August 17.

The IOI headquarters in the Three Stars Amusement Park became the hottest spot.

Many unqualified visitors also came here to watch, but they could not enter and could only watch from the outside.

Even so, a large number of people gathered outside the IOI headquarters.

At 9:30 in the morning, the participants in the test came to the hall one after another.

Because a large proportion of them were various media and self-media bloggers, many people were holding mobile phones to live broadcast.

The appearance of the interior of the IOI headquarters was transmitted to the Internet through these live broadcast rooms.

At this time, netizens understood why the IOI headquarters was so empty at that time.

Because these empty places were all places for placing Oasis amusement machines.

“Wow, there are so many Oasis players.”

“Oh my god, this is the real IOI headquarters.”

“Xingbao, I was wrong. I spoke too loudly before. I admit my mistake. Let me play Oasis.”

“Look, look, are there still people saying that there is a problem with the design of IOI headquarters?”

“I said, how could Fanxing make such a big mistake? Isn’t this effective?”

“Baoer, next time there is such an arrangement, please tell me in advance, otherwise it will easily cause misunderstandings.”


The test players first watched the operating specifications of the Oasis player on the monitor in the center of the hall.

Then they were asked to try it themselves. If they had any questions, they could ask the staff next to them.

Because it was not ten o’clock, the server was not open yet.

This group of people could only familiarize themselves with the operation in the trial level when they logged into Oasis.

In order to facilitate future dissemination, the Oasis player comes with the live broadcast interface and screen recording function of the mainstream domestic platform.

If you want to record, you need to bring your own storage device, which is detailed in the email issuing the test qualification.

So the media brought a large storage hard drive.

As soon as 10 o’clock arrived.

The Oasis server was officially opened, and the players in the three amusement parks all entered the Oasis within almost a minute.

They came to the login hall, which was already crowded.

There were exclamations everywhere.

Players doing strange actions everywhere.

Everything was new to them, and they all wanted to take a look and touch it.

And the majority of ordinary viewers stayed in their favorite anchor’s live broadcast room to watch the first open test live broadcast of Oasis.


“Liba, get up quickly, Oasis is open.”

Bai Lu woke up from the bed with squinting eyes, reached out to touch the phone and checked the time, 10:31.

The originally drowsy spirit was instantly awakened, and she quickly got up and shouted to Di Liba who was still sleeping.

Cao An and Di Liba were awakened by her actions, he didn’t react but Di Liba was very excited.

She woke up instantly, found a piece of clothing in the closet, put it on, washed up briefly, and then went to the Oasis to tinker with it.

Seeing the two people’s excitement, Cao An couldn’t sleep any longer.

After getting up, she simply cleaned up the room and threw all the clothes into the washing machine.

After taking out a set of casual clothes and putting them on, she prepared to go out for breakfast. She consumed too much and needed to replenish more.

Before opening the door, Cao An looked back at the two people who were about to enter the Oasis and asked, “Do you want me to bring you a breakfast?”

“Thank you, husband, no, we’ll play for a while and have lunch together.”

Bai Lu put on the VR equipment and officially entered the Oasis.

“Goodbye, husband.”

Diliba greeted Cao An and followed him into the Oasis.

Yesterday, the two discussed playing Oasis together, so Bai Lu pushed the Oasis in her room to Diliba’s room.

Fortunately, there are wheels underneath, which makes it easy to move.

When Diliba and Bai Lu came to the landing hall, there were not many people here. Everyone went to play in the dungeon they wanted.

The two had just adapted to the operation when the landing portal next to them flashed and a new player came to the two.

The three looked at each other and recognized each other instantly.

“Sister Bing, why did you come up now?” Diliba asked.

Fan Bing waved her hand and said, “The company is too busy, and those little guys are all troublesome.”

After that, Fan Bing thought that she had no teammates and asked the two, “Where are you going?”

“I haven’t decided yet.”

“Then how about we go to the Land of Chaos to experience the superpower battle.”

“Okay, okay.”

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to the store. I did a lot of strategy before I came up.”

Although the server has only been open for more than half an hour, there are already simple strategies.

For example, go to the store to buy a weapon first, don’t go to the wild empty-handed.

In this test, Fanxing gave each player 1,000 star coins, which can be used to purchase many items in the game store.Multiple items.

The test live broadcast of Oasis directly set off major live broadcast platforms.

The current live broadcast interface is dominated by Oasis. Whether it is other games or outdoor adventures, singing and dancing are unattractive in front of Oasis.

A large number of viewers flocked to the live broadcast rooms of these Oasis games.

Because the interfaces of major live broadcast platforms are embedded inside, the anchor can directly present the audience’s barrage in front of them, which is very convenient for interacting with the audience.

Various worlds, imaginative weapons, and familiar Star IP.

All kinds of content not only surprise the anchor, but also make the audience happy.

The live broadcast effect is explosive.

Cao An did not play the test version of Oasis this time.

He has played the internal version and experienced all the content.

And he has his own things to do.

“Time Traveler” will be released in more than a month, and Cao An must control the quality.

The content of this movie is simple and there are basically no special effects.

In order to impress the audience, in addition to the actors’ acting skills, the director’s scheduling, wonderful editing, and music coordination are also the top priorities.

After Cao An worked for a while, Lin Hao found Cao An.

The post-production of “Eagle Eye” is almost done, and he came to Cao An to discuss a schedule.

“When will it be completed?”

“The end of next month.”

“Or maybe November, to take over my Time Traveler.”

“The schedule is okay, Warner’s “Superman” will probably be in December, so we can avoid internal competition.”

Lin Hao is quite satisfied with this schedule.

Now Fanxing is no longer so in demand for hot schedules, after all, it has become a popular endorsement.

Now many audiences go to the cinema not to see if they have a holiday, but to see if the movie is worth watching.

The era of finding a good schedule and having a good box office regardless of the quality is over.

After Lin Hao left, Zhao Liying came to find Cao An again.

Seeing her coming, Cao An was a little surprised.

“Why didn’t Liying go to play in Oasis? Didn’t the group say that you guys were going to form a beautiful girl guild?”

“Let them try it out first, I’ll go in the evening.”

Zhao Liying came to Cao An and handed him a plan.

She said, “Honey, what do you think of my plan for [Moment of Fate]?”

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