Chapter 140: The old actor is convinced! Adidas goes on sale in advance [5/5, please give me flowers for the new book]

Ye Ran said, the national thief Dong Zhuo!

It really scared Gao Xixi.

Not only Gao Xixi was frightened, but the actor who played Taifu Yuan was also frightened.

Because Ye Ran suddenly spoke in such a loud voice, he subconsciously shouted:"You, you, you, lower your voice!"

"What's the matter, Master Yuan? The word"national thief" has been hated and broken by you ministers for a long time. Why don't you dare to say it out loud in broad daylight?"

Ye Ran's voice was loud, and his momentum increased in an instant.

"Aren’t you guys? The Golden Palace is regarded as a holy place, so many sanctimonious ministers are silent and frightened. Only then did I really see what is dignity and what is humiliation."

"A small sneeze can turn you, the self-proclaimed nobles, into rats."

Ye Ran's sarcasm was extremely accurate.

Gao Xixi originally wanted to shout"Ka", but because Ye Ran's performance made him feel different, he did not shout"Ka".

As for the plot setting of Dong Zhuo's sneezing , he wanted to reveal how powerful Dong Zhuo was, but he didn't expect that Ye Ran would use it to ridicule Yuan Taifu.

This was really great!

He brought out Cao Cao's unruly character in one go.

Gao Xixi has studied the Three Kingdoms very deeply. He knows that young Cao Cao is confident and arrogant, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing this. Even Gao Xixi thinks that this scene may have actually happened in history.

"you! you! you!"

Taifu Yuan pointed at Ye Ran, not knowing what to say.

His hands were shaking with anger.

"Hahaha! Ha ha ha ha!"

Ye Ran laughed, the smile came from the heart, not a fake smile, but a real laugh.

Then he left here


At this moment, Gao Xixi shouted.

The filming was over.

At this time, the actor playing the role of Yuan Taifu looked at Ye Ran and said with a wry smile:"You suddenly shouted loudly just now, which scared me."

"I'm so sorry, it's too dramatic!"

Ye Ran apologized with a smile on his face.

The latter waved his hand and said:"I don't blame you. I think you are very good. Your acting is really good. It's just that you suddenly appeared and scared me. Good acting. Good acting. really good!"

The other party admired from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, Gao Xixi came over, looked at Ye Ran and said,"Why did you suddenly change your words just now?"

Gao Xixi asked.

And Ye Ran explained

"It's like this. The character of Cao Cao, the high-ranking director, at this stage, is unruly and unruly. He wants to revive the Han Dynasty more than anyone else because he is ambitious. He wants to become a minister of Conglong and he also wants to honor his ancestors."

"So he chose to become Dong Zhuo's minion, but in his heart he still longed to revive the Han nation. Compared with those pedantic civil servants, Cao Cao did not hesitate to gain fame and wealth, and was criticized by thousands of people for his own grand plan, just hoping that one day he could revive the Han nation."

"And just now, the reason why I called out the national traitor Dong Zhuo so loudly was because I wanted to show off Cao Cao's arrogance and confidence. Dong Zhuo sneezed, and everyone in the court was afraid, but Cao Cao dared to curse the national traitor Dong Zhuo in public."

"This is a kind of courage, a kind of courage that only belongs to Cao Cao, and also a kind of self-confidence! Director, am I understanding correctly?"

Ye Ran said this

"That's right, that's right at all. I was stunned for a moment at first, but when I thought about it carefully, I realized that your part was amazing. With just one appearance, you were able to portray the character of Cao Cao so deeply. Very good, very good!"

Gao Xixi said with great joy. He was not bragging at all. He really didn't understand it at first.

But thinking about it carefully, he felt that the performance just now portrayed the character of Cao Cao very well.

He believed that if the audience watched At this point, I will definitely pursue him, because this is the kind of Cao Cao who is resourceful and strategizing. He is the Cao Cao behind him.

He is so confident that everyone is drunk and I am alone. All of them woke up from my drunken state, so Gao Xixi was very satisfied with Ye Ran's performance, otherwise she would have shouted"Ka".

"I was worried before that you might not understand Cao Cao, but now I think about it too much. Ye Ran, you can win the Best Actor because of your real ability, I'm convinced!"

Gao Xixi said seriously.

This is a kind of recognition.

"Thank you director."

Ye Ran said very humbly.

"Good actor, good actor"

"Ye Ran, you are a talented person and you will definitely have a bright future. Don’t lose yourself. Come on."

"Stay true to yourself!"

The rest of the veteran actors also gave thumbs up and praised Ye Ran.

Among other things, Ye Ran's acting skills are indeed good.

Then, in the evening, they started filming the second scene to make a big fuss about Wang Yunshou's birthday.

The second scene Ye Ran still performed perfectly in every scene.

The veteran actors were completely impressed!

If there was nothing wrong with their performance, then Ye Ran's performance was perfect at night. Back to the hotel.

I have to say that it is really fun to film with veteran actors. Everyone's acting skills are online, and you don't have to worry about NG.

Basically, everyone's expressions or emotions are perfect. It was very accurate.

After three or four days, Ye Ran flew to Hengdian to shoot Xian San. After another three or four days, Ye Ran returned to Three Kingdoms City to continue shooting the Three Kingdoms.

It was December 25th. No.

Two things happened.

The first thing is that because the clothes endorsed by Ye Ran are so popular, Adi plans to start selling them in the early morning of December 25th.

The second thing is that the Legend of Demon Cat will be on New Year’s Day.

These two things are relatively important to Ye Ran. At this moment

, there is a long line of people waiting for the sale. It’s half past eight in the morning, but there are still many people, many of whom are scalpers, but one-third are people who really want to buy clothes. It can be said that it is not just the national Adidas sales center. People are already queuing up.

Large trucks are being delivered to all parts of the country!

At 8:30 in the morning, the Chinese style clothes launched by Adidas are about to be sold.

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