Shanshan and the other two all got the role of members of the Victory Team. Anyway, those members were not the main characters, and gender did not matter.

In return, they had to help Cao An look after the stall and distribute the recruitment flyers he printed as much as possible.

At around 2 p.m., those who had classes went to class, and those who didn’t have classes knew how to register and went back to write resumes, and the stall in front of Cao An became quiet.

“Thank you for your hard work, seniors. I brought you lunch.” Cao An came to the stall with four packed lunches.

“It’s not in vain to help you.”

Yang Mi took the lunch box from Yang An and distributed it to others.

They didn’t have breakfast, and they had been working here for several hours, so they were already starving.

If Cao An didn’t come back, they would have to go to eat in batches.

“Junior, how is your venue application going?” Yang Mi asked.

Cao An was not lazy, but went to the teacher to apply for the venue. After all, it is impossible to set up a crew without an office space.

“It was easy to get it. When the teacher heard that I was going to participate in the National Youth Directors Competition, he directly gave me an office in the first teaching building.”

“Let’s go to our own office.”

Cao An shook the key in his hand.

“Not only did the application for the venue come through, but when the teacher heard that the film I was shooting was short of funds, he directly let me use the equipment in the academy, and other filming personnel were also found from the academy, as long as they provided meals.”

The group took the things on the stall and walked towards the office that Cao An applied for. On the way, Cao An introduced it to the four girls.

There were a lot of junior and senior students in the academy who had no classes or work to do, so the dean directly asked people to help Cao An organize them.

In this world, college students are also high-quality and cheap work objects.

Hearing that Cao An had received strong support from the school, the four people also took a reassurance pill.

After all, Cao An only enrolled last year, it was still very difficult for him to set up a crew alone. Now with the support of the school, there is a guarantee at least.

After the four people finished their meal, the five of them cleaned the office that Cao An applied for together.

This office is quite large, more than 200 square meters, all for Cao An to use.

After cleaning, Cao An took out his computer and started to check the resumes that were submitted.

After a morning of promotion, Cao An now has nearly 100 resumes in his mailbox.

After browsing, each role in the Victory Team has a relatively suitable candidate, only the captain Du Jianhui (Ima Hui) has no suitable candidate.

After all, being both intelligent and brave, mature and sophisticated is not a role that this group of students can grasp.

After interviewing the suitable actors the next day, as Cao An expected, there was no suitable one.

In fact, Cao An was not very satisfied with the choice of deputy captain Zong Fang. After all, this role needs to give people a sense of integrity, strength, calmness, and calmness.

There was no way, Cao An could only go to Professor Zhao and ask him to recommend.

After listening to Cao An’s description, Professor Zhao smiled slightly: “I know it’s hard to find suitable actors for these two roles.”

Then he handed two character introductions to Cao An.

“I recommend Zeng Li for the role of Captain Du Jianhui. Although she is not from our school, she has taken my class and we have connections. Her acting skills are fine and her age is suitable. For my sake, you can ask her to reduce her salary.”

The photo of Zeng Li in the introduction does seem to fit Cao An’s image requirements for the role of Du Jianhui.

In this world, she is just 31 years old, which is similar to the setting in the play.

Seeing Cao An nod, Professor Zhao continued: “I recommend Li Youbin for the deputy captain.”

Cao An knew this person and had seen his “Sword of Legends” and “Out of the Blue”.

It is also suitable for him to play the deputy captain. He is in his forties at this time, and there is no problem playing a 38-year-old man.

But there is a problem: “Teacher Zhao, I only have one thousand given by the competition.10,000, I can’t afford someone as good as Mr. Li.”

“Haha, don’t worry, Mr. Li is not a traffic star, his price is not high, if you find a suitable script, it’s okay to lower it.”

Professor Zhao smiled and said: “Besides, he and I are friends, it’s okay to ask him to give a discount.”

“Thank you so much, teacher.”

With Mr. Zhao’s words, Cao An knew that these two people were stable.

“As long as you are satisfied. ”

With Professor Zhao as the middleman, Cao An communicated smoothly with Zeng Li and Li Youbin.

Both agreed to join the crew, and neither asked for too high a salary.

They took a symbolic 400,000 yuan, which seemed to be a waste of money to outsiders.

First, they were very satisfied with the script, second, they had Professor Zhao’s guarantee, and third, they responded to the country’s call and had the idea of ​​cultivating young directors.

After finalizing these two candidates, other roles were quickly decided.

After signing the contract, Cao An sent each of them a character biography.

This biography contains a detailed introduction to the role they play, as well as the skills and characteristics required to perform the role, etc.

Everyone was surprised after receiving their character biographies. They never expected that Cao An, a freshman, had such a deep understanding of the role.

Originally, they thought Cao An was just a young man. Director Zi, it’s good enough to finish the whole film. I didn’t expect that he has such a deep understanding of the characters.

I am looking forward to the subsequent filming more and more, to see if I can witness the birth of a legendary director.

One week later.

The first gathering of the “Ultraman Tiga” crew.

Zeng Li and Li Youbin also joined the crew.

This time it was mainly a fitting, and we were ready to start filming if there were no problems.

When everyone stood together in the red and white Victory Team uniforms, the other people on the scene exclaimed.

The men were heroic and the women were beautiful and generous.

This set of clothes has both a futuristic sense of science fiction and a solemn sense of uniform.

After the Victory Team fitting was over, it was Ultraman Tiga’s fitting.

After a while, the martial arts teacher appeared in front of everyone wearing a tight Ultraman Tiga costume.

When he appeared in front of everyone, everyone’s eyes lit up.

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