As the heroine of Ready Player One, Zhao Jinmai usually goes to various platforms to check netizens’ comments on the movie when she has nothing to do.

The first few days were quite normal. There were some negative reviews, but not many, and the reasons given were quite sufficient.

But in recent days, it can be clearly felt that there are more negative reviews.

And there are a lot of weird reasons.

For example:

Cao An is no longer good. The plot of this movie is too stupid and not up to his previous level.

Ready Player One is too messy and too mixed. It is a hodgepodge of various IPs.

The stars of Fanxing have begun to act like big names. Most of the movie is CG, and they still have the face to say it is a live-action movie.

Ready Player One is too disappointing, combined with the failure of the construction of IOI headquarters. There must be a big problem inside Fanxing. Cao An is no longer the passionate young man before. He has forgotten his original intention.

It seems that after making money, Cao An has fallen. Sure enough, no one can resist the corruption of money.

And so on.

Anyway, there is always an angle to criticize Cao An and Fanxing.

After hearing what Zhao Jinmai said, Cao An smiled and said, “Don’t worry, these things will be handled by the PR department of Fanxing Films.”

“I know, I just feel uncomfortable after seeing these people’s comments.”

Zhao Jinmai only complained to Cao An a few times, and she wouldn’t say a word when she was outside.

Artists of Fanxing are often pulled together for training by the PR department.

What to say and what not to say are all made very clear.

Some possible pitfalls will also be made clear to the artists in advance.

“You, a billionaire heroine, don’t have to be on the same level as a few grasshoppers.” Cao An comforted.

Zhao Jinmai was very happy to hear Cao An praise himself.

Then he asked, “Brother, what do you think is the mentality of these people? Why are they so cynical?”

“Not these people, but the mentality of the people behind them.”

Cao An is ready to give this sister a good lesson.

“Fanxing has developed rapidly in recent years. Due to the high-quality and fast production of content, it has raised the aesthetic standards of many viewers. It has blocked the living space of many parasites in this industry.”

“Now the momentum of “Ready Player One” is still strong, which scares many people who make money by lying down.”

“They can’t confront Fanxing head-on, so they can only use these dirty tricks.”

At this point, Cao An said to Zhao Jinmai solemnly:

“These parasites speculate that I am corrupt and degenerate, and fabricate that I am stupid and foolish. Because this is their nature, they have no ambition and just want to lie down and make money.”

“They want others to be like them, so that they can continue to easily earn money from ordinary people.”

After listening to Cao An’s explanation, Zhao Jinmai felt like he had been enlightened.

Many things that I couldn’t figure out before, I suddenly understood them all.

At the same time, I was deeply impressed by Cao An’s erudition.

“Brother, how do you know so much?”

“If I didn’t know much, Fanxing would have collapsed long ago.”

What Zhao Jinmai was worried about did not happen. As soon as these rhythms happened, Fanxing and all parties were suppressed.

This time, it was not just Fanxing, but all the partners also acted together.

This kind of thing can’t cause any waves at all.

Since the 9th is Friday, the attendance rate of “Ready Player One” began to rise after work that day.

The box office also rose after a continuous decline.

Tomorrow is Saturday again, and many viewers who want to watch this movie chose to go to the cinema on Friday night.

August 10th, Saturday.

“Ready Player One” was released in major overseas regions.

The promotion of this movie overseas is also growing.

In particular, several partners are working hard to promote this movie.

Among them, the box office in the Americas region reached 37.52 million US dollars on the first day.

The gaming atmosphere there is even higher than in China.

There was also good news from Xiaorizi, with a revenue of 289 million yen on the first day.

The reputation of these two places is very good, and the audience is very receptive to movies of this theme.

It is mainly Yoshizawa Ryo who is promoting Xiao Ri Zi, and the domestic actors have no time.

Toshiro, played by Yoshizawa Ryo, is one of the five protagonists, and has a lot of scenes.

There is also a highlight performance of transforming into Gundam in the final decisive battle, which makes the audience of Xiao Ri Zi feel more familiar with this movie.

Of course.

It can’t be compared with Tokyo Abyss of the full-time class, but it is much better than ordinary foreign movies.

The excellent performance of “Ready Player One” overseas has caused domestic media to scramble to report when it is reported back to China.

After all, there are really few domestic movies that can go abroad.

Weibo Entertainment: {“Ready Player One” was released overseas yesterday and achieved excellent box office results! }

Penguin News: {“Ready Player One” landed in the North American market, triggering a large-scale viewingTrend! }

Entertainment report: {Another movie has gone abroad, bringing our game culture to the world audience! }

Entertainment frontline: {Cao An’s new movie has achieved great success in going abroad, topping the box office in many countries. }

Starlight: {Flowers bloom inside the wall and are fragrant outside the wall, and Fanxing has entered a new stage of film going abroad. }


Reports from major entertainment media have once again put “Ready Player One” on the hot search.

And it also stimulated a wave of box office growth.

On Sunday, August 11, the daily box office of “Ready Player One” returned to the 300 million stage.

Whether it is the film’s producer, major media organizations, or the audience group, they are full of confidence in the box office of this film.

Domestic partners have called Cao An these days.

Expressed praise for this cooperation.

And look forward to the next cooperation with Fanxing.

Cao An replied one by one and said that there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

But what he didn’t say is that the possible cooperation may not be in film and television, but in games.

August 12.

This day is the day when Fanxing was established.

Fanxing’s various departments have carried out various celebrations.

Fanxing Mall has also launched an annual promotion, with 10% off for the entire store.

Fanxing’s fans are already used to this. Other shopping platforms are celebrating 618 and Double Eleven.

Fanxing Mall will not participate in these, and only on August 12 every year will it launch large-scale promotions.

And there are no complicated full reductions, a simple and straightforward 10% off for the entire store (recently listed products will not participate).

Therefore, every anniversary promotion can achieve very good results, and the price reduction of various products is real and visible.

There is no operation of raising prices in advance and then lowering prices.

The prices of goods in Fanxing Mall have hardly changed, and consumers can see at a glance whether they have increased or not.

In addition to clearing out the products that have been added to the shopping cart a long time ago, Fanxing fans are also paying attention to one thing.

That is the Fanxing new product launch conference that was announced a long time ago.

Everyone is looking forward to what kind of surprises Fanxing will bring.

At 7:30 in the evening.

Fanxing’s new product launch officially began.

The launch was held in the 501 conference room on the fifth floor of Fanxing Building.

In addition to the live broadcast, many journalists were also invited to the scene.

When the time came, the live broadcast room started.

Cao An walked onto the stage in casual clothes and took the microphone.

Waved to everyone:

“Good evening, friends on the scene and in front of the screen, welcome to Fanxing’s new product launch.”

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