The movie ended and subtitles appeared.

On the right side of the screen, some follow-up stories of the movie appeared.

Xiao Tu wanted to hold a party membership ceremony, and the endings of the main characters.

And the choices, temptations, and difficulties that Xiao Tu experienced in his life.

Scenes and events were presented in front of the audience, allowing the audience to experience his life again.

The life of the invisible guardians.

Although the lights in the theater were on, no one left, and everyone was immersed in the story.

Wang Luodan looked at the screen and tried to hold back tears, and asked Gao Yuanyuan: “Yuanyuan, what do you think?”

Gao Yuanyuan took out a piece of paper and wiped the corners of her eyes, and said lightly: “Director Zhang may lose this time.”

“Haha.” Hearing this answer, Wang Luodan laughed and sighed.

“Yes, Director Cao is really a genius, and Lao Mouzi has met a strong enemy this time.”

When the subtitles of the movie were played and the ending song ended, everyone left the theater reluctantly.

At this time, reviews of The Invisible Guardian began to appear on the Internet.

However, before this, reviews of The Great Wall had already appeared.

Because The Great Wall is only 104 minutes long, while The Invisible Guardian is 150 minutes long, two and a half hours long.

This is the result of Cao An’s efforts to shorten the film and cut off all unimportant side plots.

If all the plots were really filmed, it would take more than five hours.

After all, the original work has several endings, and Cao An only chose the “Red Youth” line.

The audience’s evaluation of The Great Wall is different from that of the mainstream media yesterday.

There is a serious polarization.

Some people think that the filming is good, the special effects are beautiful, the movements are smooth, and the story is simple and easy to understand.

But another part thinks that the special effects are perfunctory, the settings are full of loopholes, the story is even more chaotic, and in the end there are a lot of Western stereotypes.

Then the reviews of The Invisible Guardian came out, and there were almost no negative reviews, all of which were praises.

“I witnessed your story.”

“It’s so good, I was moved to tears, my Fang Min, my Xiao Man.”

“The characters are vivid, the story is wonderful, the costumes and props are beautiful and in line with history, and Director Cao An has contributed another excellent movie.”

“Salute the heroes, thank the martyrs!”

“This is the real main theme movie!”

“Fraud, temptation, trap, death, this movie made me feel the various dangers faced by the martyrs in that period.”

“Xiao Tu, you are still that upright man.”

It was already early in the morning after the movie was shown, and most people were still asleep.

When the sun came down the next day and the National Day holiday officially began, the discussion about “The Great Wall” and “The Invisible Guardian” increased instantly.

With a good reputation.

#Your Story I Witnessed#

This entry directly became a hot search, attracting a lot of discussion.

Major film review bloggers also began to update their videos, which is an annual traffic outlet.

Such bloggers may not scold not-so-good movies, but will definitely praise good movies.

Because it concerns their jobs.

So these bloggers gave overwhelming praise to “The Invisible Guardian” and recommended everyone to watch it.

But for “The Great Wall”, just like the comments of netizens, there are good and bad places.

If compared with “The Invisible Guardian”, “The Invisible Guardian” is better.

The conclusion given by most bloggers in the end is:

If you only want to watch one movie, then watch “The Invisible Guardian”, you will never be disappointed.

If you want to see handsome men and beautiful women, then watch “The Invisible Guardian”, the male protagonist is handsome, and the female characters have their own style.

If you want to gain something after watching the movie, watch “The Invisible Guardian”.

If you just want to see special effects, eat popcorn, and relax without thinking, then you can watch “The Great Wall”.

The high praise of “The Invisible Guardian” has made the attendance rate of this movie remain high.

The attendance rate in many cities has directly risen to more than 90%.

Even in some worse places, there are 60 to 70 percent attendance rates.

On the other hand, the attendance rate of The Great Wall was only 70% at most.

Although the cumulative box office of The Great Wall has reached 200 million, ranking first in the National Day box office.

But The Invisible Guardian is catching up with it with a lower filming cost.

And the word of mouth is very good.

Zhang Yimou immediately felt something was wrong.

He immediately found the relevant personnel of the studio and told them: “Contact the publicity company immediately, and you must maintain a good reputation on the Internet.”

“Also send someone to contact the theaters, we can give up part of the profit, so that they don’t reduce the price of The Great Wall.”

Scheduling is the key to a movie’s box office. If a movie has a very high reputation and the audience is enthusiastic about watching it, as long as there is not enough scheduling, the box office will not rise.

If a movie has a high scheduling, even if the quality is average, as long as there is an attractive point, it can get a high box office.

So as long as he can stabilize the scheduling of “The Great Wall”, he Zhang Yimou will not lose in this National Day.

After getting up this morning, he saw that “The Invisible Guardian” had a high reputation, so he went to the cinema to watch it.

After watching it, he realized that things were not good. Cao An came with a trump card.

As a great director, he naturally knew the excellence of Cao An’s movie.

It can be said that it is a perfect combination of the common people and the highbrow.

It not only shoots depth and connotation, but is also very commercial and entertaining.

That is It is said that the two ends of the film that are very difficult to balance were cleverly combined by Cao An.

Anyone who does not dislike this theme will find this film good.

That is why he immediately called in people to deal with it after returning to the company.

But Zhang Yimou’s response failed, or he was too confident in his judgment of his film.

As more and more people watched “The Great Wall”, the evaluation of this film on the Internet gradually changed from mixed to mostly negative.

There is also a trend of changing to a tide of negative reviews.

If there was no “The Invisible Guardian” by Cao An during the National Day, “The Great Wall” could barely be regarded as a tall one among the short ones, and it was still worth watching.

But with the comparison of the movie “The Invisible Guardian”, the story, setting, and plot of “The Great Wall” seem like a pile.

“Walking out of the cinema, I felt dizzy and mixed. The stupidity of the plot is outrageous.”

“The special effects are cheap and the plot is stupid. ”

“When I saw the Crane Army played by Jing Tian actually jumped down to feed the Taotie, I couldn’t help laughing.”

“A few lines of dialogue from others are more touching than the big scenes you put together.”

“The great Celestial Empire actually has to rely on a Western mercenary to save it.”

“A white man and a yellow woman again, disgusting, the five golden flowers next door are not as good at dating as you.”

“It’s called the Great Wall and tells a stupid story about the West. If you don’t call it this name, I can still say something good, but if it’s called this name, I just want this movie to die.”

With the opening of the scores of the two movies, this vague situation was instantly materialized.

“The Invisible Guardian”: 9.1 points.

“The Great Wall”: 4.7 points.

The situation reversed instantly.

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