Yang Mi put away the phone, looked at Wang Chao and said with a smile:

"Did you hear that? 500,000, don't you feel bad?"

"Nonsense, I haven't even earned your 100,000 yet!" Wang Chao curled his lips

"Look at what you said, didn’t I just make 5 million for you a few days ago?"

"Yes, before it warms up, it's all in your pocket"

"Haha, then I'll return it to you?"

"No, you should take care of it."Wang Chao shook his head

"You're quite relieved.……"

Yang Mi didn't know what she was thinking about, but she looked very happy.

Wang Chao looked at her and started to write more words:

【It is more reliable to open an entertainment company and let Da Mimi take care of it】

【This guy is smart and has a strong opinion. He is good to his own people and is a trustworthy person.】

【This is also one of the reasons why I was willing to come to her at that time. 】

Yang Mi couldn't help curling her lips: You are a monkey! Sister is smart.

By the way, one, what is the other?

Sisi and others were also very curious.

But at this time, Yang Mi's phone rang.

Gu Wennan's information was sent over.

Wang Chao no longer watered down the word count

"Who are the directors?" he asked

"Li Hui, Lin Yufeng, Wang Jun."Yang Mi said,

"The ones we have contacted temporarily are these famous directors... Which one do you think is more suitable?"

"If you want me, I will choose Lin Yufeng."Wang Chao said

"In fact, I also think she is more suitable. Sisi, what do you think?"Yang Mi smiled and said

"Yeah, I think the same thing."Sisi smiled calmly.

"I like it too, Hua Qiangu’s filming is great." Zhao Rushi echoed.

Ruoba also nodded beside her.

Just kidding, we are just here to eat for free!

【As expected, if we are not from the same family, we will not enter the same door. Are you so united in heart?】

【I know that this drama was filmed by Aunt Lin. She chose it because she thought it could be a good film. Your awareness is much better than mine!】

【It seems that the saying that intelligence is inversely proportional to beauty is not necessarily true. 】

Female stars: Of course not!

"OK, we all agree, I'll let Sister Gu push it forward." Yang Mi smiled and lowered her head, replying to Feixin.

Seeing Yang Mi finish replying, Sisi suddenly said:

"Mimi, is there a suitable role for me in this play?"

"You want to participate? Of course!"Yang Mi's eyes lit up.

"And me, Sister Mi." Zhao Rushi also said hurriedly

"Come on, you are all investors anyway. But for all roles, you still need to audition with Director Lin and get her approval."Yang Mi said

"It should be!" Several beauties nodded.

【Oh my god, all my family members are here to act out Three Lives Three Worlds?】

【They are all beautiful women, so this drama might be even more popular than before. 】

Seeing everyone participating in the drama, Chen Xiao was immediately envious and couldn't help but say:

"Sister Mi, what kind of play are you talking about? Can I participate in it?"

When this was said, the scene was suddenly stagnant.

Yang Mi couldn't help but hesitate.

【Oh my god, Naixiao, be good! Don't come here!】

【Your halo is too good for ordinary people. 】

Yang Mi and others:...

Chen Xiao almost burst into tears: I said before that we can’t blame the actors for bad dramas...

Why, are you all lying?

"Do you want to switch to acting?" Yang Mi asked

"I am a singer and dancer. I just returned to China to develop my career. Now I am facing transformation and I feel a little confused."Chen Xiao sighed

"This is also the general trend. The music industry is a bit withered, and the acting industry is more durable."Yang Mi nodded.

"Yes, but for me, acting is still difficult."Chen Xiao looked melancholy.

Seeing this, Wang Chao couldn't help but sigh.

【To be honest, Naixiao's appearance is cool and beautiful, and she is still very resistant to attack.】

【Especially the facial features, which are very distinct and photogenic】

【But this guy has wide eyes and droopy lips.】

【It's a typical sad face, a paralyzed face.】

【It's okay if I don't laugh, but once I laugh, oh my god……】

【Acting in a love scene is simply a disaster. 】

Chen Xiao was struck by lightning: Could it be that I really can't be an actor?

Yang Mi and others secretly looked at Chen Xiao, sighed, and couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic.

【But I think this is not a big deal!】

【Sometimes, disadvantages, if utilized well, can become advantages!】

【Grandpa Ni has facial paralysis, but isn’t he still very famous?】

【Sylvester Stallone suffered from polio and facial muscle necrosis, but isn’t he still a legendary movie star?】

【So, if you really want to act, you have to change your mindset.】

【Find your position and choose the right role for yourself, and your shortcomings will become your shining qualities.】

【If she can figure this out, this girl might be able to become the leader of the world of goddesses who slay men and women. 】

Seeing this, Chen Xiao trembled all over, and her heart was filled with storms.

Wang Chao's words were like enlightenment.

It was as if a window was opened for her heart.

A ray of sunshine fell from the sky.

The whole person suddenly felt full of hope.

