Zhao Rushi also has a copy of the diary.

When she first got it, she was ecstatic.

Like Ruoba, she felt that she was the heroine of this world.

And Wang Chao was her golden finger.

She had always been thinking about how to get close to Wang Chao.

When she heard that he would participate in the program as Yang Mi's bodyguard, she jumped up with joy.

Even the heavens were helping her, making her look forward to the program even more.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she got off the plane, Wang Chao gave her a direct blow on the head.

She was stunned on the spot.

Her abnormal behavior attracted the attention of her companions on the same plane.

"Sister Rushi, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"Chai Yukun asked gently.

At this time, with his delicate makeup on, he thought his killing power must be MAX.

But he didn't expect the other party to——

"Nothing!" Zhao Rushi said coldly.

Then, she dragged her luggage and started walking forward.

Chai Yukun was startled and muttered:

"What happened? Weren't we all talking and laughing when we first got here?"

The two of them were not actually companions.

They just took the same flight because of the show.

However, in the terminal, Chai Yukun used all his tricks to make the other person laugh.

The relationship between the two of them became closer.

Who would have known that they would have a falling out right after getting off the plane?

Could it be that something happened? Oh my god

, I can't be so unlucky.

Seeing that the arrow was on the string, the plan had to be shelved again?

Chai Yukun's thoughts were flying, his face was cloudy, but his feet had already hurriedly followed.


When Zhao Rushi thought of what was written in the diary, she felt that the person behind her was a little disgusting.

She wanted to get away quickly.

However, after all, it was the same program, how could she do what she wanted?

After encountering the production crew, the two were taken to the pickup truck.

"Rushi, Yukun, do you want to drive over first, or wait for Teacher He and Teacher Huang?" the staff asked.

"Why don't you go over and wait first?" Chai Yukun said immediately.

""Okay!" Zhao Rushi nodded.

Chai Yukun's eyes lit up and he hurriedly opened the car door.

But Zhao Rushi didn't move and said directly:

"You drive over first, I'll come with Teacher He and Teacher Huang later."

Chai Yukun's mouth twitched, he was stunned for a moment, and smiled awkwardly:

"Just kidding, let's wait together"

"No, you can go over and take a rest first."

"It's okay!" Chai Yukun waved his hand, flicked the yellow hair on his forehead, and said with a cool smile,

"Actually, I usually drive sports cars and such, I am not very good at driving a pickup truck like this."

Zhao Rushi's eyebrows jumped, she sneered secretly, and said nothing. But she looked down on him in her heart: Why don't you brag that you can only fly a plane?

Pretend! You can't do anything, what are you doing here?

No, I have to stay away from you.

If you pretend, you will be struck by lightning, don't let me be implicated by you.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help rubbing her nose.

Unconsciously, she moved a little further away from Chai Yukun.

Before they had waited for long, the figures of He Jiong and Huang Lei appeared.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. He Jiong is always so polite.

""Everyone is here, kids, let's go." Huang Lei always looks like a father.

After putting their luggage in the car, Huang Lei drove all the way to their destination.


After a while, they arrived at the village.

After stopping the car, the live broadcast team walked around the village.

After letting the audience appreciate the scenery, they went to the program courtyard.

"This time Yang Mi came with her bodyguards. Guess who will cook for them?" Huang Lei said

"It should be Wang Chao. After all, Da Mimi is a strong woman, so she shouldn't be very good at cooking, right?" He Jiong said

"Maybe no one did it." Zhao Rushi said with a smile.

She had read the diary and knew that Wang Chao was not very good at cooking.

"No way, are they still hungry and waiting for us?"He Jiong didn't believe it.

But he soon believed it.

The four of them stood at the gate of the yard and saw Wang Chao and Yang Mi lying side by side in the sun. Their luggage fell to the ground with a clang.

"You two, aren't you hungry?" Huang Lei said dumbfoundedly.

"I'm hungry! Teacher Huang, you're finally here. If you don't come, Wang Chao will starve me to death."Yang Mi said tearfully

"So, no one's cooking?"

"No way!" Wang Chao and Yang Mi said in unison.

He Jiong patted his forehead and smiled bitterly at Zhao Rushi who was giggling:

"You really got it right."

