Official website of the National Directors Competition.

After a period of statistics, the final three candidates have been announced.

First place: Cao An, “The Wandering Earth”; comprehensive score: 9.51;

Second place: Feng Xiaogang, “Youth”; comprehensive score: 8.33;

Third place: Zhang Yimou, “On the Cliff”; comprehensive score: 7.28;

Zhang Yimou was able to advance to the finals entirely because the scores of others were too low, allowing him to advance to the finals by groping his tail.

The fourth place “Old Cannon” only scored 6.29 points, and Chen Kaige’s “Cat Demon Legend” was squeezed by “The Wandering Earth” and finally only achieved a box office of 422 million.

The comprehensive score was not even passed, only 5.74, and it was completely unable to impact the top three.

At the same time as the promotion results were announced, the official website of the competition also announced the theme of the final [Little People].

And gave a paragraph of explanation.

{Film is a popular art, in order to serve the public and allow ordinary people to enjoy spiritually.

History is the history of the people. In the long river of history, there are countless “little people” who use their own actions and efforts to promote the development of society.

In this increasingly impetuous society, we should lower our perspective and observe the ordinary people around us. They also have ordinary and wonderful lives.

——You and I are both little people, and you and I are big people. }

As soon as these two pieces of news were released, they immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens.

“Director Cao is awesome. He advanced to the next round first. I wonder who dares to question Director Cao’s ability.”

“Fuck, I didn’t expect Xiaogang to make it to the finals.”

“Two old and one new, do you think the two old guys will join forces?”

“It’s time for revenge. Can Lao Mouzi make a comeback?”

“Haha, Cao An is in trouble now. A small character requires a lot of experience from the director. It’s hard to shoot well without time accumulation.”

“I admit that Cao An is very good at shooting big scenes, but he doesn’t have this accumulation when focusing on small characters.”

“I suspect that the competition is embarrassing me, Director Cao. You let a new director compete with old directors in art films?”

Some people are happy that Cao An advanced to the next round first, and many people are worried about Cao An because of the theme of the finals.

After all, the theme of “small characters” is naturally suitable for art films, but it is somewhat incompatible with Cao An, a big director of commercial films.

Many people are worried that Cao An will not be able to shoot small characters. After all, this requires life experience accumulation.

He is too young!

It is not something that a genius can master directly. If you have not experienced something, you cannot shoot it well.

Many people are a little worried about Cao An. This time, even Teacher Zhao took the initiative to call Cao An across the ocean.

“Teacher Zhao, don’t worry, I will do my best. I don’t think this is my shortcoming, but I think it is my advantage.”

Cao An received a call from Teacher Zhao and said, “It is precisely because I am young that I may be able to jump out of the framework and shoot a different kind of small-person movie?”

Teacher Zhao saw that Cao An was not worried at all, and he was relieved.

But he still reminded Cao An: “Read the paragraph below [Little People] in the competition carefully, especially the last sentence.”

Some things cannot be said too clearly, you have to feel it yourself. As long as you feel it thoroughly, you will have a smooth journey.

“I know, I will understand it carefully.”

“Well, you just need to know it.”

After hanging up Teacher Zhao’s phone, Cao An took out his laptop and clicked on the official website of the competition.

He carefully read the paragraph below [Little People].

“You and I are both small people, but you and I are big people.”

Keep this sentence in mind and think about its meaning.

This time Cao An did not draw the lottery immediately because he did not have any points.

Originally, he wanted to draw after settling “The Wandering Earth”, but as Warner released “The Wandering Earth” to the world, Cao An decided not to settle “The Wandering Earth” for the time being.

Wait until most parts of the world are released before settling, so that more points can be obtained.

In the past, Cao An did not care about this point of drawing, but now he has obtained “The Three-Body Problem”.

If you want to exchange all the film and television shooting knowledge of the “Three-Body Problem” trilogy, the points required are huge.

So Cao An can save as much as he can.

Anyway, there is no rush now. Even if the movie is drawn, it cannot be shot immediately.

This time the final will take more than a year, and the final schedule will be the Spring Festival next year.

So as long as he does not shoot a high-effect movie, this time is enough for Cao An.

He is a famous quick shooter, and his shooting speed is flying.

Let’s wait until the Transformers filming is finished.

The filming of Transformers went smoothly because most of the locations wereShooting under this green screen does not require moving around.

On New Year’s Day, “The Wandering Earth” was officially released in the United States.

This time, due to Warner’s distribution, the number of screenings was much larger than Cao An remembered.

Warner’s promotional strategy in the United States is to take the Earth to wander with the new masterpiece directed by “I Am Legend”.

Hathaway also often helps Cao An promote “The Wandering Earth” in public.

Riding on the popularity of “I Am Legend”, the pre-sale box office of “The Wandering Earth” in the United States has reached 5 million US dollars.

Although the number is small, this is already one of the best pre-sale box office of foreign films in the United States.

“I Am Legend” does not count, it can be rounded off and counted as a local movie in the United States, at least that’s what American audiences think.

On New Year’s Day, Cao An led the “Transformers” crew to book a movie theater closest to the set, inviting everyone to watch “The Wandering Earth” together.

The “The Wandering Earth” released in the United States is a post-dubbing version.

American movies almost never have subtitles.

So if you want the audience here to understand the movie, you have to re-dubbed it.

The main plot of “The Wandering Earth” is relatively simple, so even if the dubbing lacks some information, it will not delay everyone’s understanding.

After being used to American personal heroism and the plot of one person saving the world, watching “The Wandering Earth” has a different flavor.

Of course, this group of people did not have much feeling about the collectivism and rescue in saturation.

But after watching it, they had to admit that this is an excellent work.

“Cao, your movie is so well made, it seems that I will have another well-known work.”

Matt said to Cao An after watching it.

Jason was also shocked. The quality shown in “The Wandering Earth” is no worse than that of Hollywood blockbusters.

With this movie as a foundation, their confidence in “Transformers” has increased a lot.

That night, Cao An returned to Villa 66, and Hathaway came up to him and asked, “Cao, when can I act in your movie again?”

She also watched “The Wandering Earth” with the “Transformers” crew today. After watching it, she was very excited and hoped to act in Cao An’s movie again.

“Wait for a while, I’m going back to China to shoot a movie next. I’ll let you know when there’s a suitable role.”

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