The three films released by Fanxing at the beginning of this year have achieved very good results.

“Nobody”, which was released on January 1, New Year’s Day, finally had a box office of 3.177 billion yuan.

“Iron Man”, which was released during the Spring Festival, earned 2.894 billion yuan, and “Kung Fu Panda 2” earned 1.153 billion yuan.

In just two months this year, Fanxing has already earned 7.224 billion yuan in domestic box office.

Its ability to make money is so terrifying.

There are more and more discussions on the Internet about Fanxing’s listing.

They are all boasting that if Fanxing goes public, it will definitely break the trillion-yuan market value, and they want to encourage Fanxing to go public.

But the actual mind is to watch Fanxing make money, but they can’t get a share of it.

However, normal people know that with Fanxing’s current development and profitability, Cao An has absolutely no idea of ​​going public.

Cao An has long achieved financial freedom. For him, having 100 billion and 10 trillion in his hands is the same.

He can’t spend so much money at all.

Money that can’t be spent is just a pile of waste paper.

During Cao An’s vacation, there is still one thing that needs his signature.

That is the budget allocation for the Oasis Project this year.

Last year, Fanxing and five universities established a joint laboratory and approved 10 billion yuan.

These researchers are really good at spending. They spent most of it in less than a year.

Now, the heads of each laboratory have come to Fanxing to ask for research funds.

All the expenses of the five laboratories must go through Fanxing’s financial system. Cao An knows that they really spent the money on research.

And the five laboratories all produced research results last year, which is worth spending.

Cao An works across the Pacific Ocean in South America and approved a research fund of 5 billion yuan.

Because many of the equipment invested in the early stage can still be used, there is no need to buy them again.

Therefore, the funds required for each research institute have been reduced.

These 5 billion yuan are not given at one time, but Fanxing has provided 5 billion yuan in special funds.

If the five laboratories need money, they can come here to apply, and the loan will be released after the review is passed.

There is no need to ask Cao An before the 5 billion yuan is spent.

If you still want it after it is spent, you have to apply to Cao An again.

Happy holidays are always short-lived, and everyone left the manor reluctantly and returned to China.

Among them, Cao Li had the most intense reaction.

She had just turned one year old and already had her own ideas. She knew that it was fun here, so when she realized that she had to leave, she burst into tears.

Zeng Li coaxed her for a long time, and Cao Li cried until the manor was completely out of sight before she fell asleep.

When she woke up again, she had forgotten about the manor.

Her two cute big eyes stared straight at the clouds outside the window.

She didn’t even turn her head, and she was unwilling to be carried away.

Zeng Li and others took a plane back to China, while Cao An took a plane all the way north to America.

When passing through Central America, Cao An looked at the scenery below and muttered in his heart: “I wonder if there are Run people below?”

He saw a video introducing the route of Run people to America.

It seems that this migration route is just below the plane he was on.

It is said that capitalists in America live the most comfortably, and Cao An agrees with this.

Rich people in America can really do whatever they want.

Because in this country, as long as you have money, you can easily have power.

With power, you can make more money.

With money and power, you are the best.

But Cao An does not want to stay in America for a long time. He does not commit crimes, and he does not need to evade taxes.

It is more comfortable to stay in China.

It is enough to come here occasionally for tourism.

After landing in Los Angeles, Cao An went back to his villa No. 66 to have a good rest.

The next day, he met with Warner executives to discuss subsequent cooperation plans.

The main purpose is to strengthen the cooperation between Fanxing and Warner and continue to work together to create a superhero universe.

And it is scheduled to start shooting the first joint movie next year.

At the same time, Warner’s third and fourth superhero movies were confirmed to be “Black Widow” and “The Hulk”.

At the same time, Cao An asked Warner to start casting for “Black Widow” as soon as possible, because this role will first appear in Lin Hao’s “Eagle Eye”.

As a joint series of movies, the same role naturally needs the same actor.

After the meeting, Powell privately invited Cao An to a southern European meal.

During the meal, the two talked about some light topics.

Among them, the upcoming Oscars naturally became the focus of their discussion.

Cao An’s “The Three-Body Problem 2: Dark Forest” was nominated for the Best International Film, and “Captain America” ​​was also nominated for the Oscars.

Still two awards.

They are Best Actor and Best Visual Effects.

The former is fromOf course, it was the superb acting skills of the actors, and the other was the retro sci-fi style in “Captain America” ​​that made many people’s eyes light up.

Warner naturally wanted to win the Best Actor.

But Powell, as a veteran in Hollywood for many years, still had some vision.

It was too difficult to win the Best Actor, so Warner was doing its best to publicize the Best Visual Effects.

At the same time, it was also helping Cao An with the Best International Film.

Powell’s idea was that it was better to win an award than to be a runner-up all the time.

Then the two talked about Cao An’s Dark Forest.

“Cao, you have a good chance of winning this movie, and the other nominated movies are not very good.”

“I wish you good luck and we all gain something.”

Cao An raised his glass.

Powell quickly picked it up and clinked glasses with Cao An, “I wish we all gain something.”

After dealing with Warner’s affairs, Cao An also went to meet the agents of SS and RR.

Since these two companies are shell companies, there is no dedicated office space.

Just rented an office at Warner.

And there are no employees, only an agent.

There is nothing to do normally, only when there is a need to show up and have business.

The agent acts as a representative of the two companies to handle some things.

The agents of the two companies are not the same. Except for some people in Warner, basically no one knows that these two companies are Cao An’s.

SS is okay, but RR is too mysterious in the eyes of outsiders.

And most people are unaware of the existence of this company.

In early March, Cao An came to Gulfstream Aerospace to pick up his private jet.

Cao An’s Gulfstream G750ER has been made.

He did not come alone today, but also brought a domestic flight team.

After all, an airplane is not a car, and one driver is not enough. A large team is needed.

Cao An first asked his flight team to conduct a detailed inspection of the entire aircraft.

This process took three days.

Three days later, Cao An was finally able to fly his own plane.

When the person in charge of Gulfstream heard that Cao An was going to fly the plane himself, he was very surprised.

But when he saw Cao An’s pilot license, he shut up.

The pilot license Cao An obtained in France was not just one type, but a full range.

He had licenses for passenger planes, small planes, helicopters, etc.

Since he had asked for a Chinese system when he bought it, the entire cockpit was marked in Chinese.

Because America almost ignored low-altitude flights, Cao An didn’t need to say hello to the American Aviation Administration before taking off.

He just flew directly.

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