Chapter 147:

Ye Ran is really angry.

On the night of the scarf, I had an absolute advantage over Han Yedong.

As a result, there were so many votes for Han Yedong inexplicably, and the scarf was not detected. He kept delaying the submission of evidence until the end. When something like this happened, he couldn't help but vent a few words.

The bib actually blocked his official account?

It's really funny.

He rubbed his temples.

Ye Ran sneered.

There is not only one scarf social platform in China

"Hello! gentle! My bib account has been banned, and a press conference will be held at 9 o'clock this morning!"

Ye Ran said.

"Banned? OK! I'll contact you immediately!"

Ye Qingrou instantly knew how serious the matter was.

She didn't talk nonsense. After hanging up Ye Ran's phone, she immediately called other people.

Ahri's operations department, Ahri's media department, Ahri's In short, Ye Qingrou used all the resources that could be used.

For no other reason, Ye Qingrou was extremely angry about this matter!

She knew that the other party was shameless, but she didn't expect that the other party was so shameless and had a scarf. His attitude was even more disgusting. Soon, the situation became serious as the phones rang.


Tengyun Entertainment.

Editor-in-chief Wang Lizhi is sleeping soundly, and it is already five o'clock in the morning.

However, a phone call rang and woke up Wang Li who was sleeping.

When he answered the phone, Wang Li looked ugly. He had been in a state of insomnia recently and was suddenly awakened, which made him extremely irritable.

He glanced at the phone and saw that it belonged to his subordinate.

At that moment, Wang Li answered the phone and said in a deep voice:"If it's not a big deal, half of your salary will be deducted this month!"

Wang Li's tone was serious.

But on the other end of the phone, he was extremely excited

"Something big happened! Something big happened! Editor-in-Chief, Ye Ran lost on scarf night!"

The other party said loudly.

But Wang Li couldn't help but frowned. He actually already knew about this matter.

"Half your salary will be deducted!"

Wang Li said with a cold tone.

Then he hung up the phone.

But soon the latter called again, which made Wang Li very irritated.

"Do you still want to continue messing around?"

Wang Li was angry and called in the middle of the night. Are you crazy?

"Editor-in-Chief, please listen to what I have to say. Ye Ran lost on the night of the scarf, and then posted on Weibo under his real name, reporting Han Yedong for cheating on votes, and wrote a thousand words. Do you know what happened?"

The other party said this, which made Wang Li a little surprised.

But this is not a big deal, right. As for contacting now?

"What happened?"

Wang Li asked

"Ye Ran published a thousand-word article, but his account was blocked by Bibo! Now Ye Ran is going to hold a press conference in the morning. Mr. Wang, do we want to attend?"

The other party asked

"What? Are you not talking nonsense? We must go there. Contact everyone quickly. Go there immediately and hold a press conference there? I'll go there now."

Wang Li was directly shocked.

Wang Li was not very shocked when his scarf was robbed on the night of the scarf. After all, in the entertainment industry, it is normal to fight openly and secretly.

After the robbery, it was normal for Ye Ran to curse the scarf. After all, Ye Ran was not Saint.

But banning accounts is really a weird operation.

You know, it's not the first time that celebrities have scolded each other, but if you ban someone else's account, it's a bit unreasonable, right

? Wang Li, who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, knew instantly that this matter was going to be a big deal!

Not just Wang Li, the entire Imperial City Entertainment Company was shocked! Ran's invitation.

At six o'clock, as a car parked outside Ali Entertainment, countless reporters rushed into Ali Entertainment Building like crazy, not to mention this.

At this moment, Ye Ran had already sent the new long article to his major fan groups, asking the heads of the support groups to pass it on. At this moment, the fans who had worked so hard were completely furious! Vote for Ye Ran, hoping that your idol will win the first place. How many fans always open their eyes and vote when the time comes

?. Ye Ran posted a long article, and everyone also forwarded it, hoping that Bibo could give a reasonable answer. Unexpectedly, Bibo actually blocked Ye Ran's account. At this moment, the fans completely rioted.

"Sisters! We must fight against this bad breath!"

"You're vomiting blood, you bastard scarf, are you playing with your sister?"

"I have never said any bad words in my life, but I can’t help but say one thing today, scarf management, are you all mentally retarded?"

"Go ahead and give the scarf a one-star negative review. It’s so disgusting."

"From the very beginning, we knew that Han Yedong was swiping the data. He had been complaining and giving feedback, but the scarf official did not give any answer at all. The store was really bullying customers!"

"NB, NB, it is indeed a scarf!"

Everything on the Internet was filled with curses, which can be said to be filled with deep resentment.

Just like that, it was until eight o'clock.

Suddenly, Ye Qingrou walked in and told Ye Ran that it was someone from the official website of the bib who called.

Hold the phone , and soon the other party’s voice sounded

"Is this Mr. Ye?"

The other party's voice was a little calm. Although he called Mr. Ye, it sounded a little unpleasant.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Ran asked

"Yes, we have detected that Mr. Ye's scarf has been blocked. This may be a technical fault. It is currently under maintenance. If nothing goes wrong, the block will be lifted tomorrow. I would like to apologize for this in advance."

"I hope Mr. Ye will not make things too rigid."

The other party said so.

For a moment, Ye Ran sneered.

"Am I too stiff, or are your scarves too stiff? We have reported so many times about the scarf night, why didn’t we give you a reply?"

Ye Ran asked

"The data is being monitored. After all, the data is too huge. I know that Mr. Ye will definitely have doubts if he did not win the first place. Regarding the data, we have notified the technical department to make adjustments and will respond as soon as possible."

The other party's meaning is still very clear. They will not admit their mistakes! They are avoiding the important and taking the easy!

"So what do you think of me?"

Ye Ran asked

"Cancel the press conference and we will get back to you as soon as possible."

The other party's tone seemed to be like an order!

"What if I don't?"

Ye Ran asked.

And the other party laughed directly.

"Mr. Ye, you are so funny. You are indeed a popular star now, but you have to remember that you are just a star!"

The meaning of what the other party said is very strong!

You are just an actor. What do you mean in front of capital?

Be obedient and you can talk about something.

If you are not obedient, haha! You will be responsible for the consequences!

Ye Ran understands this meaning.

At this moment, Ye Ran's voice sounded

"Since your company, until now, has not given a positive answer regarding the night of the bib, Han Yedong's ticket fraud, and various chaos within the bib, then I will stay with you until the end! You are right, I am just a star! But behind me is Ahri!"

"Originally, because of Ah Li, I didn’t want to make things too tense, but because of this phone call and this matter, I, Ye Ran, can tell you now that if the stock price does not fall by 10% in the next few days, , I quit the entertainment industry!"

After saying this, Ye Ran hung up the phone directly!

That's it!

He doesn't have any worries anymore.

"Qingrou, help me contact the major live broadcast platforms. I want to broadcast this press conference live on the entire network!"

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