Yes, brother Wang Chao is really amazing, only he understands me!

Yang Mi and Sisi couldn't help but stop eating, and fell into deep thought.

Unexpectedly, although this guy is good at talking, he has such insights in his heart.

However, everyone can talk, but it is not so easy to find a good script.

Not everyone has such good resources.

【Easier said than done】

【Yuehua Company works hard on talent scouts, but other aspects such as marketing, operations, and publicity are just for show.】

【The star's ability is obviously very strong, but he just can't find the right position. It's a waste of resources.】

【If you give it to me, I would really have some ideas. I know the best about training!】

【Oh, that's right! How about recruiting Naixiao and changing the style?】

【I'm so excited, how fun is this? I'm a little excited just thinking about it!

Yang Mi was very upset: You're thinking really well!

Have you asked Chen Xiao? Have you asked Yuehua?

Sisi couldn't help but cover her face: Your training is just���?

Chen Xiao blushed: Training? Inexplicably, he was looking forward to it...

Actually, Wang Chao was thinking about the mentor skills!

【If you dig me here to play with you, why bother making a TV show? Just make a movie with me!】

【If the story and scenes of a movie are attractive, it can take off.】

【Other people's acting skills rely on their eyes and expressions, but can our Naixiao rely on his figure?】

【What expression do you want? From beginning to end, don't smile at me】

【Just be cool! Just be sexy!】

【Do you understand the contrast?】

【Isn't it a waste if sexy loli doesn't make action movies?】

【No one can stop Barbie from being cool!】

【Absolutely eye-popping, absolutely exciting!】

【Box office? That’s going to be a blast!]

Yang Mi and the others couldn’t help but twitch their eyelids: Oh my god, your company has been selected?

Chen Xiao was stunned: Brother... your thinking is a bit behind the times!

【As for the story, isn't it simple?】

【Come and bite a little spider, and it will mutate into a superhero】

【Wearing a sexy battle suit with a curvy figure, what's the point of having a face?】

【Wouldn’t it be great if a masked hero saved the world?】

【That’s it, don’t worry about whether the box office is enough!】

【You just need to worry about whether the audience can keep up with the nutrition! 】

Female stars:!! ? ?

Are you serious?

The more Wang Chao is, the HIGHer he gets!

【Don't want to wear a mask? Then let's just be a beautiful robot killer】

【Travel back in time to hunt down the righteous leader!】

【A chase and escape drama with a decent tough robot】

【What expression do you want? What dialogue do you want?】

【Show off your sexy body and put on a straight face, that's perfect!】

【A burst of rumbling, all kinds of mechanical special effects, all kinds of bombardments, just use your money to attack them all!】

【Talking about love? Get out of here!】

【Our slogan is: Nosebleed, eyeballs pop out! 】

Female stars:...

Wang Chaoshui is excited:

【Too ordinary? Then try something different, traveling back and forth between reality and dreams】

【The real world is in crisis, enter the dream world to fight, and pass two copies!】

【A beautiful girl carries a big sword and violently kills the giant mecha warrior!】

【Flying in the sky, carrying a cannon to blast, flying a plane to blow up】

【The picture is more artistic, steam punk, CG mecha animation, all neat and lively】

【Acting cool and sexy all the time, who the hell has time to laugh?】

【We just want the audience to be so excited that they want to lick the screen! 】

Female stars:!! ? ?

Wang Chao’s eyes lit up and he continued to drool:

【Not cool enough? Then we can try some more tricks!】

【Form a smart team and enter other people's dreams to play dungeons】

【Construct false dreams, steal target secrets, and complete impossible tasks】

【The pictures are bizarre and the plot is terrifying when you think about it carefully, which makes your eyes and brain spin!】

【As for the team members, just let’s just have them all be our family members, all beauties!】

【A group of sexy female agents, the pictures and faces make the audience full】

【What kind of man do you want? What kind of love do you want?】

【We just want to give you the ultimate paid experience! 】

Female stars:...

Is this paid experience serious?

The more Wang Chao was excited, the more he said:

【Oh my god, it’s published. Just think about the amount of movies I can make with it!】

【Hmm! The more I think about it, the more plausible it seems! Yang Mi's face was dark: It doesn't sound plausible!

Sisi couldn't help but laugh: It's not that easy to make a movie.

That thing is more demanding than a TV series.

But it sounds very exciting.

Ruoba was secretly worried: Brother, you are not obsessed, are you?

Zhao Rushi clenched her fist: Brother Wang Chao, I believe you!

Chen Xiao was confused: Brother, are you serious?

Just when everyone's thoughts were flying and unbelievable,

Wang Chao's diary began to update again:

【After all, the story is ready, so we just need to modify the script.】

【Besides, I’m the director!】

【Now, isn’t my best skill filmmaking?】


When the news came out, everyone’s brains exploded.


These stories are complete? There are scripts?

Wang Chao is the director?

No way!

He is actually best at filmmaking!! ? ?

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