Wu Jing’s vision is still very sharp, and Cao An also thinks that Gao Yuanyuan is more suitable for the role of Rachel.

“Okay, I’ll ask for you when we get back to the company.”

“Thank you, boss.”

Wu Jing was very excited to have a popular actress as the heroine of her movie.

When Cao An returned to the capital, Liu Shishi had already completed all the procedures and officially joined Fanxing.

At the same time, she also owed Fanxing 10 million, and she could only work hard to repay the debt in the future.

After telling Gao Yuanyuan about the situation of “Wolf Warrior 2”, she agreed without any hesitation.

There was no need to consider it at all, she believed in Cao An and believed that he would not cheat herself.

After finishing the filming of “The Wandering Earth”, Cao An can finally take a break for a while.

Although there is still “Transformers”, Cao An is not panicking.

This movie requires a lot of special effects shots, especially the mechanical rotation during transformation, which is very demanding for the production staff.

Cao An plans to let Sunglasses Tiancheng participate in the production throughout the process and undertake some special effects production alone.

No longer a helper like in “I Am Legend”.

So Cao An will start filming “Transformers” only after they have finished “The Wandering Earth”.

Ziyu Manor was lively for a while, after all, there was a newcomer Liu Shishi.

But it soon became quiet again.

Wu Jing took a few days off and immediately started filming “Wolf Warrior 2”, so Gao Yuanyuan followed him into the crew.

Yang Mi got the heroine of the TV series “Gu Jian Qi Tan” through Fanxing, and also went to Hengdian to film.

Di Liba hadn’t been home for a long time. After spending a few days with Cao An, she went back to visit her parents in Xijiang Province.

So there were only Cao An, Liu Yifei and Liu Shishi in the two villas.

As for Zhao Jinmai, she went back to school. She was about to take the college entrance examination, so she had no time to rest.

Villa No. 26.

Cao An finished the script and art design of “Eastern Palace”.

“Done, call it a day.”

Stretching his body, he moved his numb knees from sitting for a long time.

After washing up and turning off the lights to go to bed, Cao An found that his door was opened.

Besides him, Cao An’s room can be opened with a fingerprint, and the others can also open it with a password.

Thinking that only Yifei was there recently, Cao An didn’t think much about it.

Sure enough, after a while, a fragrant body got into Cao An’s bed.

“You didn’t tell me in advance that you were coming tonight?”

Cao An hugged the person who came over and stroked her back and asked.

But the person in his arms didn’t say anything, but came up directly.

Yifei was so proactive today, Cao An was still a little uncomfortable.

But he didn’t think much, but soon he felt something was wrong.

He quickly turned on the light, and when the light from the bedside lamp illuminated the bed, Cao An was startled.

He quickly stepped back, but was held tightly.

“Shishi, you!”

Liu Shishi turned around and reached out to turn off the lamp that had just been lit, and the room fell into darkness again.

Then she leaned over, hugged Cao An and whispered in his ear: “Don’t talk.”

So Cao An had to obediently open a bottle of new wine, and Liu Shishi and he spent two hours drinking the wine together.

Liu Shishi drank the wine, her face was flushed, and she looked very beautiful.

“Rest early!”

Cao An touched her hot face and said gently.


She fell asleep listening to the other’s strong heartbeat.

The next day, Liu Yifei pouted and was jealous.

Cao An spent a lot of energy to appease her, and after accompanying the two for a few days, Cao An came to the crew of “Charlotte’s Troubles”.

The filming of this movie was very fast, and Cao An was already shooting the last set of shots when he arrived.

In a luxurious ward.

The lead actor, Shen Teng, plays Xia Luo, who is lying weakly on the hospital bed, looking at the two people in front of him with a shocked face.

At this time, his childhood friend Zhang Yang said with a smug smile:

“Luo’er, let’s talk about our own things.”

“I call you brother, and you call me dad.”

After hearing this, Xia Luo was furious, picked up the infusion stand next to him and swung it at Zhang Yang.

After a chase, Xia Luo’s mother stopped them.

She shouted loudly: “Don’t do this to your Uncle Zhang!”

Xia Luo, who recognized the reality, staggered and let the two leave.


Lin Hao shouted loudly behind the camera.

“Very good, this one passed.”

At this time, he realized that Cao An had come, and quickly stood up and greeted Cao An: “The boss is here, welcome the boss’s guidance.”

“Go to hell, your own movie, what does it have to do with me.”

Cao An also said jokingly.

At this time, several actors also came over.

Cao An said to them: “The scene you just performed will surely become a classic in the future.It has been circulating on the Internet for a long time. ”

“Haha, Director Cao is joking.” Shen Teng said with a smile.

As a small drama actor, he was very grateful to be able to act in Fanxing’s movie.

“You acted very well, I just came to watch, don’t worry about me.”

Then the crew started to act again. After shooting the last shot, Cao An and Lin Hao chatted on the side.

“When will the film be released?” Cao An asked.

“In a month, the shooting went smoothly and there is no need to reshoot.”

Lin Hao thought for a while and said.

“Okay, then it’s okay to set it in August.”

“Absolutely no problem, there are still more than two months, definitely in time.”

“Well, work hard, this movie will definitely be a big hit, and your name, Lin Hao, will be resounding throughout the country. ”

He patted Lin Hao on the shoulder and encouraged him.

Since the broadcast of “Three Lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossom” ended, there has been no trace of Fanxing in the market for a long time.

Cao An’s own “The Wandering Earth” is scheduled to be released in the last National Day of the competition.

Now there are still several months before the National Day, Fanxing still has to show her face and lay a good foundation for “The Wandering Earth”.

Cao An has had a good rest during this period.

During the day, he handles company affairs and follows up on the post-production of “The Wandering Earth”.

When he is free, he will improve the storyboard of “Transformers”.

In the evening, he will play ball with the two beauties, exercise, and exercise.

Later, Di Liba came back, and the four of them could get together to play mahjong.

Time came to July in happiness.

Cao An said to Liu Shishi: “The shooting of “The Journey of Flower” has been completed, let’s go to see Director Lin, and the next “Eastern Palace” depends on you.”

“Don’t worry, I will definitely make you a lot of money by then. ”

After this period of rest, Liu Shishi’s temperament has improved to a higher level.

She is more dazzling. If she shows up in public, she will definitely cause a lot of exclamations.

“I haven’t seen this girl for a while. How come she has become so beautiful!”

And Cao An should also meet this one of the “Four Little Golden Flowers” in his memory. Since she joined Fanxing, Cao An has not met her.

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