Lan Yu heard the answers of several leading actors and said with a smile: “It seems that this netizen’s judgment is not quite correct.”

Then she shifted the topic to the last question.

Lan Yu: The last question is still for Director Cao.

Flying Rabbit asked: When I was watching the movie, I found that the protagonist Xiao Tu’s choices were correct every time. I think this is not very real. What does Director Cao think about this issue?

All the guests laughed when they heard this question.

Lan Yu saw this and immediately realized that the answer to this question might not only be known by Director Cao but also by other actors.

Asked: “Seeing that everyone is laughing, who will answer it?”

Zhang Ruojun took the microphone and looked at Cao An. After getting affirmation, he said: “Let me say this. In fact, the audience’s feeling is correct. Every choice of Xiao Tu in the movie is the most correct at the time.”

“During the filming, we not only filmed the results of Xiao Tu’s correct choices, but also the results of Xiao Tu’s wrong choices.”

This situation shocked Lan Yu, and he quickly asked: “Why is this?”

“Let me do it.”

Cao An raised the microphone and told his next arrangements.

“Our ancestors faced various choices, temptations, and challenges at all times in that era. So I filmed all the different choices that had a greater impact.”

“Fanxing Films will launch a real-life interactive film and television game after the movie “The Invisible Guardian” is released. Players will play the role of Xiao Tu and make various choices for him.

I hope that everyone can experience Xiao Tu’s struggles and challenges in that turbulent era more realistically through this game.”

As soon as Cao An’s arrangement came out, the live broadcast room exploded.

“What’s going on, interactive film and television games?”

“Director Cao not only made a movie but also made a game by the way?”

“Does that mean there are different endings? I bought this game!”

“That’s great, not only can there be movies to watch, but also games to play.”

“So movies can be played like this?”

After answering the last question, the Movie Star Podcast program officially came to an end.

After Lan Yu once again thanked Cao An and others for coming, the program ended.

Although the Movie Star Podcast program has ended, the impact it has brought is far from over.

Zhang Yimou Studio.

Zhang Yimou asked his assistant, “How is the arrangement going?”

“Legend has already agreed. It will be released in the United States tomorrow.”

“Okay, immediately send a notice to the familiar media and ask them to publish the news to hype up the news that The Great Wall will land in North America.”

In this world, Hollywood’s film and television strength is very strong, so the country pays special attention to the films that can be released in North America.

In the past, any movie that appeared would cause heated discussions for several days.

Chinese people are very concerned about the situation of culture going abroad and are eager to show our own culture to the West.

Due to the long-term indoctrination of Western film and television culture, many people want a work that represents their own culture to be exported to the Western world.

Zhang Yimou is very aware of this, so as long as the gimmick of “The Great Wall” representing my country’s culture to Hollywood is hyped up, it will definitely attract many viewers who originally did not want to watch movies to go to the cinema.

So soon, major mainstream media announced that “The Great Wall” will officially land in North America tomorrow to show the charm of Eastern culture to the West.

#The Great Wall cultural output#

#The Great Wall successfully goes abroad#

#The Great Wall will land in North America tomorrow#

#Let Westerners feel the charm of the Shanhaijing monsters#

A series of related entries immediately became popular searches, attracting the attention of many people as Zhang Yimou expected.

Moreover, the evaluation of The Great Wall on the Internet has also improved.

There are more comments saying that the art design of The Great Wall shows the oriental charm, and the army that desperately defends the Great Wall shows the national spirit.

The pre-sale box office has also seen a good growth.

The next day, The Great Wall was officially released in North America, and the domestic box office of The Great Wall increased for the first time.

From 71.46 million daily box office, it increased to 124.9 million.

But it was still suppressed by The Invisible Guardian’s 328.4 million.

Because not only did the box office of The Great Wall increase, but The Invisible Guardian also increased significantly.

Seeing this data, Zhang Yimou frowned and couldn’t figure it out.

Asked: “What’s going on? Why did the box office of “The Invisible Guardian” increase, and increase so much?”

A staff member hurried forward to explain, “Yesterday, Cao An was a guest on the Sixth Princess’ show and announced something on the show, saying that after the movie is released, a game with the same name will be launchedLive interactive video game. ”

He took out a tablet and clicked on a video.

Zhang Yimou took it and watched it, and his face became even uglier.

“How can this kid be so bold?”

In Zhang Yimou’s opinion, Cao An’s move was too risky. If the movie failed, the cost would be even greater.

This investment was too much of a gamble, and he didn’t dare to do it.

Filming all the story lines before the movie became popular.

Cao An’s arrangement was the first in the film and television industry, so it immediately caused a huge discussion after the announcement.

A bunch of textual research parties emerged instantly, analyzing where Xiao Tu could have different choices and what the results would be.

Some people said: I want to watch “The Invisible Guardian” again, and I want to complete the game with one life when it comes out.

There are many people who have this idea , so it set off a wave of second viewings.

In addition, this news also attracted the attention of some game players, and they also walked into the cinema because of this news.

With the blessing of both, the box office of “The Invisible Guardian” has achieved a substantial increase.

The increase is greater than Zhang Yimou spent a lot of money on marketing.

Seeing this, the feeling of powerlessness hit Zhang Yimou again.

He finally came up with a countermeasure, but it was cracked by the other party’s casual words.

And the effect is even better than his own.

Zhang Yimou was stunned on the spot, feeling very depressed.

Sometimes he doubted that the film and television works he had mastered over the years Is all knowledge fake?

All my years of hard work and persistence are in vain.

Am I not a good director?

Fortunately, Zhang Yimou is experienced and has strong self-regulation ability.

After being depressed for a while, he returned to normal and began to arrange the work in the company in an orderly manner.

But this time he did not mention “The Invisible Guardian” and Cao An again, as if they did not exist.

After Cao An announced that he would launch the “Invisible Guardian” game, Fanxing Film and Television also announced it at the same time.

And it landed on major game platforms across the country the next day and opened reservations.

The game will be released on November 1 It will be unlocked on the first day of the month and the price is 58 yuan.

This behavior directly broke the influence of “The Invisible Guardian” from the film and television circle to the game circle.

Although many people are not optimistic about this, there are always some people who spend money to buy movie tickets out of curiosity.

“The Invisible Guardian” has a total box office of 1.6778 billion during the seven-day National Day holiday, ranking first in the National Day box office list.

The second-ranked “The Great Wall” only had 837.6 million, not even half of the box office of “The Invisible Guardian”.

The National Day holiday has passed, and the box office will not play a big role later.

It can be said that in this wave of competition between Cao An and Zhang Yimou, Cao An won!

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