Chapter 127:

Yes, Ye Ran plans to sign Yaya privately.

Yaya is a super A-list female star in the future. If she can make a profit of 100 million a year, then it will be 1 billion in ten years.

The population of this world is larger than that of the previous life, so Ye Ran's calculation method must not be calculated as in the previous life.

If Yaya could be as popular as she was in her previous life, there would be no problem at all in making one billion for herself.

Moreover, Ye Ran's signing was intended to be signed by himself and had nothing to do with Ahri Company.

As the artistic director, Ye Ran has the right to train several actors by himself, but he can only train a few.

This is not about opening a studio, but about Ye Ran taking a fancy to a few good ideas and then signing them.

The requirement is that the other party must not come from a professional background, and at the same time, the annual salary of the contracted person must not exceed 500,000 yuan.

Otherwise, if it exceeds this standard, it will not be signed.

After all, Ye Ran is still an employee of Ahri and has not left the company.

For Ye Ran, he has three signing quotas. These three quotas will only be reserved for artists who can really make money.

Like Xiao Dezi and the others, signing will not do much, so it is better to let Ahli sign, at least they can make money.

That's when. a voice sounded

"Yaya is here!"

"I'm coming."

The voice sounded, and soon Ye Ran saw Yaya in casual clothes, carrying a bag, walking slowly from not far away.

"Brother Ye Ran!"

Yaya returned home and found a lot of wine there. She subconsciously thought that someone had gotten rich.

Unexpectedly, she saw Ye Ran.

She had some surprises. Although she didn't know why she was surprised, she still blurted out and called Brother Ye Ran.

"Yaya, come here quickly, I’ll talk to you just in time"

"Yes, come here quickly."

Everyone spoke.

Yaya came over immediately.

I have to say that even Yaya without any pretense was very sweet and beautiful.

After Yaya sat down, Ye Ran did not mention the signing, but simply asked a few questions. After saying this, everyone started drinking and eating.

After dinner, it was already late at night and everyone had gone back, but Ye Ran left Yaya behind, and there were some people sitting at the table next to him. After all, he was afraid of offending him. There was something like a scandal, so Ye Ran asked Zhang Shan to go to another table to drink with everyone.

Only Ye Ran and Yaya were left at the dinner table.

"Brother Ye Ran, I'd like to toast you. You helped me last time, but I haven't had time to thank you yet."

Yaya said so

"No need to toast, you can't drink much, I actually have something I want to talk to you about."

Ye Ran said directly.

"What's going on? Brother Ye Ran?"

Yaya asked curiously

"Well, I have three signing quotas on hand. I think you are very good and I want to sign you. What do you think?"

Ye Ran said straight to the point.

And Yaya instantly showed a look of surprise.

"Sign a contract?"

To be honest, after living in Hengdian for three or four months, Yaya deeply understood how dark this place is.

Because it is good-looking, it does have many advantages, but these advantages must be obtained with certain things. To exchange.

Yaya has a bottom line. She knows that as long as she is willing to sacrifice, she will continue filming, but she does not do that. However, even though there are often filming, she is either a maid or a palace maid. Any director who wants to reuse herself, They all offered the same conditions.

She refused, so she could only make ends meet.

Even several times, Yaya chose to give up, but in the end she persisted when she heard that Ye Ran wanted to sign a contract for her. Everyone was stunned, I really couldn't believe it

"It's just that the money for this contract won't be too much. The annual salary is about 500,000. However, the contracting company is not Ahri, but me personally. In other words, I will arrange all your scenes, but you can rest assured about one thing. , as long as you don’t want to do anything, I will never do it"

"However, you have to work hard, ten times harder than others. You have been in the industry for a few months, and you should know the horrors of this industry. Without filming, no matter how good you are, you will not become popular, and even if there are filming, if If you don’t work hard, you still won’t become popular."

"If you want to succeed, you have to pay a price. Among other directors, this price may require sacrificing something, but with me, the price you need to pay is hard work! diligent! Work ten times harder than others! Work ten times harder than others!"

"There is no love between children, no grievances, no grievances, can you do it?"

Ye Ran said in a serious tone.

He signed Yaya not because of Yaya's beauty, nor because he wanted to do anything to Yaya.

He just wanted to make money, and at the same time it was also a plan in advance.

Becoming a global actor is Ye Ran's dream , but economic freedom is also something that must be done.

Sooner or later, popular actors will be eliminated by the entertainment industry.

Even if they are not eliminated, when you are fifty, sixty, or even seventy years old. Are you still going out to film?

This is unscientific.

So if you want to make money, you must make arrangements in advance. In the past, many artists established their own studios after leaving the company.

, then it is another way to make money.

If you want to set up a studio, you must have strong connections and excellent popularity.

In terms of connections, Ye Ran has Ah Li, and with his own personality, he is basically everywhere. Giving face and leaving good connections will definitely be of great use in the future.

Ye Ran also believes that if he really wins an Oscar in the eight years since he signed the contract with Ahri, he will start working by then. Not only would Lu Bozhong not refuse, but he would help.

In the eyes of that kind of businessman, cooperation is better than enmity. At this moment, after hearing what Ye Ran said, Yaya was stunned.

No one wanted to sign her, but she knew the reason why they signed her. So she refused. But what Ye Ran said made Yaya

's heart move.

Ye Ran was silent.

He just looked at Yaya.

After a while , Yaya poured himself a glass of wine and drank the third glass.

Yaya said:"Brother Ye Ran!

I will follow you from now on.

I hope you will take good care of me.

I will definitely work ten times harder than anyone else.

At the same time, I will keep this kindness in my heart!

" Ya Ya opened her mouth.

She knew that at this moment, she didn't need to say so much.

Just saying this was enough.

Ye Ran nodded, he also drank a glass of wine and smiled:"Then have a happy cooperation, I will let people After you have drawn up a contract, you can go find a lawyer to check it out.

" After saying this, a phone rang suddenly.

It was Zhang Yimou's call.

Ye Ran answered the phone immediately.

Soon, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Temporary rescue?"

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