The work of Moore Technology’s listing continues to advance, and the outside world doesn’t know much about it.

The first to get some news was the bloggers on Fanxing.

Because today, a [Cooperation Plan] appeared in the background of Fanxing’s creators.

The location where it appeared was the same as the [Support Plan].

But this time, it’s not to give these bloggers money, but to let them spend money.

The cooperation plan is to let these bloggers subscribe to an investment product, and then they will be distributed according to the profit of this investment product according to the subscribed shares.

Each blogger’s subscription share is different, based on the number of fans, views, and sales volume.

This is a plan discussed when Fanxing was preparing to list Moore Technology.

Everyone is optimistic about the profitability of Moore Technology.

Instead of letting ordinary consumers buy Moore Technology’s stocks, it is better to let these bloggers who are highly bound to Fanxing, help Fanxing speak on the entire network, and promote Fanxing buy it.

But you can’t give these people stocks directly, so such a cooperation plan came out.

Fanxing Software will set up a fund to raise funds from these bloggers, and then use this fund to invest in Moore Technology’s stocks.

Later, this fund will continue to add various commercial projects.

Such as game investment, film and television investment, etc.

Try to ensure that this fund can make a profit every year and give dividends to these bloggers.

In this way, a virtuous circle can be formed.

Blogger subscription → fund investment → help publicity → fund makes money → blogger dividends → continue to subscribe.

However, this cooperation plan is still under exploration, and many processes need to be optimized.

Every blogger who receives an invitation is on a voluntary basis.

Fanxing does not force.

However, whether it is making money or losing money, you have to bear it yourself.

Cao An still underestimated the public’s trust and confidence in Fanxing.

Originally, the project team estimated that it would be good if half of the bloggers subscribed, but unexpectedly, the subscription ratio reached 84% on the first day of the launch of the cooperation plan.

Among them, 90% of people subscribed fully, that is, the blogger subscribed to all the shares given by Fanxing.

This matter has caused a lot of discussion among the Fanxing bloggers.

Most of them are optimistic about this cooperation plan.

Some people are also worried about whether this cooperation plan will lose money.

They come to Fanxing to make money, not to lose money, so a small number of people ignore this cooperation plan.

“President Fang, please don’t let everyone down.”

In Cao An’s office, Fang Xia, the president of Fanxing Software, came to report the situation of the cooperation plan to him.

After listening, Cao An said to him.

“Boss, don’t worry, the bloggers support us so much, and we will never let everyone down.”

“Well, you have to keep this in mind. If the cooperation plan is done well, it will help the development of Fanxing Software.”

“Guarantee to complete the task.” Fang Xia assured confidently.

At this time, Xiaoling asked for instructions and came in to hand a gift box to Cao An.

“Boss, this is the public version of Mengying 1 sent by Huawei. They said the first Mengying should be yours, and the other one is for Miss Liu Yifei, saying it is a gift for endorsement.”

“Okay, I’ll give Yifei’s one to her.”

Cao An directly opened a package, took out the phone and looked at it carefully, saying: “With the participation of Fanxing, Huawei’s mobile phone is indeed much better looking.”

Then he remembered something and asked Fang Xia: “How is the docking of Mengying on the Fanxing Mall?”

“It has been docked. Mengying 1N and 200 Mengying 1s have entered the Fanxing warehouse and can be put on the shelves at any time.” Fang Xia replied.

“Okay, let’s start the new support plan and see if non-Fanxing products are also popular.”

As Cao An’s order was issued.

The new support plan in Fanxing software was launched, and many bloggers received invitations.

Especially in the technology area, some bloggers with more fans not only received the support plan for Mengying 1N, but also the support plan for several Mengying 1s.

The quantity is allocated according to the comprehensive data of each blogger.

When these bloggers saw this news, many of them were stunned.

There are only 1,000 mobile phones available on the entire network, and they actually have the opportunity to get a few.

At the same time, Huawei also began to promote Mengying before its launch.

The spokesperson for the Mengying series is Liu Yifei.

These days, her Mengying mobile phone promotional posters can be seen all over the country.

Her fans shouted that it was the Chinese New Year.

Because the mobile phone is beautiful, the person is even more beautiful.

Because the Mengying mobile phone has a linkage with Oasis, many people are eyeing to change this mobile phone.

The pre-sale data has reached the highest level of Huawei’s high-end mobile phones.

The main motivation for consumers to change mobile phones is to see if the mobile phone hasNo new features.

This time Huawei has come up with a unique feature, which will naturally be sought after.

After all, when you play Oasis, you can put your phone in the storage port, and you can’t imagine how cool it will be to be envious of people around you.

And when you play Oasis, you can directly make calls, chat on WeChat, and use Douyin, which will directly blind the eyes of people around you.

October 12, Saturday.

Huawei’s Mengying mobile phone is officially on sale.

Major e-commerce and physical stores are very busy, and sales are very hot.

This makes other mobile phone manufacturers jealous, but there is nothing they can do at this time.

Now launching a mobile phone without the linkage function with Oasis will definitely be abandoned by many consumers.

Today’s young people can’t guarantee that they will never play Oasis in the future.

And it will be much more convenient to play Oasis with a mobile phone that can be linked.

So it’s useless to rush, and new product development takes time.

Especially the Tianquan M core, which cannot be considered with conventional chips, needs to be coordinated with many changes, and it is not a job that can be done overnight.

The hot sales of Huawei Mengying became a hot topic of discussion at that time.

There were many videos showing off their Mengying phones and using them in Oasis on the Internet.

Many netizens were very envious.

Especially the users of the 1,000 Mengying 1 phones, which was a standard for showing off wealth.

In the past, showing off wealth was brand-name watches and brand-name bags.

Now a Mengying 1 phone is enough.

It is extremely smooth to use, and all games and software on the market are no problem.

However, these heated discussions changed on October 15.

Because on this day, the Oasis game console opened for pre-sale.

Players who have been eager for a long time took their phones to buy early.

Although ordinary models are very expensive, most players will not have much resistance.

Because the price of star coins has increased.

With the opening of Oasis, there is a separate interface on Fanxing for players to trade in Oasis.

It is not a casual transaction here, and every transaction will be monitored by Fanxing.

And a 5% transaction fee will be charged.

Players are not dissatisfied with this, and they are very grateful that Fanxing can open this official platform.

If there is no official platform, I don’t know how chaotic the transactions in Oasis will be.

At that time, there will definitely be many scammers and gamblers everywhere.

More importantly, you can use web pages and mobile phones to operate on the Fanxing official Oasis trading platform.

You can complete the transaction, purchase, upgrade, and strengthen various equipment without logging into Oasis.

In this trading platform, star coins are the most traded commodities.

According to the official regulations of Fanxing, 1 star coin can be used as 1 yuan in Fanxing.

Because star coins are the universal currency of Oasis, upgrades, strengthening, malls, transactions, etc. all require star coins.

In addition, star coins cannot be purchased directly with money, so star coins are not enough.

People who need star coins can only buy them from other players.

The price of star coins has soared all the way.

Now the price of 1 star coin has been hyped up to 5.37 yuan.

Many tourists will also sell the star coins generated in other places here to earn some extra income.

This has led to better business in the three amusement parks since the opening of the Oasis.

Especially some projects that can generate star coins.

After all, selling the produced star coins is equivalent to reducing the price of the project.

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