Seeing this, everyone in the live studio burst into laughter:

"Haha, Mimi is so pitiful. She should be the first female guest who was starved on the first day of the show."

"So, no one is perfect, like Wang Chao. No matter how capable he is, it's useless if he can't cook. If you want to conquer a woman, you must first conquer her stomach."

"Is it possible that you have to be handsome first?"

"What's wrong with not being able to cook? I want a boyfriend like Wang Chao. Cooking? It's none of your business. I'll do it. Whatever you want to eat, I'll learn it!"

"That is, Brother Wang Chao still needs to cook? He eats the food I cook, and I eat him!"


Huang Lei opened his mouth and was stunned for a long time, then turned around and asked:

"Besides Teacher He, who else can cook?"

Yang Mi, Wang Chao, and Zhao Rushi were silent.

Chai Yukun looked at Zhao Rushi and raised his hand to volunteer:

"I will order"

"Hainan rice noodles, eh?"

"That won't"

"Coconut rice?"

"Nor will"

"Roasted spareribs and steamed rice, right?"

"untested……"Chai Yukun's voice became smaller and smaller

""What can you do?" Huang Lei asked curiously.

"Sashimi or something……"

"……"Huang Lei was stunned for a moment and said,

"You mean, you can cut sashimi?"

"Yes, that's it."Chai Yukun's eyes lit up.

Huang Lei's eyelids twitched.

He Jiong held his forehead with his hand.

Yang Mi turned to Wang Chao's side and almost burst out laughing.

Zhao Rushi sneered and shook her head.

Then, she turned her head and looked at Wang Chao in a daze.

Wang Chao, on the other hand, was holding his phone and typing on the water word count.

【Da Mimi is pretending again. She just said she wasn't hungry.】

【My goodness, as soon as Mr. Huang and the others arrived, they immediately started crying miserably.】

【Drama Queen! It would be a shame if you didn't give me a golden broom for your acting skills. 】

Yang Mi's smile froze on her face, and her eyelids twitched.

Damn it, I really want to give you a hammer.

Zhao Rushi covered her mouth and laughed

【Well, it’s not that I can’t do it.】

【But forget it, I should help a grown man cook.】

【Speaking of Hainan rice noodles, the ingredients are readily available and it is easy to make.】

【Specific steps... (blah blah blah, too many words)]

The female stars were all in a daze:……


"It seems that I have to do this show myself again." Huang Lei sighed, then turned to He Jiong and said,

"Teacher He, let's put down our things and get started, shall we?"

""Okay!" He Jiong has always had such a good personality.

He is a natural optimist.

After putting down their gifts, Huang Lei and He Jiong wanted Zhao Rushi to live upstairs, where the scenery was the best and the safety was better.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Rushi also chose the first floor, the first floor of the middle building.

It was closer to Wang Chao and Yang Mi.

Huang Lei and He Jiong were quite surprised, but they didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Chai Yukun half-reluctantly chose the second floor. After all, it was quiet, the scenery was good, and it was comfortable to live in.

He Jiong and Teacher Huang also chose the first floor.

There was a large living room between them and Zhao Rushi's room, next to the kitchen on the east side.

After settling in, Huang Lei and He Jiong hurried into the kitchen.

Teacher Huang Lei deserved the title of"Chef Huang". With the help of He Jiong, he cooked the meal in a short while.

Several people brought out the food and sat in the yard together.

At this time, the sun was about to set.

Blowing the sea breeze, looking at the sea, looking up was the rosy clouds.

Everyone's mood became incomparably beautiful.

Huang Lei looked at everyone and said:

"This place is great. Eating here feels like a family vacation."

"We are a family now. He Jiong said with a smile

"That's right, next time I have this opportunity, I will bring my daughter with me to experience it together."Huang Lei finished speaking, raised his glass and shouted,

"Come on, family, let's have a drink together."

After clinking glasses, everyone started chatting with each other.

Chai Yukun rolled his eyes, picked up the cup, and held it out to Zhao Rushi.

Unexpectedly, before he could pass it to her,

Zhao Rushi had already picked up the cup and held it out to Wang Chao, who was playing with his phone in front of him.

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