The appearance of Oasis and Tianquan has not only attracted great attention in China.

These two pieces of news are also spreading wildly abroad.

At this time, America had just dawned, and everyone got up from bed and saw two shocking news.

Fanxing, a well-known company in the Eastern country, not only made the first holographic game, but also invented a core computer processor called Tianquan.

Its performance directly beats all chips on the market.

And this is not a unilateral announcement by Fanxing, but a direct demonstration of the real object on the spot.

It can’t be faked at all.

Because these two pieces of news are too unpredictable, the public opinion control agency in America has not reacted yet, and the news has spread like crazy through social software such as X and TT.

At this time, it is exactly 21:30 in China and 9:30 in America.

And the opening time of the American stock market is exactly 9:30.

Investors who realize the importance of this news immediately flocked to the exchange and began to sell the implicated technology stocks.

Among them, Nvidia, Intel, AMD, TSMC, etc. are all implicated companies.

It was originally a bubble that was blown up, and now a sharp sword is coming and the bubble can’t bear it at all.

The market instantly lost confidence in these stocks and rushed to sell them.

Everyone wanted to sell, causing a run on the bank and selling, causing the stock price to fall rapidly.

The snow… collapsed.

The speed of its collapse was so fast that it stunned everyone’s eyes.

Not long after the opening, the entire plate of US stocks plummeted by 15%, triggering the second-level circuit breaker and suspending US stock trading for a period of time.

Although this storm quickly spread to China through the Internet, it had no effect on the key event that triggered this incident, the Fanxing new product launch conference.

Cao An continued to introduce related new projects.

He did not introduce the Tianquan core body in detail, but simply explained that it was an item with a completely different architecture from the current chip.

“I believe everyone is still curious about the Tianquan Core, so we have prepared some sharing for you.”

“【Fanxing Science】, an academic journal founded by Fanxing, all papers on Oasis and Core will be published in this journal.

The theme of the first issue is the Tianquan Core, and the physical version will be sold in the Fanxing Mall at 10 o’clock tomorrow. Interested viewers can go to buy it.”

Fanxing also created an academic journal.

If this news was released in the past, it would definitely cause a huge sensation and discussion.

But now the audience has experienced the previous bombardment and has become numb.

Academic journals, just create one.

It doesn’t matter.

After a brief introduction to Fanxing Science, today’s new product launch conference is also coming to an end.

Cao An made the final speech.

“Fanxing Science” is the last new product today. Thank you for your company.”

“It’s late, everyone go to bed early, good night!”

Cao An waved to the camera after speaking, and today’s new product launch conference officially ended.

The live broadcast room instantly cut off the screen and turned into a picture.

It said: {The live broadcast of the new product launch of Fanxing has ended}

Although the launch conference has ended, the impact it has caused has just begun.

America on the other side of the ocean.

The originally lively room has become deserted, with only two old men, Old Man Ba ​​and Old Man You, left.

The others have now fully invested in hunting.

Old Man Ba ​​looked at the live broadcast that ended on TV and said to Eugene: “Why do I feel that we have fallen behind the world.”

Eugene smiled and said: “Not behind the world, but behind the East, or behind Fanxing.”

“That’s right.”

Old Man Ba ​​nodded and asked again: “I don’t know if Fanxing has plans to go public or raise funds. I am willing to do my best.”

Hearing what Old Man Ba ​​said, Eugene laughed directly.

“You old man, you have a really good idea. You are the one who got this good thing.”

“I asked Cao a few years ago, and was rejected on the spot without any hesitation.”

“Cao’s Fanxing is not short of money, and given the current situation, will Dongfang allow other capital to intervene in Fanxing?”

Hearing Eugene’s words, Old Man Ba ​​could only nod helplessly.

Sighing that he missed such a good investment.

At this time, Eugene changed his tone and reminded: “But last time I came back from Dongfang, Cao revealed a piece of news to me.”

Old Man Ba’s eyes widened instantly, staring at Eugene, expecting him to continue.

At this time, Eugene shook his head and said, “The bill for today’s box hasn’t been paid yet.”

“I’ll pay.” Old Man Ba ​​said immediately.

“Haha, Cao’s Fanxing will not go public, but there is a company in which he has a stake that has plans to go public, and the business of this company is ‘Tianjin’Power’.”

Eugene’s pronunciation of the word Tianquan is very standard.

When he first saw the Tianquan core, he felt that this thing was something that could change the world.

So he carefully memorized its pronunciation.

“Tianquan, Tianquan.”

Old man Ba ​​muttered these two words, thinking about the impact of these two words.

“Thank you, come to my manor when you have time.”

After saying that, he stood up and walked towards the door.

“What are you going to do?” Eugene asked.

“Check out. ”

Eugene smiled slightly, but didn’t point it out.

At this time in China.

Some viewers who had been paying attention to the new product launch of Fanxing just came out of the live broadcast room.

I originally wanted to see what everyone thought of this new product launch.

Click on the hot search and take a look.

It feels that the world is changing too fast.

#America Stock Market Circuit Breaker#

#Fanxing New Product Launch#



#Fanxing Science#

The other few can be understood, but what the hell is this number one hot search.

Click in and take a look.

Wow, it’s still related to the new product launch of Fanxing.

Due to the fact that there are too many explosive news about the new product launch of Fanxing, the discussion on the Internet is even more overwhelming.

“I feel like I’m dreaming now, Oasis actually made it.”

“Boss Cao is so awesome, I feel like I’ve come to the future.”

“I said this launch conference was not simple, I knew it, it was so shocking. ”

“After watching the press conference, I felt like ants were crawling all over my body. I really want to play Oasis.”

“As soon as Tianquan came out, domestic chips instantly stood at the top of the world.”

“Pay attention to the wording, it’s the core body, the chip is too low-end [proud]”

“Oh my god, a press conference directly caused the American stock market to circuit breaker.”

“It’s circuit-breaker again. Just after the resumption of trading, the decline is faster than the first time. They directly suspended today’s trading.”

“Too many important news today. I’m afraid I’m dreaming now. What if I wake up from the dream and there’s nothing.”

“Don’t worry, buddy, this is not a dream. ”


Fanxing released the complete live video shortly after the press conference.

At the same time, a [One-picture overview of Fanxing’s new product press conference] was also released.

This allows viewers who did not watch the live broadcast to quickly know what the contents of Fanxing’s press conference are.

As soon as this was released, netizens found that a company that seemed to have no intersection with it forwarded this dynamic and left a message:

{After watching Fanxing’s new product press conference, remember to come to Huawei’s press conference tomorrow.}

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