Everyone looked in the direction of the voice.


Isn't the person who spoke that Li Lin? The one holding his arm was none other than Mai Meiling whom he had met before.

At this moment, she also saw Chen Xiao and Wang Chao.

Her expression looked both surprised and embarrassed.

What surprised her was that the people who were as close as sisters next to Chen Xiao were Yang Mi and Sisi.

What embarrassed her was that she had boasted before that her boyfriend would win the gold medal.

The other party had concluded that there was no chance at that time, but in the end, she didn't expect that what she said would come true.

"Hello, Li Lin. Chen Xiao replied calmly.

"How are you doing recently? It's rare to see you, why don't we find a place to sit down?"

Li Lin quietly pulled his arm out of Mai Meiling's arms.

This action made Mai Meiling's face look ugly.

"No, I have things to do with my boyfriend and sisters. Chen Xiao took Wang Chao's arm.

"You are in love?" Li Lin's expression froze, and he looked at Wang Chao with a look in his eyes. Something was wrong.

"What? Xiao Xiao is in love, do I need to ask you?" Wang Chao thought it was funny.

"I just think that you are not worthy of Xiao Xiao."Li Lin said coldly

""Wang Chao, did the kimchi you ate make your brain go crazy?" Wang Chao asked in surprise.

"What he said was full of the flavor of Korean drama."

Puff! Yang Mi and others laughed and said:

"Yes, he is definitely mentally ill!"

"Go to the hospital immediately!"


Mai Meiling noticed something was wrong and whispered something in his ear.

Unexpectedly, Li Lin laughed after hearing it:

"You are all Chinese celebrities? Haha! That’s what I thought.……"He looked at Wang Chao's clothes and said disdainfully,

"No wonder you are a gigolo"

"Psychopath!"Wang Chao hugged Chen Xiao and waved to Yang Mi and others.

"My mother told me not to talk to the mentally retarded, it will affect their IQ."

"Did I get it right? You look like the kind of person who relies on your looks to cheat beautiful women out of their money." Li Lin continued to speak disdainfully.

"Do you still have the nerve to shop in luxury stores? Can you afford it? Are you trying to trick a celebrity into buying it for you?"

"……"Wang Chao frowned and was about to say something.

Suddenly, the clerk came over and handed the order to Wang Chao.

"Hello sir, your total consumption is 2.3 million. Here is the receipt. Please keep it safe."

"2.3 million?"Yang Mi was stunned and couldn't help wondering,

"No, the total amount of the five items we just bought should not exceed 120,000, right? Did you get the wrong order?"

The clerk smiled slightly:

"You can't be wrong. This gentleman also picked 5 platinum bags and 5 high-end ladies' watches. The 5 bags alone cost 1 million."

"What?" Yang Mi asked in surprise,"Wang Chao, you?"

"It's nothing. I said I'd give you guys a gift, so I bought it."Wang Chao shrugged.

Seeing this, Li Lin's face froze.

He looked left and right, and took advantage of the surprise that no one was paying attention. He hurriedly pulled his girlfriend and left in a hurry.

Looking at the embarrassed expressions of the two people running away, Wang Chao couldn't help but sigh.

【I swear to God, I really don’t mean to show off!】

【I remember seeing it in my previous life. Da Mimi and Xiao Xiao like to wear Rolex, Sisi likes to wear Omega, Ruoba often wears Panerai, and Zhao Rushi wears Bulgari.】

【So we bought the best model for everyone.

Yang Mi and others: He was just checking his watch.……

【I don't know much about the package, but it can cure all diseases, so let's buy one.】

【I remember that Da Mimi and Xiao Xiao both carried a platinum bag when they went out.】

【So I just bought 2 of them, they are so versatile!】

【After buying it, I thought that I should share the benefits equally, so I bought 3 more of the same model. 】

Yang Mi and others:……

【Oh boy, I spent half of my money.】

【Just spend it, we are family anyway, it doesn't matter】

【Who would have thought that a pig head would jump out and ask for a beating?】

【This scene turned out to be a mindless and bloody face-slapping scene. I feel so wronged!】

【Spending money to show off is really ridiculous and ridiculous!

Yang Mi and the others wanted to laugh but couldn't. It was as if there was a string in their hearts that was constantly being plucked, causing their hearts to tremble.

Looking at the people in front of them, each of their hearts turned into a bowl of thick sugar water.……


The things you buy here will not be taken away directly.

They will be mailed to the Mushroom House for delivery.

