Ye Chen was gulping roasted green peppers.

This green pepper is originally juicy and large.

Ye Chen took a sip, and the juice of the green pepper flowed down the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Liu Yifei on the side quickly pulled out a tissue for Ye Chen to wipe the corners of his mouth.

I was afraid that the juice of this chili pepper would drip onto Ye Chen’s clothes.

When making this move, Liu Yifei looked at Ye Chen’s eyes like he was looking at a naughty big boy.

Hua Shao and Hua Chenyu saw that their hearts were dripping blood.

Because they can see it clearly.

Not only did Liu Yifei have such an action, but even Di Li Gerba~ also pulled out a piece of paper.

It’s just that the movement is not as fast as Liu Yifei, so the hand is still stuck in mid-air.

“Am I blinded?”

“What is the situation? Fairy Sister and Fat Di both want to wipe Ye Chen’s mouth-corners? ”

“My mother, it’s so sweet.”

“What to do, what to do? How should Ye Chen choose? ”

The director’s room was also quiet.

No one expected that Ye Chen would actually reach such a level of popularity.

It was He Jiong who was the first to react, laughed and broke this embarrassment: “It seems that everyone knows that Ye Chen is very hard.” ”

Yaya: “Indeed, Ye Chen is grilling from beginning to end, and special care should also be taken.” ”

Guo Qilin followed and opened the topic: “I can see that Ye Chen’s craftsmanship is good, and I drool when I see this roasted green pepper.” ”

“Did you see it, Reba and Yifei both want to wipe Ye Chen’s mouth.”

Yang Chaoyue corrected the topic that everyone had shifted.

As soon as these words came out, He Jiong and several people were all black lines.

Yaya forced a smile and didn’t say anything more.

And at the moment.

The scene was somewhat quiet.

Liu Yifei apparently also noticed Di Lireba’s actions.

Immediately stunned, his face blushed, and he spoke: “I’m just afraid that Ye Chen will stain his clothes.” ”

Di Lireba glared at Ye Chen, and said fiercely: “Such a big person, I don’t know how to pay attention to eating, hum.” ”

Ye Chen was suddenly speechless.

I thought how could I offend you by eating something?

However, seeing Di Lireba’s very unhappy face, Ye Chen was still very sensible and did not argue about anything.

After eating the barbecue, everyone cleaned up the garbage together and put away the tools.

Only then did he return to the living room sofa to rest.

“Director, are you going to choose your heartbeat?” The assistant on the side asked the director, even the book was ready.

“Choose the target, it is estimated that there is only one pair.” Yan Min as a human spirit.

In the past few days, the shooting has actually been very clear about the current situation.

The three female guests were not interested in Hua Chenyu and Hua Shao.

On the contrary, he has a good impression of Ye Chen, who has a bold personality and is not pretentious.

The rules had already been modified yesterday, but the three of them still chose Ye Chen as the object of their hearts.

And if you choose now, needless to say, it is still Ye Chen who can succeed.

In this way, Hua Shao and Hua Chenyu are still the background plate.

Yan Min is nothing as a director.

But the agents of the two great gods disagreed.

Since the morning, Hua Shao and Hua Chenyu’s agent have been nagging in Yan Min’s ear to let him modify the rules.

It was even proposed to forcibly arrange CP combinations or something.

However, all this was rejected by Yan Min.

After all, it is always inappropriate to forcibly arrange the CP combination.

So Yan Min decided to cancel the CP combination.

Everyone is free to move.

“Now announcing a new rule that eliminates the selection of daily favorites and allows people to move freely.”

Yan Min said this.

Hua Shao and Hua Chenyu’s eyes lit up.

They have long hated this rule.

For three consecutive days, only Ye Chen successfully teamed up, and both of them held a fire in their hearts.

Hearing about the cancellation of the choice of the object of their heart, both thought that their opportunity had come.

What they don’t know, however, is.

Hearing the choice of canceling the object of their heart, Di Li Gerba, Yang Mi and Liu Yifei were definitely no less happy than the two.

After all, every day at night, when choosing a heartbeat, only one Ye Chen of the three female guests can choose.

And it is not possible to form a team in a row.

Now that this rule has been abolished, that is, they don’t have to care about CP for a day.

As long as he is willing, he can stay with Ye Chen.

