Chapter 160: He has been saying goodbye all his life! Be a prisoner of the Forbidden City! 【3/5, new book please subscribe】

"Mr. Ye Ran! This is the script, please read it. Bertolucci took the script and handed it to Ye Ran.

The latter took the script, and then Bertolucci said:"Mr. Ye Ran, you must read this script in the next two days. When the time comes, I will come and have a discussion with you. I hope you are not just like Pu Yi. What I hope more is that when filming the movie, you are Pu Yi, so I hope you can truly understand this character!"

Bertolucci said seriously.

It can be heard that Bertolucci's meaning is very simple. He hopes that Ye Ran will not only perform the image of Pu Yi, but more importantly, perform the god of Pu Yi!

This is a very difficult thing. thing, but if the performance comes, then it is extremely valuable for a movie

"OK, Mr. Bertolucci!"Ye Ran nodded.

He took over the script, and then Bertolucci left. He was going to start filming Pu Yi when he was young. That role had nothing to do with Ye Ran.

After taking over the script, Ye Ran directly used the third stage function

"Ding, it is detected that the host has the script of The Last Emperor. Do you want to enter the script world?"


Ye Ran said

"Ding, we are entering the script world, countdown!"






As the last sound sounded, Ye Ran's consciousness blurred and disappeared.


"According to the decree of the Empress Dowager Cixi, Aixinjueluo Puyi, the son of Prince Zaifeng who declared her love for Chun, entered the palace."

As a voice sounded.

Puyi looked at all this with curious eyes. He forgot everything, and even mentally he was just a three-year-old child.

So Puyi didn't understand what this meant.

Puyi didn't understand yet, he just didn't understand anything.

It was a dark day, and a strong wind blew. Puyi was sitting in a sedan chair, saying goodbye to his mother. Fear, fear, and strangeness came over him, and he cried, but no one cared about Puyi, except his nurse who felt sorry for him.

Pu Yi cried loudly, but stopped crying.

In the early morning, the palace seemed deserted, and it was extremely quiet, with an air of despair.

But then he looked at it all. Understand that this palace in the hearts of countless people is the prison of his life.

Soon, Puyi walked into a hall and saw an old person. She called herself Lafayette and said something that Puyi didn't know. If you understand it, if you don't understand it, she suddenly coughed and everyone looked a little scared.

"Little Puyi."

Lafayette's voice sounded very weak.

Puyi looked over.

The latter's voice sounded slowly.

"I will make you the successor emperor and inherit the throne of the Qing Dynasty. You will become the emperor."

Her voice was calm, but after saying the last word, she stopped talking.

Finally, a person came up and stuffed a black bead into her mouth, and then someone came up and gave her a piece of white cloth on her face.

Pu Yi Not sure what happened, he just watched it all quietly and remembered it all in his mind.

In this way, he became the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Time passed by. One thing after another.

In the second year of Xuantong, the general came to Beijing and there was turmoil. In the third year of Xuantong, the Qing court was in a panic. In 1912, Empress Dowager Longyu issued an edict to abdicate. Pu Yi knew that he was being controlled like a puppet. Standing in front of a newly built wall, Pu Yi looked at the eunuchs behind him, full of curiosity.

"Why is there a wall here?"

No one answered.

But Puyi understood that this wall was to isolate himself from the outside world.

He was like a prisoner, a prisoner in the Forbidden City.

What he said about the emperor was just to make it sound nicer.

In 1919, a man named Johnston People came to teach Puyi and became the emperor's teacher. Puyi learned a lot and absorbed new things.

Time flies, and everything passes quickly. 1964. Puyi stood at the entrance of the Forbidden City. It was already 4:30 in the afternoon. Puyi bought a ticket. At dusk , a faint golden light fell on the entire Forbidden City. Peaceful. It was like returning to that moment. Everything was extremely quiet. Soon , Pu Yi came to the main hall and looked at the dragon chair quietly. He has become a lot crooked and haggard, and has aged a lot. He looks back at this life quietly.

"Don't go up there!"

A childish voice sounded, breaking the tranquility here.

A child came over

"who are you?"

Pu Yi asked slowly, with a gentle smile on his face.

"I'm the guard's kid and I'm not allowed up here."

The child said.

But Puyi chuckled and said:"I used to live here, that's where I sat. he said with a smile, showing off to a child

"Who are you?"

The child asked curiously

"I am the last emperor of China."

Pu Yi said with a smile.

"What proof do you use?"

The child asked.

At that moment, Puyi walked up with a smile on his face. He came to the dragon chair and slowly sat down.

Then he waved his hand and asked the child to come over.

Then Puyi took out something from the dragon chair. Coming to the child,

Puyi wiped it and handed it to the child. Then he opened it and a cricket jumped out again. Go up.

With a smile on his face, he watched the sunset set little by little.

"I have been saying goodbye all my life. I am just a prisoner of the Forbidden City."

He sighed with emotion, the smile on his face not diminishing.

Then everything quieted down at this moment.

Everything disappeared!

------ open one's eyes.

Ye Ran watched all this quietly.

Everything in my mind is about Puyi's life.

The last emperor of China.

A turning point of an era.

The entrance to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Ye Ran let out a long sigh, he was deeply touched.


This unfortunate and fortunate emperor!

He was also the last emperor of China.

And just like that, a few days passed.

Bertolucci is here.

The purpose of his coming here is actually very simple. In fact, he just wants to see if Ye Ran can go deep into the plot and understand Pu Yi.

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