Chapter 150: Support from the entire network! The boss is furious! 【3/5! New book please subscribe! 】

Retire from the entertainment industry indefinitely!

The whole place was in an uproar, and everyone was so shocked that they were speechless.

In this world, if an artist says he wants to quit the entertainment industry indefinitely, he must quit the entertainment industry. It doesn't mean you say a few words and then come back after half a year.

This kind of joke is not allowed, even if you are Ahri's pillar, you can't say this.

What you say must be done.

So in the eyes of everyone, Ye Ran's words.

What domineering words.

You know, in the second half of this year, there is a saying that no matter how popular you are, you can't be more popular than Ye Ran.

Hero ranks first at the box office in Mainland China! For the first time, it ranked seventh in the total box office of Hanguo! No. 8 in total box office in Japan!

The last day of Chongzhen! The online drama has exceeded one billion views, became popular in the cold country, and was selected as one of the top ten classic movies in the cold country!

The Legend of the Demon Cat plays Li Bai and becomes the first person in the ancient style circle!

Legend of the Han Dynasty, playing Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, has attracted praise from countless veteran actors!

The youngest person to debut and the fastest to win the Best Actor Award at the Chinese Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards!

Three major countries jointly produced a blockbuster, and the last emperor specially selected the protagonist!

Adidas spokesperson for Chinese style, one piece of clothing sold for 8.7 billion!

One of the protagonists of the New Three Kingdoms!

Any honor can make a person a quasi-A-list star.

And these honors all belong to Ye Ran alone. The scary thing is that all of these happened in the second half of the year.

Not to mention that the fire was a complete mess.

The influence is also extremely terrifying.

You need acting skills, good looks, and temperament.

If such an actor chooses to quit the entertainment industry, he will simply bet his future.

If nothing unexpected happens, Ye Ran is very likely to become the number one brother in the Chinese entertainment industry. His future prospects will definitely not be described as simply a few hundred million or billions.

But for such a person, now he dares to say such words. At this moment, even a fool will understand that Ye Ran has not swiped his votes.

Because what Ye Ran said was to require the disclosure of scarf data, not to say that I did not swipe the votes. If I did, I would quit the entertainment industry.

Just let you make the data public.

All of a sudden, the scarf was cornered.

The current situation is simple.

If the scarf does not disclose the data, there is no doubt that there is something wrong with your scarf.

Because Ye Ran has forced you to a dead end, and he is using his own future as a bet. Why don't you dare to take it out if you don't have any worries?

Although there are many people eating melon, at this moment, all the comments follow Ye Ran's words.

It’s starting to get one-sided!

"Damn, that’s so domineering!"

"A real man dares to gamble with his own future"

"Six six six! This time I directly sided with Ye Ran!"

"Just for those words from a man, I stand by Ye Ran."

"To be honest, I am a fan of Han Yedong. I never believed that Han Yedong cheated on votes at first. Although the data is indeed a bit strange, Ye Ran said this. If Han Yedong didn't say this, I would directly side with Ye Ran."

"fear! Just bet on the future!"

"This time the scarf is half as cold!"

"Sorry, I take back what I said before. Ye Ran's words can at least make the bib fall by ten limits. Of course, the premise is that the bib's public data shows that it is indeed Ye Ran who swiped the votes!"

"Damn it! The scarf stock I bought yesterday is cool! Take action quickly!"

"Fortunately, I watched the live broadcast in advance, so I will throw away my scarf stock now!"

"I wish you a cool scarf in advance!"

On the Internet, countless barrages have completely taken sides with Ye Ran.

Not for anything else, but mainly because Ye Ran dared to say such things, which is enough to prove that Ye Ran definitely did not swipe the votes, and it was Han Yedong who swiped the votes.

If that is the case. , then this time the scarf will suffer a great impact on credibility.

Even if the scarf apologizes now, it will be unlucky.

Sometimes, although the public trust is invisible, Ye Ran left after the press conference.

At the same time, Li Ye watched all this in shock.

He was watching Ye Ran's press conference in real time.

He never thought that Ah Li would cut off all cooperation with Bibo for Ye Ran's sake!

After that, Li Ye regained his senses, because Ye Ran was easy to bully, but Ah Li was not easy to bully.

But what frightened Li Ye the most was that Ye Ran didn't leave any room for him.

He wanted to quit the entertainment industry, thus forcing the bib into a desperate situation!

An irreversible situation!

Li Ye was completely panicked.

In fact, his original idea was to use his own methods to make Ye Ran suffer.

Let's talk after we finish the pain.

In this case, everyone will take a step back and everything will be fine.

But what I didn't expect was that Ye Ran came up so hard? Bang bang!

There was a knock on the door, and it was the director of the data team.

With a woman

"Come in!"

Li Ye spoke, and the latter immediately walked in.

As soon as he walked in, Li Ye directly threw the documents on the table at this woman.

"Are you a fool? In order to help Han Yedong, you directly used the background data to help him change the number of votes. Are you crazy?"

Li Ye roared, his anger vented at this moment.

"I!"The latter was stunned, lowered his head and shivered, his face was pale and pale.

"Mr. Li, calm down!"

The director spoke, but Li Ye threw out another document, slapped the director of the data group in the face and cursed:"You are also a pig, you will recruit everyone to the company, you two are useless, you, I tell you, you modify it You can't hide the data anymore. Prepare to go to jail!"

Li Ye shouted loudly.

The latter was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and cried loudly:"I don't want to go to jail, I don't want to go to jail, Mr. Li, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was so confused at that time, please , Mr. Li, I was wrong!"

The woman knelt on the ground and cried loudly. How did she know that it would cause such a serious thing.

She was just obsessed for a moment, mainly because Han Yedong agreed to have dinner with her, so she lost herself and did such a wrong thing.

However, Just then.

A phone rang.

It was the boss!

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