“Director, you can’t afford to play, you just modified the rules yesterday, and now you modify them again?”

“Hahahaha, laugh at me, the director can see it, this show, only Ye Chen and a male guest can team up successfully.”

“It is estimated that the director did not want Hua Chenyu and Hua Shao to be too ugly, so he revised the rules.”

“A man who forced the program group to revise the rules twice in a row, Ye Chen, you are good.”

“It is worthy of being Yan Min, the director who does not abide by the rules the most, and this rule can be modified if you want to.”

“Hahaha, indeed, Yan Min is such a director.”

Even He Jiong’s group of people in the director room were speechless about this.

And not only that.

After announcing the cancellation of the selection of the target of the heartbeat.

Yan Min announced the new rules again.

“There’s one more thing I want to tell you.”

“From now on, no one can use their own money anymore.”

“The program group will give everyone five hundred yuan in start-up capital, which will be all your expenses in the next few days of this program group.”

“As for all the output from the vegetable garden, fish pond, orchard, and rice field provided by the program team, you can distribute it yourself.”

“We’ll open a recycling bin here, and people can earn more money by working.”

Yan Min spoke about the rules.

In fact, he is still very satisfied with his arrangement.

Both Hua Shao and Hua Chenyu’s agent demanded that the CP be forcibly distributed.

Yan Min naturally would not agree, so he proposed this method to make everyone feel a sense of crisis.

In this way, if the female guest wants to make money, the best way is to find a helper.

At that time, Ye Chen can’t be busy alone, won’t Hua Shao and Hua Chen Yu come in handy.

For this rule, Hua Shao and Hua Chenyu’s agent agreed.

However, everyone in the love house was stunned.

“Five hundred dollars, director, we’re going to live here for months?” Di Li Gerba said.

“Yes, director, what is five hundred yuan enough for?” Hua Chenyu was also stunned.

“Actually, it’s okay, as long as we have brains, five hundred dollars, we can also become five thousand dollars.” Hua Shao made his remarks as a delicate man.

Although Liu Yifei and Yang Mi did not speak, they could see the worry on their faces.

Only Ye Chen didn’t react to this.

In fact, for Ye Chen, five hundred yuan was enough.

And the meaning of the director’s words just now is also very simple.

That is, these industries provided by the program group can be used to exchange money.

As long as you are not lazy, you will not be hungry.

Ye Chen was also glad that he had obtained the “Grounded Gas” system at the moment, not the rotten system, otherwise, it would be really difficult to ride a tiger.

Broadcast room.

Guo Qilin asked with a curious face: “Teacher He, why did you say that the director modified this rule?” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He Jiong said with a meaningful face: “It is estimated that it is to prevent some people from repeatedly teaming up with female guests.” ”

Yaya: “Teacher He, you can simply order Ye Chen’s name directly.” ”

Yang Chaoyue: “Isn’t the director unable to play?” ”

“Hahaha, Yueyue, what kind of big truth are you talking about.”

“That’s right, the director just can’t afford to play, it’s too cool to watch Ye Chen, so it has to create some difficulties.”

“It’s over, the good days of the love house are coming to an end, and then everyone is ready to tighten their belts and live.”

“Five hundred yuan, to be honest, it’s really not enough.”

“For celebrities, five hundred yuan, at most a few days will be gone.”

“I really want to see the days when Ye Laoliu eats soil.”

“Upstairs, you spoke my heart.”

The director has announced new rules.

Everyone got five hundred dollars.

As everyone knows, this matter is obviously no longer negotiable.

Look at the money in your hand.

Everyone fell silent.


A familiar voice sounded, breaking the silence of the living room.

Everyone looked up, and saw Ye Chen nesting in the corner and didn’t know when he picked up melon seeds again.

Seeing that everyone looked towards him, Ye Chen also took out a package of unopened melon seeds and placed them on the table.

“And, do you want it?”

Ye Chen said.

“Ye Chen, when is this, still eating melon seeds?” Hua Chenyu counted with a righteous face.

“When?” Ye Chen was also full of doubts, and he sipped two melon seeds to suppress the shock.

“Now we have to find a way to make money, you are so wasteful, and besides, it is not elegant at all.” Hua Chenyu looked heartbroken.

“I didn’t spend your money, what are you worried about?”

Ye Chen also said unceremoniously.

