Pengcheng, a hotel.

Wu Ersan was getting angrier and angrier as he thought about what happened today.

The two sides were talking well, but suddenly they were robbed, and it was Fanxing, who he had always been unhappy with.

The more he thought about it, the more resentful he felt.

And now he couldn’t find a way to vent.

Originally, he and Fanxing had no intersection, and they lived their own lives, without interfering with each other.

The two sides officially became enemies at the Golden Rooster Film Festival at the end of last year.

In order to win the Best Feature Film, he had been running around for several months.

He had run all his connections.

But in the end, it was taken away by Cao An.

It was like trying his best to chase a girl.

Just when he thought he was going to get married and was ready to confess, he found that the goddess he had been chasing for a long time was holding another man’s hand and laughing into the hotel.

At that time, he was very dissatisfied with Fanxing and Cao An.

After the award ceremony, he specifically asked about his relationship, and the answer he got was that the gap between the two sides was too big, and it was not worthwhile to give him the award.

As a veteran in the workplace, he certainly knew what this sentence meant.

The benefits he gave were not enough, and far from enough.

There was no way, no matter how dissatisfied he was, he could only shut up, after all, he deserved the title.

Whether in the eyes of the judges, the audience, or the market, Dark Forest is better than Chaoge Fengyun.

This matter was temporarily put aside.

Then he saw Fanxing and Warner’s superhero movie cooperation.

It immediately gave him inspiration.

Fanxing can do it, so can he.

It’s just making a movie, who can’t do it.

But if he was asked to write the script himself, he was not as capable as Cao An.

So he set his sights on the well-known domestic superpower comic “Under One Person”.

That’s why he came to Pengcheng to discuss cooperation with Penguin Comics.

Unexpectedly, Fanxing directly intercepted him halfway.

“Hmph, it’s just a comic, so just forget it.”

“I originally wanted to let Fanxing do the special effects for the second part of Fengshen, but now forget it.”

With his ability and influence, he can’t compete with Fanxing for the time being.

He still has self-knowledge. Now he can only wait for his influence to rise and then fight back.

He was intercepted here, so he could only look for other targets.

Suddenly, he saw a novel with a huge influence, and the setting was also very “novel”.

The protagonist also has a team of seven people, and the characters just correspond to the various superheroes created by Fanxing.

The novel has a great influence, and the most important thing is that it has not been adapted into a movie yet.

This is a good subject that has been delivered to the door.

So he began to think about how to get the copyright for the movie adaptation.

Cao An had no idea about Wu Ersan.

After obtaining the copyright of “Under One Person”, Cao An asked Lin Hao to find the original author Mi Lao Er.

It happened that the other party was also in the imperial capital, which was very convenient.

Ask the original author about his ideas and let him give his opinions on the revision of “Eagle Eye”.

Mi Lao Er was shocked to hear Lin Hao’s visit.

Especially when he heard that the copyright of his comics came to Fanxing, he was stunned.

He quickly asked his editor and got a positive reply.

Because it is still in the process, he has not been notified yet.

This news is not bad news for him.

If you want to adapt it into a live-action version, Fanxing is almost the best choice in China.

Since it is already in Fanxing’s hands, he directly agreed to Lin Hao’s request.

The two people became more and more excited as they discussed, and many interesting ideas burst out.

Although the copyright of “Under One Person” came to Fanxing, Cao An was not in a hurry to adapt it.

The main reason is that he has no time during this period. He has to work on “Ready Player One” and the Oasis project, and he has to accompany his wife and family when he returns home.

In an Oasis seminar, all parties reported their research to each other.

And where other departments need to cooperate.

Such meetings are held regularly. Oasis is an overall project and requires cooperation between the teams.

For example, the teams researching the core, motherboard and other supporting facilities must communicate all the time.

A small change may affect the whole body.

After the meeting, Deng Han privately found Cao An and talked to him about some things other than research.

“Boss, I want to talk to you about the paper.”

Cao An immediately replied when he heard this: “Paper Fanxing doesn’t care, you can publish it if you want.”

“That’s not it.”

The agreement was written directly in the contract by both parties, so Deng Han would naturally not ask again because of this matter.

Then he said: “There are too many papers, and it is too troublesome to publish them abroad. I have a bunch of doctoral students waiting for this paper to graduate.. ”

“I discussed this with other lab leaders before, and they also have this problem.”

Cao An gave the research direction and plan, which made their research progress rapidly.

In addition, it is a brand new field, and this group of people are the ones who set the standards.

You can write a paper with any technology.

Originally, you may not encounter a top paper in your life, but now almost everyone in their laboratories has several copies.

But because there is still research work, it is already very good for researchers to take time to write papers, and there is no time to deal with the issue of publishing papers.

This kind of thing cannot be entrusted to others casually, which is easy to cause problems.

After all, there are too many new standards and new rules.

They also created a lot of new technical terms, and translation is also a big problem.

After listening to Deng Han’s description, Cao An asked: “Do you have to publish in foreign journals?”

“This… is not necessarily.”

Deng Han said somewhat embarrassedly: “It’s just that the level of domestic academic journals is too low, and many places don’t recognize them, and I think the editors of domestic journals may not understand our papers at all.”

“Foreign editors can understand it? ”

Cao An asked immediately, thinking for a while: “Why don’t we publish an academic journal ourselves?”

“Ah! It’s still possible, this is not good, publish your own journal and publish it yourself.”

Deng Han had never thought about this question, and was suddenly asked by Cao An, and he was a little confused.

“What’s wrong with it? Publishing papers is just to show others your research results. Others publish in journals, so we can’t publish our own journals?”

Cao An is not a person in the academic field, so what these people think is a rule and a default rule is completely unworthy of mention in Cao An’s view.

Do I need others to recognize my own things?

It’s ridiculous.

But he won’t force these researchers to do anything. They all work for him, and all the results are given to Fanxing.

It’s just a little false reputation, let them do whatever they want.

Cao An looked at Deng Han who was a little entangled and worried and said to him:

“I just said it casually. Fanxing will not interfere with how to do it. If you want, Fanxing can invest in establishing a journal. ”

“Okay, I’ll go back and discuss it with the others.”

Deng Han nodded, and then left Fanxing with the others.

Two days later, Deng Han and the heads of the five major laboratories came to Fanxing to find Cao An.

“Boss, we think you are right.”

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