So after shopping, Wang Chao and others left empty-handed.

"Wait, where are we going to eat?" Wang Chao asked

"Come here, why don't we go to the seafood stalls?" Yang Mi suggested

""Okay!" Others responded.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Wang Chao searched for a famous place nearby and drove there.

After arriving, they found a relatively quiet store with a sea view and walked in.

Seeing that there were customers, the waiter ran over attentively and handed over the menu.

Seafood is much cheaper near the sea.

Everyone looked and nodded secretly.

The beauties waved their hands and ordered a full table.

Although the overall taste was not as good as Wang Chao's cooking, it was better in variety.

Everyone ate happily.

After dinner, seeing that it was getting late, Yang Mi said:

"It's time to go back. This meal is for you. No one is allowed to snatch it from me."

""Okay!" Sisi and others laughed.

"Waiter, pay the bill." Yang Mi waved.

"Here we go!" The waiter ran over with a smile, holding the menu and reading:

"Hello, your total consumption is 42360 yuan, and I will round off the amount and charge you 42300 yuan."

"What?"Yang Mi was startled and asked in surprise.

"You must have calculated it wrong. How could it be so much? Bring me the bill."

"Okay! I'll read it to you." The waiter said with a wry smile.

"The big prawns cost 950 yuan per plate, and the big snails cost 816 yuan per plate.……"

"Wait a minute! Isn't it written on the menu that large shrimps are 38 yuan per serving and large snails are 68 yuan per serving?" Before the other party finished reading, Yang Mi felt something was wrong.

"Here, a portion refers to one"

"Oh my god, you are just ripping off your customers!" Yang Mi was stunned.

"This is a bit too much."Wang Chao said calmly

"Too much? No money, what seafood to eat?"The waiter sneered, and then shouted to the store,

"Boss, someone is defaulting on his debt!"

""Who? Who dares to cause trouble in my store?"

A loud voice sounded, and a bald tattooed man suddenly came out of the room.

Behind him, there were five big men wearing black vests and covered with colorful tattoos.

After several people came out, they directly surrounded Wang Chao's table.

Seeing this scene, the customers passing by outside also hurriedly quickened their pace to leave.

"What's wrong, kid? Are you guys refusing to pay for your meal?"The bald boss looked at Wang Chao fiercely and said.

Then when he turned around and saw Yang Mi and others, his eyes suddenly lit up again.

"Defaulting on your debt? You are ripping our customers off!" Wang Chao said calmly.

"Stop talking nonsense, either take the money or leave the person here for me."The bald boss said with a lustful look at the beauties.

"You want nothing, and you're still keeping people here. If you don't behave yourself, you'll end up in jail before this year." Wang Chao said disdainfully

"You want to die!" The boss slammed the table and punched Wang Chao.

"Get out of here!" Without waiting for the other person's fist to get close, Wang Chao lightly raised his foot and kicked him out.

"Ah! Bastard, you dare to attack me! Brothers, grab your weapons and kill this guy for me."The boss howled.

When the shouting sounded, the five younger brothers had already picked up the small stools next to them and prepared to go forward to beat Wang Chao.

Yang Mi and others looked nervous and were about to speak.

Suddenly, someone shouted:

"Stop! What are you doing?"

""Xiao Xiao, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you!"

Everyone was stunned and turned around to see three men and one woman rushing over.

Wang Chao and the others actually knew the man who was shouting and the woman next to him.

【What a coincidence, I could actually meet that pig-head here?】

【The other two seem to be Korean Taekwondo players.】

【Good man, this pighead wants to... be a hero and save the beauty?】

【I'm so cool! So interesting! Bring your girlfriend to save the damsel in distress?】

【Even a melodramatic idol drama wouldn’t dare to be filmed like this, right?】

【Oh my god, this is so fun!】

【Bring me the melon seeds, peanuts, and red cola, I have to watch this show! 】

Yang Mi’s face was full of black lines: I worried about you for nothing!

Sisi couldn’t help laughing: If you keep watching, be careful that your little wife runs away with someone!

Ruoba, Zhao Rushi: You annoying pigheads, you still want to steal my husband’s limelight.

Chen Xiao: A hero saving a beauty? Ugh - I have my husband, who do you think you are!

By the way, you scolded my husband in the afternoon.

Okay, come on, little hooligans, follow the leader’s stick and beat him hard!

Li Lin couldn’t hear his inner voice. If he could, he would definitely collapse.

At this moment, he had a righteous face and rushed over with his teammates, ready to show his manliness -

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