Instantly left Hua Chen Yu speechless.

Hua Chenyu originally wanted to take advantage of everyone’s relatively low mood now and count Ye Chen’s.

But he didn’t expect Ye Chen to eat this set at all.

I didn’t spend your money on a sentence, which directly made Hua Chenyu’s face livid.

Di Li Gerba also laughed.

“If it’s good, you should scare the mage to death, and you have long seen him unhappy.”

“Hahaha, laugh at me, Hua Chenyu, do you still think you are a judge?”

“It didn’t cost you money, what are you worried about, Ye Chen is too good.”

A crowd of passers-by cheered.

Hua Chenyu’s fans began to scold Ye Chen angrily, but they were soon overwhelmed by the comments of passers-by fans.

“Well, I think we should make a rule.”

Seeing this, Hua Shao immediately clapped his hands.

As the oldest big brother, Hua Shao felt that it was necessary for him to stand up and stabilize the overall situation at this time.

After all, only in this way can you show the charm of a mature man, right?

“Because we don’t have much money, only five hundred yuan per person, we can’t spend it indiscriminately.”

“The best thing to do is to put all your money in the hands of one person and keep track of your daily expenses and income.”

“Didn’t the director say that we also have industry, so we can still make money, and when the money comes together, we can also make more money, what do you think?”

After Hua Shao said this, everyone fell silent again.

“Can I manage the money?” After a long time, Hua Chenyu opened his mouth to ask.

He is not comfortable giving his money to others to manage, although it is only five hundred yuan, which is unacceptable to him.

“Huahua is in charge of money, do you have any opinions?” Hua Shao asked.

“As long as it’s managed well, I’m fine.” Yang Mi said.

“Okay.” Di Li Gerba herself is not good at account management, and when she heard that someone took the initiative to step forward to manage finances, she immediately had no opinion.

Seeing this, Liu Yifei and Ye Chen also nodded.

“Okay, everyone has fifty yuan in pocket money on each person, and then hand over the rest of the money.”

Hua Shao clapped his hands and said.

Everyone handed over the money to Hua Chenyu.

“People believe in me so much, I will definitely manage the money well.” Hua Chenyu took a handful of money and said beautifully.

“By the way, we’re going grocery shopping tomorrow.” Di Li Gerba suddenly remembered today’s agreement with Ye Chen, and quickly said.

“Take a hundred dollars and go, you don’t have to buy too much.”

Hua Chenyu took out a hundred yuan from his hand and handed it to Di Li Gerba.

Di Li Gerba instantly regretted it.

A hundred dollars was too little for her.

Grocery shopping?

She had gone to the mall once before to buy vegetables, and she spent thousands of yuan at once, so Di Li Gerba was still somewhat dissatisfied with Hua Chenyu giving a hundred yuan.

But Di Li Gerba didn’t say much about it.

He waved the money in his hand and signaled that Ye Chen would get up early tomorrow, and then went back to the room.

One night without a word.

Early the next morning.

Ye Chen, who was still sleeping, was woken up by Di Lireba’s knock on the door.

“Get up almost Ye Chen, we still have to go grocery shopping.”

Di Li Gerba’s voice was loud, and the girl deliberately aimed at the crack of the door to shout.

In this way, the sound can naturally reach the room more clearly.

He Jiong: “This action, people who don’t know still think that Reba is voyeurizing.” ”

Guo Qilin: “Teacher He, why are you so much in line with this scene.” ”

Yaya: “Don’t really say, Reba is the one who can do this kind of thing.” ”

Yang Chaoyue: “I’m so sleepy, I haven’t slept well.” ”

“Laughing to death, how do I feel that Yang Chaoyue is out of touch with others every time she chats?”

“Yang Chaoyue shouldn’t have appeared in the director’s room, she should have gone to the love house.”

“Agree, Yang Chaoyue’s stay in the director room is simply a waste of talent.”

Ye Chen opened the door and came out, and Di Li Gerba smiled with satisfaction.

“Hurry up, let’s go to town for breakfast today.”

Di Li Reba heard that Liu Yifei and Ye Chen had breakfast in town last time.

The taste is also very good.

She had always been thinking about it.

Now that there is such a good opportunity, it is natural that I will not miss it.

Ye Chen covered his mouth and yawned, and then walked towards the door.

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