After hearing Cao An’s story, the audience were all wondering:

Doesn’t “Ready Player One” have the Folding Zone Slums and the IOI Headquarters?

Although the IOI Headquarters is very bad, the Folding Zone Slums are still very good.

At this time, everyone was wondering, why did Cao An say this at this time?

Cao An’s next words just answered everyone’s doubts.

“At that time, “Ready Player One” was just an idea, there was no script, but I had already started running around for this matter.”

“Because I want to…”

Cao An paused here and looked around the audience and the camera responsible for the live broadcast.

“—— Bring Oasis to everyone.”

Hearing this, both the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room widened their eyes and held their breath.

I kept muttering in my heart:

No way! No way!

Fanxing will not really make Oasis!

“Oasis is a special game. You can imagine how difficult it is to make it.”

“Not only the software, but also the hardware at that time could not support a holographic game.”

“So I found Zhang Changyu, the president of Fanxing Games, and asked him how to make Oasis.”

“We discussed it for an entire afternoon and listed all the problems in various aspects.”

“You don’t know until you list them. Once you list them, you will be shocked. There are too many difficulties to make Oasis.”

“It was impossible to make it under the conditions at that time.”

Cao An calmly recounted the situation on the stage. It seemed that he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

But it was not ordinary in the ears of the audience.

With Cao An’s temperament, if he failed in the end, he would not say it at all.

Now he is holding a press conference and recounting the situation at that time.

It should, maybe, probably, maybe… it was made.

Although the audience is looking forward to Fanxing really making Oasis, they have to admit that the technical gap is too big.

It is normal that it cannot be made.

Moreover, Cao An never said whether he succeeded or not, so everyone could only continue to listen to his story in fear.

“At that time, the hardware could not be made, so I thought about finding professionals to develop it myself.”

“So I allocated tens of billions of funds, found some professors from five domestic universities, and brought them together to discuss how to make Oasis.”

Cao An slowly shared with the audience how he came up with the idea of ​​developing Oasis and how to act.

After listening to this, the audience realized that the five major universities and Fanxing established a joint laboratory to make Oasis.

After listening to Cao An for so long, he never mentioned whether Oasis was made.

The audience did not dare to make a rash judgment, after all, Director Zhang also said “one shot to the end”.

He also said it with confidence in the beginning, but at the end he turned around and said that he gave up.

I am afraid that Cao An will “learn” from this predecessor.


“After a long period of research and development, each laboratory has made a lot of achievements.”

“Here, on behalf of Fanxing, I sincerely express my gratitude to the teachers who participated in the Oasis project, thank you for your hard work.”

“So, today, the most important day of Fanxing, I want to tell you this exciting news.”

When Cao An said this, all the audience held their breath, waiting for him to say that sentence.

Cao An took a few steps back and came from the center of the stage to the edge of the stage.

Holding the microphone in his right hand, he waved his left hand back.

“Welcome to Oasis!”

At the moment Cao An said the last word, the big screen on the stage began to play the Oasis promotional video.

The first half of this promotional video is exactly the same as the one released before the release of “Ready Player One”.

Both are introducing the use and precautions of each device of the Oasis player.

There are some differences in the content later, from the movie screen to the actual game machine.

Seeing this, the audience was completely exhausted.

“Fuck! The promotional video before the release of the romance movie is real!”

“What! What! What! Someone come and tell me this is real.”

“Oh my god, Boss Cao really made Oasis.”

“Am I seeing this right? This is the promotional video for Oasis, not the promotional video for Ready Player One?”

“Oasis!!! I love the stars! I love Boss Cao!”

“I am so excited that I almost fainted. This is actually true.”

“It’s incredible. Boss Cao really made Oasis.”


Various excited and shocked comments were floating in the live broadcast room.

It instantly filled the entire screen, and the live broadcast screen could not be seen without closing the comments.

Intense cheers also rang out at the scene.

In the promotional videoEvery time various moves, equipment, and scenes are shown, they can cause a burst of cheers.

At the end of the promotional video, a few big words [Welcome to Oasis] are displayed on the screen.

At this time, Cao An came to the center of the stage again.

“I believe that everyone is very excited after watching the promotional video of Oasis, but they are also a little worried about what it will be like to actually play. Promotional fraud is quite common in the game industry.”

“I won’t talk nonsense. There is nothing that can’t be solved by actual play.”

At this time, Zhang Changyu, the president of Fanxing Games, came to the stage with an Oasis game console.

The appearance of the real thing made the audience all widen their eyes and look excited.

I never thought that the real game console was almost the same as the one in the movie.

“It would be too boring for us Fanxing people to play. Otherwise, I will pick one person from the audience to come on stage to experience it and see if our Oasis is as advertised.”

Almost at the moment when Cao An said this, the audience in the audience, whether reporters, bloggers on Fanxing, or lucky people who won tickets in the lottery, all raised their hands.

Who doesn’t want to experience this kind of cross-era game?

Looking at the palms in the audience, Cao An was in a dilemma.

So he took out a coin from his pocket, held it between his thumb and index finger and showed it to the audience:

“This is a star coin, the universal currency in the oasis.”

“Next, I will turn my back and throw it to the audience. Whoever gets this star coin will be the trial player this time.”

Cao An turned his back and said while gesturing: “Three, two, one.”

The star coin flew out of Cao An’s hand and fell into the audience in a parabola.

The moment it flew out, the audience below cheered immediately. Those who felt it was flying towards them immediately stood up and opened their arms to catch the star coin.

In the end, an ordinary male audience member who won the ticket grabbed the star coin.

“Please ask this friend to come to the stage.”

The staff handed him a microphone, and the man ran excitedly with the microphone, and fell down when he went up the stairs because he was too excited.

“Be careful, are you okay?”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, thank you, Boss Cao.”

“I don’t know what to call you.”

“My name is Meng Wangyi.”

“Mr. Meng, are you ready?”

“I am ready.”

“Okay, then please experience the Oasis for everyone.”

Cao An led Meng Wangyi to the game console, and Zhang Changyu helped him put on the game equipment.

This game console is much simpler than the early ones. Meng Wangyi put on all the equipment in about a minute.

Finally put on the VR device.

Oasis, start!

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