Although there are some complaints about Fanxing Amusement Park, the voices are not high.

After all, it is just a somewhat boring building to visit, and Fanxing does not charge extra tickets.

If it is not fun, then don’t go.

The derivative projects have been disliked and disappointed by some tourists, but the main body of the movie “Ready Player One” is getting stronger and stronger.

It earned 526 million yuan in box office on the first day of its release, and the reputation is very good.

The main keywords for online discussions about this movie are:

Easter eggs, Oasis, character battles, game players’ carnival…

The plot is quite standard, so no one discusses it.

But the performance given by Cao An makes people linger.

The second-brush rate of “Ready Player One” is very high.

Many viewers want to watch it again after watching it for the first time, and the second time is specifically to see how many Easter eggs appear in the movie.

But they can’t be satisfied, because there are too many Easter eggs, and one person can’t find them all.

So someone created a post in the Fanxing forum.

Specially collect how many Easter eggs are buried in this movie, and how many IPs are involved.

In just one day, this post received tens of thousands of replies.

According to statistics, there are already hundreds of Easter eggs, and they are still increasing.

This movie is still in theaters, and you can only go to the cinema if you want to watch it.

And if you watch it without pausing, no matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to find all the Easter eggs in one go.

That’s why this post was created, and we are ready to work together to find all the Easter eggs before the movie is off the screen.

In addition to burying Easter eggs, the performance and artistic performance of this movie are also worthy of praise.

Many shots in it can be used as teaching materials for film schools.

“Ready Player One” is not an exquisite state banquet, but a delicious fast food.

As a commercial movie, it belongs to the very game category.

Good reputation, hot discussion, and huge publicity.

The box office of “Ready Player One” continues to rise even after it achieved a box office of 500 million on the first day.

On August 4, the box office broke through 600 million, reaching a single-day box office of 689 million.

It refreshed the record of the daily box office champion created by Cao An’s “The Three-Body Problem 2: The Dark Forest”.

Shocked the industry.

Many people sighed: Only Cao An can surpass Cao An.

You should know that this movie does not have the good innate conditions of “The Dark Forest”.

First, the Dark Forest has the original work as a foundation, and it is well-known in itself.

Second, it has the powerful gimmick of Cao An’s first film.

The reason why “Ready Player One” can break the daily box office record is that it has a huge publicity resource that is unique in the country.

And there is no rival in the same period.

As for quality, the quality of the movies directed by Cao An himself has never been low.

However, with the arrival of working days, the box office of “Ready Player One” was cut in half, and the daily box office on August 5 was only 347 million.

This is a normal phenomenon, not a collapse of word of mouth.

August is the summer vacation, which cannot be compared with the Spring Festival and National Day.

Except for students, most people have to go to work.

On this day, Cao An did not have the energy to care about the box office of Ready Player One, but had another important thing to do.

If it is done well, the income will be higher than that brought by Ready Player One.

That afternoon, Cao An welcomed guests from China and America in the Starry Park.

They came here mainly to discuss how to make a little money together.

Cao An did not explain the reason for several domestic capitals such as Universal, Guojin, and Guorun, but just asked them if they were willing to make money together.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
The reason for calling them is mainly for safety and subsequent cooperation.

Just like the great man said: make more friends and fewer enemies.

Domestic capital is the help of Starry and American capital.

If ordinary people ask them to make money, they will definitely sneer, but Cao An is different.

Although Cao An did not speculate in stocks or engage in finance before, his ability to make money has been recognized by the industry.

None of these financial people dared to say that they were better at making money than Cao An.

So after receiving the invitation, they sent senior representatives to Fanxing to attend the meeting.

It was Grandpa Eugene who helped to contact America.

He is now regretful and regrets selling Warner’s shares to Cao An.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world, and if Cao An does not invest in Warner, Warner’s shares will not rise.

So he is not upset, but tries to maintain his relationship with Cao An.

Every time Cao An comes to America, he will invite Cao An to visit his manor.

Although Cao An does not go every time, the relationship between the two has deepened a lot.

After hearing CaoWhen An was about to enter the financial industry, he took the initiative to help Cao An set up the stage.

This time, the capital from America was able to come to Fanxing to attend the secret meeting, partly because of Eugene’s face.

“Mr. You, welcome to Fanxing.”

Cao An shook hands with Eugene and said.

“Cao, your place is well built, it looks much better than my manor.”

Eugene looked at the various buildings in the Fanxing Park and said.

“It can’t be compared with your manor. You can still ride horses there, but I don’t have such a wide territory here.”

After Cao An finished speaking, he invited everyone to enter the Fanxing Building.

On the way, Eugene pulled Cao An aside and said, “Cao, I have set up the stage for you this time, don’t let me down.”

“Don’t worry, we will make a fortune together then.”

Looking at Cao An’s confident smile, Eugene was also relieved.

After everyone entered the meeting room, Yan Qi, the president of Fanxing Holdings, took the stage and told everyone about the current situation of the US stock market.

Everyone was very confused, what was he doing?

Everyone knows these things, what’s the point of saying them.

Just when everyone was getting impatient, Yan Qi threw out a sentence, and everyone present sat back obediently.

“The current US stock market is a huge bubble propped up by the false AI boom, and we have the tools to burst this bubble.”

After saying that, he lifted the tablecloth in front of him to reveal the computer with the Tianquan chip installed in it.

At the same time, he picked up a chip to explain to everyone.

At this time, the originally irritable people all had wide eyes, looking at Yan Qi on the stage and the chip in his hand with an incredible look.

After listening to Yan Qi’s introduction, this group of people couldn’t sit still, and directly surrounded the computer and carefully watched the two chips.

Facts speak louder than words.

After confirming that Fanxing really made the chip, they didn’t need Fanxing to explain, and they also knew what Fanxing meant by making money.

After the representative of America said something to Cao An, they gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

And domestic capital also knew what they saw and heard today.

They all came to Cao An to discuss the next move with Cao An.

After a while, the people from America finished their discussion, and Eugene came to Cao An as a representative and said.

“Cao, you are really incredible. We can cooperate to do this game. But you have to cooperate with us to make some statements. The snow cannot collapse all at once.”

“Of course.”

Hearing this, Cao An knew what Eugene meant.

After reaching an agreement, everyone started a discussion in this conference room.

How to use the weapon in Fanxing’s hand to obtain huge wealth from US stocks?

The representatives of America Capital had no choice. They could not stop Fanxing from releasing the Tianquan Core.

Since you can’t resist, just lie down and enjoy it.

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