After listening to Wang Chao's description of all the roles and the movie, Yang Mi and the others were immediately filled with anticipation.

At this point, they couldn't help but become very interested in participating in the film, and at the same time, they also wanted to see with their own eyes what the universe looked like.

"When will the filming start?"Yang Mi, Liu Tianxian and others were a little impatient.

"The Terminator will start filming in November and we will try to finish it before the Spring Festival. Then, after the Spring Festival, all these movies will be filmed as planned."

"So fast……"

"Hmm! So, funding and special effects production cycle are both big problems. I don’t know if I can keep up."Wang Chao sighed.

"It does require careful planning. However, if The Terminator is released and does well at the box office, I think the funding issue should be easier to solve."Yang Mi said

【Yes, Terminator, only victory is allowed, not defeat!】

【Winning means attracting the favor of capital.】

【If it fails, other movies may be difficult to produce.】

【But I believe that there will be no problem! After all, I am pretty good at special effects now!】

【At worst, I can hire a special effects company and supervise the production myself. 】

Yang Mi and others: I also believe that you will always be the best.

However, you are the director, and you do special effects?

Are you kidding?

Wang Chao was really not kidding. The reward he received just now was:

【Ding! Get master-level movie special effects production skills】


The night was silent, and everyone slept soundly.

Of course, there was no rooster crowing on this uninhabited island.

What woke Yang Mi and the others up must have been the first rays of sunlight in the morning.

And the diary that kept flashing

【Today's weather is sunny. Mood is average.】

【I am leaving this island this afternoon, and I feel a little reluctant】

【I don't know whether I am reluctant to leave the island or the time here where no one disturbs me.】

【OK, no more talk. Let's go to the beach and see if we can get anything.】

【Come back to give my wives some supplements】


Wang Chao got up and left the tent. After washing himself with the fresh water he brought, he was about to go fishing.

Suddenly, Yang Mi and others came out from the tents behind him.

"Go out to play, and don't even bother to call me." Liu Tianxian came over and smiled calmly.

"Are you in a bad mood because of the relatives coming?"Wang Chao wanted to tease her

"I'm leaving at night.……"Liu Tianxian had no intention of laughing at all

"Leave as soon as you get back?"

"That's about it. After packing up and having dinner, we have to leave."

"It's almost the same as us. I wish you a safe journey in advance."Wang Chao said with a smile,

"Okay, let's go for a walk while we are happy now."

Seeing Liu Tianxian nod, but still a little melancholy,

Wang Chao couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart, and made a decision.

In fact, it was not only Liu Tianxian.

Sisi and others were also a little affected.

The scenery was still the same as yesterday, and the happiness was still the same as yesterday.

But the time was no longer the same as yesterday.

This situation lasted for a whole day.

Even Qiu Zhuying, who was filming, felt very reluctant at this moment.

After this group left, he probably wouldn't encounter so many fun and interesting things again.

This show probably wouldn't be so popular.

After lunch, everyone took a break, and Wang Chao swam with others and basked in the sun.

Then he came back and started to pack up.

The yacht had already arrived before the sunset in the afternoon.

Everyone packed up and took their things on board.

The yacht sailed northwest in the gentle sea breeze.


The boat had been sailing for a while and was not far from the destination.

There was a signal on the boat, and Qiu Zhuying directly picked up the equipment to broadcast live.

In an instant, countless netizens poured into the live broadcast room.

The barrage also started to refresh.

Netizens were still very excited after not seeing the girls in the past two days.

They all expressed their longing for them.

After all, everyone knew that this afternoon was the last time these people would broadcast live.

Yang Mi and others interacted with the netizens in the live broadcast room.

Wang Chao, on the other hand, looked at the endless sea in a daze.

【I don't know where my friends in the sea are playing now.】

【I don't know how long it will take for us to see each other again.……】

Liu Tianxian and others: It is better to be a good person. No matter how far apart we are, we can chat face to face with a phone.

Thinking of this, I feel much better.


After a sigh, Wang Chao couldn't help but whistle at the sea.

This whistle, of course, is the skill to summon pets.

Generally speaking, no matter how far away the friends are, they can hear them and rush over.

This time should be no exception.

After saying goodbye to them, there will be no regrets on this ocean trip.

Wang Chao had a beautiful thought, but the reality was cruel.

He had just whistled when suddenly, there were waves on the sea without wind.

At first, the waves were not high.

Only less than one meter.

But then, the sea level suddenly rose in the distance. After a few dozen centimeters of waves, a wall of water nearly ten meters high, about three or four stories high, suddenly protruded from the sea.

Roaring like a ferocious beast, it rumbled towards the yacht where Wang Chao and others were.

Qiu Zhuying, who was holding the equipment for live broadcast, was shocked on the spot.

His voice trembled, and he blurted out:

"Crazy, crazy dog wave!! ? ?"

Seeing this scene, Yang Mi and others were shocked.

Even the two crew members on the boat couldn't help but scream:

"It's over, it's over! How did I come across this?"

"How could we have encountered such a rare event that only happens once in a thousand years?"

In the live broadcast room, the comments were overwhelming:

"Damn! I didn’t expect that once the girls’ group started live streaming, it would be a disaster scene!!"

"This luck is really against the sky……"

"Damn, the waves are so big that even a big ship can't handle it."

"Let's observe three minutes of silence and pray for a few people."


Director Wang on the other end was also terrified at this time.

He shouted at his assistant:

"Quick, call for sea rescue!"

"Yes! Yes!" The assistant was sweating profusely and dialed the phone


At this time, Yang Mi was terrified.

She couldn't help but turn her head to look at Wang Chao.

With a glimmer of fantasy, she murmured:

"Asshole, did you use the wrong skill just now?"

"……"Wang Chao was speechless

【I used the wrong skill!】

【I'm just trying to call my friends back.】

【The formation of rogue waves occurs without any rules or signs.】

【It has something to do with me!】

【This is trouble.……】

At this point, it's too late to think about it——

"Come quickly and gather together." Wang Chao shouted at Yang Mi and others.

"Don't resist, wait for my command, take a deep breath and hold your breath. When the waves come, sink into the water! Do you understand?"

"Got it!" Yang Mi and others said hurriedly

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!" Wang Chao's confident eyes reduced the fear in Yang Mi and others' hearts.

In fact, even if he didn't shout, several beauties, when they were frightened, had already thrown themselves to his side involuntarily.

Several people gathered together and hugged each other.

Even Qiu Zhuying wrapped the equipment around her hands and held on to the side of the boat.

Crazy, she still didn't forget the equipment?

I don't know whether to say she is dedicated or stupid.

However, her equipment has a positioning function, which may be the reason why she is unwilling to let go.

""1, 2, 3... suck!" Wang Chao shouted.

Then - bang!

There was a loud noise!

The waves hit!

The hull of the ship instantly cracked and was directly overturned.

Everyone on the ship was swept into the sea -

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