After hearing Liu Jian’s words on the phone, Cao An did not answer in a hurry.

Instead, he said: “Old Liu, since you are done, come to Chengdu to play. It just so happens that the water park is open for internal play recently.”

“Ah, this is not good.”

“You are a grown man, but you are still awkward. Hurry up and book a flight. It will be today or tomorrow. If you miss it, go grab the ticket yourself.”

Cao An is not very anxious about the production of “Ready Player One”. After all, Oasis is not ready yet.

Oasis is constantly iterating and upgrading both hardware and software.

Sometimes you can find a lot of new things after not seeing it for a week.

After returning to the imperial capital Fanxing after the filming of “Time Traveler Lover”, Cao An went to Fanxing Game to experience the new version.

Now the operability is very strong, and the freeze and delay have been effectively solved.

It’s just that the current Oasis play equipment is too complicated. It takes several minutes to put on all kinds of equipment.

Unskilled people may not be able to put it on for more than ten or twenty minutes.

This aspect needs to be optimized.

In terms of Oasis games, employees have begun to fill in the content.

The speed is also very fast.

Most of the content in the game is moved from the internal IP of Fanxing.

The materials are ready-made, as long as the adaptation is done well, the frame will add content.

That is, the values ​​between the various IPs must be done well.

There are several mathematical experts in Fanxing Game now, who are specifically studying how to balance the various values ​​in each IP.

Liu Jian hung up the phone call to Cao An and was stunned for a while.

I think it’s okay to go to Chengdu to report to Cao An.

So I opened my phone to book a plane ticket.

That evening, I took the content of “Ready Player One” and flew to Chengdu, and stayed at the Chengdu Fanxing Hotel.

In the evening, Cao An watched the first edition of “Ready Player One” with him.

He is worthy of being an old friend who has cooperated with Cao An for so many years.

Liu Jian knows very well what Cao An wants to express and what kind of content he wants.

Cao An is quite satisfied with this version.

But there is still one thing that makes Cao An feel a little awkward.

“Old Liu, I think this model is too delicate. It should be a little rougher, especially the number of modeling faces of the characters should be reduced by at least one third.”

Liu Jian: “(⊙o⊙) Hmm?”

He was stunned. It seems that he is wrong to do too well?

Aren’t the current special effects movies all about who has the highest modeling accuracy and who has the most realistic special effects?

Why did his boss ask him to reduce the accuracy?

Seeing Old Liu’s puzzled look, Cao An explained:

“What is the Oasis in the movie? It’s a game. How can a game be made as reality?”

“As a movie, it must let the audience know clearly where is reality and where is a game.”

“Besides, do you think our Oasis game can achieve the accuracy you just did?”

As an old man in the company, the development of the Oasis game also requires the cooperation of Sunglasses Tiancheng.

So he knew that Fanxing was developing the Oasis game.

After all, the models and visual effects made by the company must be copied to the Fanxing game.

Hearing Cao An’s explanation, Liu Jian shook his head.

“Even if the core is replaced, the game with this model precision can’t run.”

Oasis is a multiplayer online game, and even in Cao An’s plan, Oasis is a game with the same server worldwide.

It is absolutely common for thousands of players to appear in one screen.

If each one is super high modeled, even the core will be scrapped.

After a discussion, Liu Jian understood Cao An’s idea.

In the real world, special effects can be made very realistic.

But it’s not the case in the game, and it must be distinguished from reality.

The next day, Cao An met Liu Jian with his luggage in the Stars Hotel.

It was obvious that he was going back to the capital.

“Don’t work so hard, it will be said that I’m exploiting my subordinates.”

Cao An patted Liu Jian on the shoulder, “Since you are here, take a day off before going back.”

The boss persuaded Liu Jian to stay, and Liu Jian thought about it and decided to stay.

Since Cao An had been in the water for a long time yesterday, he went into the water for a while today and came to the shore to bask in the sun.

Looking at the cheerful atmosphere in the water park.

Cao An felt that he was quite qualified as a boss.

Today’s sunshine was very gentle, shining warmly on his body.

It made Cao An doze off.

Suddenly Wu Jing’s voice sounded beside him, “Boss, don’t you want to go down and swim a few laps?”

Cao An looked up and saw Wu Jing standing next to him in beach pants.

Asked, “Have you finished filming the movie?”

He found a chair and sat down, and replied, “The scenes in the northeast have been filmed, but the other parts have not yet been filmed. I’m not taking a few days off. I heard that it’s free to play here, so I took people to fly directly from the northeast to Chengdu.”

Starry actors of the Changjin Lake crewThey all came with Wu Jing.

They landed at Rongcheng Airport at noon and came here after checking in at the hotel.

It will be open to the public tomorrow, and it is not convenient for them as public figures.

Several people talked to Cao An about some things during the filming of the movie Changjin Lake.

Let Cao An have some understanding of this movie.

“Jingzi, you and the boss are both in such good shape, why don’t you compete to see who swims faster.”

Sha Yi said while soaking in the water and smiling at the people on the shore.

Wu Jing’s face sank, and he turned to Sha Yi and said, “Lao Sha, please call me by my full name, don’t give me a nickname.”

At first, everyone didn’t react, but after Wu Jing finished speaking, everyone realized that Wu Jing’s nickname had other meanings.

It immediately caused laughter.

But everyone knows the limit of this kind of thing, and won’t say it again.

Cao An stood up and stretched his body, looking at Wu Jing and Zhao Wenzhuo and said: “Old Zhao, come with me, let me see how good you are in the water?”


Zhao Wenzhuo said indifferently.

The movement here attracted the attention of the girls on the other side, and many people swam over to watch the fun.

When they heard that Cao An and Wu Jing and Zhao Wenzhuo were competing, they all started to cheer.

At this time, Sha Yi came to the shore with a smile, picked up a stainless steel basin, and said: “I will be the starter.”

Then he pointed to a waterfall at the foot of Feiquan Mountain and said: “Whoever reaches the waterfall first wins.”

The three people who were preparing for the competition looked at each other and nodded to show their approval.

After seeing that the three were ready, Sha Yi knocked on the stainless steel basin and shouted loudly to start.

In an instant, the three jumped into the water, and their speed was so fast that they deserved to be the best-looking people in the company.

The three people went into the water, and soon Wu Jing and Zhao Wenzhuo came out of the water and started swimming on the water surface.

But Cao An was nowhere to be seen on the water, and everyone was puzzled.

Wearing a helmet, Peng Yuchang quickly dived into the water to look for him.

Looking around, Cao An was darting through the water like a fish.

He was shocked by his speed.

He quickly emerged from the water and said to the others, “Fuck, the boss has already jumped out a long way.”

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed.

Ripples appeared on the water, and Cao An flew out of the water like a dolphin, and then dived back into the water.

Although he was not really gliding in the air like a dolphin, this scene still stunned the onlookers.

The boss is too fierce!

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