Cao An hung up the phone, and everyone looked at him.

Mayor Zhang asked, “Has Boss Cao encountered any difficulties?”

There was nothing to hide about this matter, so Cao An told everyone the news he had just heard from Wan Weiqi.

After listening, everyone was stunned.

I didn’t expect such a thing to happen.

But think about it carefully.

Foreigners are still of this character, and this kind of situation has not been rare in recent years.

At this time, Mr. Tian from the Ministry of Culture came to Cao An and said, “Little Cao, do it boldly.”

“We don’t need others to recognize our own things.”

“The country’s economy has improved, and cultural confidence should also be improved. We have learned from the West for so many years, and it is time for them to learn from us.”

“Don’t feel pressured, the country will always be your most solid backing.”

Cao An smiled and replied, “Don’t worry, Mr. Tian, ​​I am confident. I founded Star Science to provide a platform for sharing and communication, and I don’t force others to watch it.”

“As the saying goes, if you want to watch it, go away if you don’t want to watch it.”


Everyone laughed at Cao An’s words.

Mr. Wang from the Strategy Department gave Cao An a thumbs up, “I like Xiao Cao’s personality. Young people should have temper and confidence.”

“Thank you for your praise, Mr. Wang. When I encounter difficulties, Mr. Wang will help me.”

Cao An said with a smile.

“Look, look, the young man is finally willing to speak up.”

Hearing that Cao An wanted benefits, Mr. Wang was not angry, but very happy.

“That’s how it should be. We old men don’t understand new technologies, and we don’t know what you need. If you don’t tell us, we have no way to help.”

At this time, Mr. Qi from the Development and Reform Commission said to Mr. Tian: “Old Tian, ​​the guys from Fanxing Game just said that they are still short of a version number. You should go back and urge them today. Such a good game should be introduced to the world.”

He turned to Mayor Zhang and said: “Xiao Zhang, you are in charge of the capital now. Fanxing is a good seedling. You have to take good care of it for the country.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Qi, Fanxing is my own creation. We will not leave them alone if they are supported. ”

Mayor Zhang quickly agreed, then turned to Cao An and said:

“Boss Cao, call me directly if you have anything in the future. You know my number, but you never fail to contact me.”

“Uncle Zhang is so busy every day, how can I bother you for such a small matter?”

Cao An replied: “But don’t worry, if Fanxing really encounters any difficulties, I will call you immediately.”

“That’s right.”

After chatting with a few people for a while, it was almost dark and they should leave.

Cao An sent everyone to the door.

“You can watch it or not.”

Wan Weiqi heard the voice from the other end of the phone and he knew what to do.

After hanging up the phone, he immediately contacted the people in the operations department.

That night, Fanxing Academic made a statement on major social networks.

[Fanxing Academic]:

{Hello, readers of Fanxing Science,

The original intention of Fanxing Science was to provide a platform for readers and researchers to communicate.

Star Science will not force anyone to read, nor does it require anyone’s approval.

Star Science will always bring you research results at the forefront of academic fields in various fields.

The first issue of Star Science will be reprinted later and will be available on the Star Mall soon.

The theme of the second issue of Star Science is: Oasis.

Finally, thank you for your support.

—— Star Academic Editorial Team. }

The account of Star Academic is an account that was created not long ago.

Not many people follow it.

So when this statement was first sent out, it did not attract much attention.

Gradually, netizens discovered that this was actually an official account, and more and more people followed it.

Some domestic media and bloggers also reposted this statement.

Around 12 o’clock in the evening, the popularity grew rapidly.

More and more netizens saw this statement.

“Hahaha, Fanxing is awesome, they are really capable, they can only lick the stinky feet of their foreign fathers.”

“Save the flow: read if you want, get lost if you don’t.”

“Why should our own country’s academic journals be in English? Support Fanxing.”

“As expected of Boss Cao, the domestic academic community has been kneeling for too long and has become soft, someone needs to stand up.”

“I am particularly annoyed by those regulations. I am an ordinary second-tier university and I need to write an English review for my graduation thesis. Who will read it? I hope that major domestic universities will follow up.”

“This is the most tough response I have ever seen in the academic circle.”

“It’s not the academic circle that is tough, but Fanxing.”

“I found a paper written entirely by Chinese people some time ago, but it was only available in English. It must have been kneeling for too long.”

“Fanxing’s response is very tough, but what’s the use? If other countries don’t recognize it, it’s just a toy for self-entertainment and has no credibility. ”

“Why are sheepdogs everywhere? ”


Although most netizens support Fanxing, Fanxing Science does not have much influence now.

Whether at home or abroad, the vast majority of universities and research institutions do not recognize the papers published on it.

This is a fact.

But this changed the next day.

The next morning, People’s Daily published a commentator’s article.

“On Academic Confidence from Fanxing Science”

In this article, Fanxing Science’s work was highly praised and Fanxing Science’s full Chinese publishing method was recognized.

And various data were listed:

The number of domestic academic papers is already the highest in the world.

A large part of the cutting-edge achievements in various fields also come from various domestic laboratories.

Our country has become an academic power.

But there is no influential Chinese academic journal on the market.

So it cannot be called an academic power.

At the end of the article, it is hoped that domestic researchers will have confidence and will not be ashamed to describe their research results in their own language.

At the same time, the National Press and Publication Administration came forward to say:

Fanxing Science is a reasonable, compliant, and responsible Ren, capable and responsible academic journal.

As soon as these two pieces of news came out, it showed the attitude of the top.

There is no problem with Star Science, it is doing very well.

The first to take action were the five universities that have cooperated with Star.

They stood up and said: The school recognizes the papers in Star Science.

Their own students published papers in Star Science, the same level journal.

These schools have been prepared for a long time, after all, their students and students in the Star Joint Laboratory must publish papers in Star Science.

If they don’t admit it, wouldn’t they be slapping themselves in the face?

This move made other universities a little embarrassed.

Should they follow or not?

Regardless of whether other universities follow or not, with the official statement, the domestic public opinion about Star Science has passed.

Netizens quickly shifted their attention to other places.

Academic journals have nothing to do with ordinary people.

But what they don’t know is that this journal may change the world’s academic landscape.

At this time, domestic netizens are most concerned about Oasis’s test qualifications.

Today is the last day to fill in the questionnaire. If you don’t fill it out, you will have no chance.

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