At this time, the two words Cao An have become the signboard of a movie.

As long as any movie is posted with the two words Cao An during the promotion, whether as a producer or a screenwriter, it will attract the attention of many audiences.

Not to mention the movies he personally directed.

So as soon as “Time Traveler” was released, a lot of audiences went to watch it.

In addition, the positioning of this movie is a love movie, which attracted many current couples, past couples, and future couples to watch it.

It’s not that there is no love in Cao An’s previous movies, but love is at most an embellishment.

They are all very simple and pure.

It is the icing on the cake, and even if it is removed, it will not affect the performance of the whole movie.

His last movie that focused on love was “Your Name”, which is ten years away from now.

So the audience is looking forward to Cao An’s second love movie.

At this time, many of the audiences in the cinema came in pairs.

There were also those who came alone, but they were few.

While ordinary audiences were watching this movie, the Cao family also held a new movie viewing party.

The protagonist of this viewing party was naturally the leading actress of this movie, Zhao Liying.

Before watching, everyone asked and congratulated her.

“Are you ready? The movie is about to start.”

Cao An looked around and saw that everyone was there, so he clicked the play button.

The opening of “Time Traveler” is very simple.

Li Mu, who had just graduated from college, celebrated his birthday at home. His father called him to a room alone with a mysterious look on his face.

He told him the family secret very calmly.

Every male in the family will gain a superpower to travel back to the past when he is 22 years old.

The conditions for activation are also very simple.

Just walk into a closed space and imagine that you will go back to the day when you open it again to complete the travel.

In order to make it easier for his son to understand, the father took Li Mu through it once, back to the day before his birthday.

At the same time, he told him that traveling through time will change a lot of things.

So you must consider carefully before traveling through time.

Li Mu, who had just gained superpowers, was very happy.

Soon he ushered in the first practice of his superpowers.

Zhai Li, a distant cousin of his cousin’s boyfriend, came here to play.

Li Mu fell in love with this beautiful girl at first sight.

But because of his shy personality, he waited until Zhai Li was about to leave before he mustered up the courage to confess, but was politely rejected.

It was said that confessing on the last day would not work.

Hearing this reason, Li Mu was delighted and used his ability to travel back to the first day they met.

But this confession was still rejected, and he was told to tell him the answer on the last day.

At this time, Li Mu understood one thing.

People who don’t like you will never like you again.

The day after Zhai Li left, he came to the capital to work hard.

At first, he stayed at his father’s friend’s house and started his life as a worker in this big city.

Life was very ordinary before.

Until his childhood friend took him to a restaurant where a special event was being held.

The chat partner was randomly assigned and the lights were not turned on.

Here Li Mu met Ma Xintong, who had a nice voice and they had a pleasant chat.

After the event, Li Mu waited outside the restaurant for a long time and recognized her in the crowd at a glance.

Both of them were a little shy. Li Mu was thinking about how to express his feelings, while Ma Xintong was a little worried because she didn’t dress up properly.

However, both sides had a good impression of each other and exchanged contact information.

Li Mu was very happy to get the girl’s contact information, but when he returned to his father’s friend’s house, he found that his uncle was very depressed.

It turned out that his stage play was badly reviewed because the actors forgot the words.

In order to thank his uncle for taking him in, he went back to the night of the stage play and reminded the actors to successfully complete the performance.

After the end, he was ready to share the good news with his beloved girl, but he found that there was no contact information for her in his mobile phone.

Because he traveled through time to help his uncle complete the performance, he missed the encounter with Ma Xintong.

He was immediately in a dilemma.

At this time, he suddenly saw the news that a starry art exhibition was about to open in the imperial capital.

When chatting with Ma Xintong in the dark, she said that she liked stars very much and planned to go to the exhibition.

So Li Mu ran to the exhibition every day to wait, but he didn’t wait for several days.

Finally, on the last day of the Stars Art Exhibition, he saw Ma Xintong.

At this time, the Stars Art Exhibition invited Cao An, the big boss of Stars, to give a speech.

And Ma Xintong surrounded them and looked at Cao An excitedly.

Seeing this, the audience finally understood why Cao An said that he was easy to recognize this time.

Because he was in this movie.

It’s hard not to recognize him.

This time, Li Mu didn’t hesitate at all and walked directly to Ma Xintong to say hello.

But this time, he found that Ma Xintong had found a boyfriend in a few days.

Disappointed, he used his ability to travel to the party where Ma Xintong met her boyfriend.

Here he successfully saw her sitting alone in the corner.

This time, the two finally had no interference.

The conversation between the two was very pleasant and they both felt moved.

When they went back at night, they said they would send her to the subway station, but they walked all the way to the downstairs of the house where Ma Xintong rented.

The two stood at the door and looked at each other for a long time, and finally Li Mu finally plucked up the courage to confess.

“Can you be my girlfriend?”


Ma Xintong smiled and stretched out her hand.

The two officially confirmed their relationship, and then quickly showed their passionate love.

During this period, Li Mu also invited his good friend Li Hualong and his fiancée Gong Sanye to visit the capital.

When the two protagonists of “Your Name” appeared in the movie.

Many theaters across the country burst into excited cheers.

This scene was unexpected by all the audience.

Cao An hid it so well that he never revealed that these two characters would make cameo appearances.

At the same time, it was officially announced in this movie that Li Hualong and Gong Sanye were together in the end.

The movie had two couples, and the audience was instantly satisfied.

The four of them visited various scenic spots in the imperial capital and contributed very beautiful photos.

The audience wanted to travel to the imperial capital, and Cao An’s photos were really beautiful.

The relationship between Li Mu and Ma Xintong became closer because of this.

The next day, Li Mu met his first love Zhai Li.

This time, Li Mu was more confident and mature, which made Zhai Li a little moved.

In the end, Zhai Li asked him to take her home and invited him into her room.

But Li Mu stopped at Zhai Li’s door.

He knew what he would gain if he stepped in.

He also knew that he would lose something.

Without any hesitation, he directly rejected the invitation of his first love and ran back to Ma Xintong’s rental house.

He waited by her bed, waiting for her to wake up, and proposed to her.

The two were happily together, and returned to their hometown to get married with the blessings of their parents.

The two worked hard together, struggled together, and raised children together.

Since marrying his wife, Li Mu rarely used his superpowers, because every day of his life was a happy day.

Suddenly his sister was abandoned by a scumbag and had a car accident.

He was so angry that he went back to the day when his sister met the scumbag.

Let his sister recognize the true face of the scumbag.

But when he came back, he found that his daughter had become a son.

Although she was also his child, the daughter who had countless memories with him was gone.

Out of his longing for his daughter, he could only correct his sister’s timeline.

And tried to help her return to normal life.

At this time, he clearly understood that every time he traveled through time could have a great impact, especially on his own children.

Only then did he understand why his father said that he had to be cautious every time he traveled through time.

After this incident, he cherished every day even more.

He lived an ordinary and happy life.

Time passed slowly, and Li Mu’s father died of illness.

Because he didn’t want to affect his grandchildren, he couldn’t go back to before the onset of the disease to make changes.

But he was not afraid of death and left peacefully.

At the funeral, Li Mu used his ability to go back to the past and meet his father.

The two chatted for a long time here, and finally went to the beach to say goodbye.

Since then, Li Mu has never used his ability again.

He tried to live a good life every day, because he felt that he was the happiest person now.

The movie ended.

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